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User Acceptance Test Introduction to Execution Sessions. August. September. June. July. UAT Introduction to Execution Sessions. ITC3/UAT Schedule Overview. Integration Test Cycle 3 (ITC3). ITC3 End 15-AUG. User Acceptance Test (UAT). UAT End 11-SEP. Sign-off. t. 02. 09. 16. 23.
August September June July UAT Introduction to Execution Sessions ITC3/UAT Schedule Overview Integration Test Cycle 3 (ITC3) ITC3 End 15-AUG User Acceptance Test (UAT) UAT End 11-SEP Sign-off t 02 09 16 23 30 07 14 21 28 04 11 18 25 01 08 15 year 2003 02
August September June July UAT Introduction to Execution Sessions ITC3 Schedule 09-JUN Integration Test Cycle 3 (ITC3) ITC3 End 15-AUG BMEX Base Maintenance) 15-AUG Other MRO 23-JUL SCM (Supply Chain ) 28-JUL t 02 09 16 23 30 07 14 21 28 04 11 18 25 01 08 15 year 2003 02
August September June July UAT Introduction to Execution Sessions UAT Schedule 23-JUN BMEX (Base Maintenance) 11-SEP 25-JUN OtherMRO, Reports, CFS, ... 11-SEP 01-JUL Authorization 30-JUL 21-JUL Initial Provisioning 18-AUG UAT End 11-SEP User Acceptance Test (UAT) Sign-off t 02 09 16 23 30 07 14 21 28 04 11 18 25 01 08 15 year 2003 02
UAT Introduction to Execution Sessions Execution Procedure 1/2 • UAT tested by Users - observed by Consultants • Expected time every test day: 09:15 - 17:00 hrs • Feedback session between users & consultants at the end of each scenario • UAT scenario starts on successful completion / resolution of "go live critical" errors of respective ITC3 scenario (if applicable) • When ITC3 script is ready for UAT Dave Chen / Gary D. will inform UAT Mgr's by mail (for BMEX an entire logical A/C package has to be "ready") • \\\enterprise\Testing\ITC3_UAT_June2003\UAT\UAT-Planning\ UAT Detail-Plan-1.0.mpp - for schedule • Use of Test Workbench for identifying tests & recording of "ok" and "nok" results • \\\enterprise\Testing\ITC3_UAT_June2003\UAT\TestWorkbench\*.*
UAT Introduction to Execution Sessions Execution Procedure 2/2 • TWB Identifiers ("Component" declaration for Problem Messages) under "Basis": BMEX = BC-SRV (Basis Services) OtherMRO = BC-UPG (Upgrade-General) Authorization = BC-RRR (Ready to Run R/3) IP = BC-AII (Application Integration Infrastructure) • Attachment to Error Notifications (for example for screen shots) • Error log XLS - download & maintenance - every evening after testing • TWB and Error log XLS have to be in sync (ex. red light = not resolved error in XLS) • Sign-off on successful completion of UAT scripts & "conditional sign-off" (if "not go live critical"-errors from ITC3 are still "in process") • After sign-off: 2 hard copies of each sign-off sheet to Jo. Rupp, original to Sunny • Daily UAT Meeting in the morning 10:00am ERP Office 6th floor of the next day, Attendants req'd: Rachid, Gary D. or Andrew B, Sunny, HungYee, Jo. Rupp: to discuss: - Errors of previous day and its dispatching, i.e. processing of Error log XLS - Follow up of error resolution Refer also to KickOff PPT, UAT Resource PPT: for time line, file locations, ...
UAT Introduction to Execution Sessions ITC3 / UAT Error Resolution Process
Enterprise Directory BUILD PHASE Functional Spec (FSDs) BSSs DESIGN PHASE IPDMs TESTING ITC3_UAT_June2003 ITC3 ITC3 Planning ITC3 Detail-Plan-1.0-28May03 ITC3-TestScope-1.0-28May03 ITC3 Scripts To be used in ITC3 Updated Scripts(before ITC3) To be used in UAT UAT Updated Scripts(after ITC3) UAT Planning UAT Detail-Plan-1.0 UAT-Testscope-1.0 ITC3/UAT File Locations on Enterprise Directory
UAT Introduction to Execution Sessions Troubleshooting • Decide: - what can be done via eMail (i.e. not critical) - what needs immediate assistance • Testworkbench (TWB): Birgit Dragonat 6548-1141 +49 - 173 - 30 90 007 • General things SIA side: Sunny 6541-5023 9639 - 5958 Hung Yee 6548-1166 9862 - 2432 • Consulting side: see: "Contact List June 2003.xls" Jo. Rupp 6548-1141 9623 - 3005 Rachid Medkouri 6548-1141 9054 - 9013
UAT Introduction to Execution Sessions Questions "Let's make it work ..."