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Science Foundation Ireland Ireland: The Celtic Tiger and R&D

Science Foundation Ireland Ireland: The Celtic Tiger and R&D. The National Foundation for Excellence in Scientific Research. The “Celtic Tiger” Economy Ireland’s Economic Growth. Average Annual % Real GDP Growth. Source: OECD Economic Outlook. The Irish Economy. 1990 2003

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Science Foundation Ireland Ireland: The Celtic Tiger and R&D

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  1. Science Foundation Ireland • Ireland: The Celtic Tiger and R&D a new foundation for science The National Foundation for Excellence in Scientific Research

  2. The “Celtic Tiger” EconomyIreland’s Economic Growth Average Annual % Real GDP Growth a new foundation for science Source: OECDEconomic Outlook

  3. The Irish Economy 1990 2003 GDP €m 36,312 137,867 GDP per capita € 10,357 35,197 Merchandise exports 18B 81B Total Debt GDP 96.4% 33% Total Labour Force 1.3M 1.9M Inflation 3.4% 3.5% Unemployment 12.9% 4.8% a new foundation for science

  4. The “Celtic Tiger Economy”Success in the 90’s: Why? • Public policy e.g. Education • Corporate tax • People, skills, costs • US boom, IT growth, EU Single Market • Performance of Irish managers • Flexibility, agility, creativity a new foundation for science

  5. Ireland’s urgency to create a knowledge base • Competition in low cost manufacturing • Little research infrastructure • Little industrial research • Small population and science base • Little tradition of partnership a new foundation for science

  6. Government Strategy:The Celtic Tiger in R&D? • Move Ireland up value chain: research- and innovation-driven economy • Attract, Grow R&D activities within Ireland • Broaden the activities of MNCs within Ireland • Be supportive of indigenous SMEs, start-ups SFI is a key component in this strategy • build research excellence & and human capital • foster academic-industry collaboration a new foundation for science

  7. Science Foundation Ireland:A Brief History of SFI • Technology Foresight Report – April 1999 • Focus on ICT & Biotechnology • SFI launched – July 2000 €646M from Dept of Enterprise, Trade & Employment • Director General appointed 2001 • SFI becomes statutory body, summer 2003 a new foundation for science

  8. Irish & SFI Imperatives • Build top quality R&D teams • Attract and build industrial research • Build on tradition of entrepreneurship • Create culture of partnership • Inter-university • University-industry Maintain momentum of growth a new foundation for science

  9. SFI Actions to build & brand Irish R&D • Invest in best people & best ideas • Principal Investigator Award ~ €250k-€1M (4 years) • President of Ireland Young Researcher Award ~€1M (5 years) • Women in Science Career Advancement Awards • Import leading scientists • SFI Research Professorships ~€2.5M (5 years) • Create centres of critical mass • Centres for Science, Engineering & Technology (CSET) ~ €25M (5 years) • Establish International Partnerships • Walton Visitor Award; Conferences & Workshops • University-Industry Partnerships • Centres for Science, Engineering & Technology (CSETs) • Industry Research Partnership Supplements ~€50k /year • And ALL SFI programs a new foundation for science

  10. Some examples a new foundation for science

  11. Principal Investigator GrantThe Photonic Systems Group • World-renowned research team of four PIs led by Dr. David Cotter • Team was formerly based at the Corning Research Centre (formerly BT Labs, 2000) • Partnership with the Tyndall Institute “SFI contintues to seek out opportunities like this that bring together Ireland’s outstanding researchers with other first-rate researchers from around the world” - Bill Harris, SFI Director General a new foundation for science

  12. Industry Research Partnership Supplements: • Collaborative projects • Directly related to & enhance existing peer-reviewed projects • Normally up to €50k (for PhD or post doc) Siemens & RCSI • Prof. Jochen Prehn Computational analysis of signalling networks during apoptotic nerve cell death • Dr Denis Shields Chemopeptidomics: Computer linkage of human proteome-derived short peptides with non-peptide drugs • Dr Gerard Cagney Systems and algorithms for protein identification and quantification Examples: a new foundation for science

  13. Investigator Programme:Industry collaborative partnerships Wyeth Medica, Archport, Amersham & DCU €4 million SFI investment over four years Professor Martin Clynes: Gene Expression Profiles of Cultured Animal Cells for Improved Biopharmaceutical Production Processes Wyeth Research & UCD €7.2 million SFI investment over four years Prof Ciaran Regan (with UCD and TCD collaborators): Applied Neurotherapeutics Research Group Examples: a new foundation for science

  14. Research ProfessorshipsA recruitment tool • Outstanding researchers with distinguished international reputations • Urgency about recruitment • Awards normally up to €2.5M over 5 years Examples: Prof. Luke Lee Research Title: Programme in BioMEMS Home Institute:University of California, Berkley, USA Prof. William Harrison Research Title: Supporting Service-Oriented Software Development Home Institute: IBM Thomas J. Watson Laboratories a new foundation for science

  15. ETS Walton Visitor AwardsIn honour of Ireland’s 1951 Nobel Laureate in physics • Bringing International researchers from academia and industry to Ireland for periods of 3-12 months • Strengthening Ireland’s connections to the international research community • Enhancing Ireland’s reputation & culture as home of first-class research • Fostering recruitment of excellent undergraduates, graduate students & post-docs a new foundation for science

  16. ETS Walton Visitor Awards Examples: Prof. Jack Dongarra Research Title: High-Level Programming Models & Tools for Grid Computing Home Institute: University of Tennessee, USA Prof. Peter Wellstead Research Title: Control as a Systems Technology for Technology Development Home Institute: UMIST, UK Dr. Christopher Fuchs Research Title: Quantum Information Theory Home Institute: Bell Labs, Murray Hill, New Jersey, USA a new foundation for science

  17. CSETs - Centres for Science, Engineering, & TechnologyCampus-Industry Partnerships • SFI funding: up to €25 M (€5m/yr), over 5 yrs, renewable • True centre: whole greater than sum of parts, synergy… • Partnerships with industry: 20% cost share (particularly people) Real intellectual partnerships • Strategically important to Ireland Inc.: advancing BioT and ICT • Research excellence: potential to be best in world – “edge” • Outstanding Director • Important Education & Outreach component a new foundation for science

  18. Biotechnology Centres Alimentary Pharmabiotic Centre Director: Prof Fergus Shanahan Web:apc.ucc.ie Centre for Future Diagnostics & Health Director: Prof Brian MacCraith • Regenerative Medicine Institute • Director: Prof Timothy O’Brien • Web:remedi.nuig.ie a new foundation for science

  19. ICT Centres Digital Enterprise Research Institute Director: Dieter Fensel Web:www.deri.ie • Centre for Research on Adaptive • Nanostructures & Nanodevices • Director: John Pethica • Web: www.crann.tcd.ie Irish Software Engineering Centre Director: Prof. Kevin Ryan Web: www.iserc.ie ISERC a new foundation for science

  20. CTVR ICT Centres continued In cooperation with IDA Ireland: Centre for Telecommunications Value-Chain-Driven Research Director: Donal O’Mahony Web:ctvr.tcd.ie a new foundation for science

  21. STARs Education & OutreachThe next generation of Irish Scientists • Outreach Activities at SFI Research Centres • Speakers for Schools • STARs: Science Teacher Assistant Researchers • UREKA: Undergraduate research experience awards a new foundation for science • SFI Junior Scholarships: Young Women in Science

  22. www.sfi.ie email info@sfi.ie tel +353 1 607 3200 SFI email alerts are concise, text-based emails that give you the latest SFI information and links, such as when a new Call For Proposals is made or an SFI press release is issued. To subscribe simply email alerts@sfi.ie with 'subscribe' in the subject line a new foundation for science

  23. BiotechInvestments (€170M)Areas of Expertise, Intrinsic Strengths Systems Biology Agri-Food 9% 12% 16% Cell Biology Medical Devices 35% 8% Immunology 4% 16% Microbiology NeuroScience a new foundation for science

  24. ICTInvestments (€230M)Areas of Expertise, Intrinsic Strengths a new foundation for science

  25. ICTInvestments (€230M) cont’dAreas of Expertise, Intrinsic Strengths a new foundation for science

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