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Destinations covered at 10 days Rajasthan Motorbike Tour

Loved to tour on Motorbike? Brahmand Tour Is offering Rajasthan Motorbike Tour for 10 Days. Get all the best Destinations Covered in 10 Days in our Rajasthan Motorbike Tour. Visit now.<br><br>https://www.brahmandtour.com/rural-rajasthan-motorcycle-tour-14-nights-15-days/

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Destinations covered at 10 days Rajasthan Motorbike Tour

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  1. Destinations Covered at 10Days Rajasthan Motorbike Tour

  2. Jaipur Thecityofpinkitiscelebrated asaplaceofculture&history. Theforts,historicallandmarksandgardens,museums temples,marketplaces,andmanyothersareamongthe mainlandmarksinJaipur. Itisawe-inspiringtoseeitsarchitecture,aswellaslearn abouttheoldtalesofMaharajas. Theartifactscanbeseenthoroughlysoakedinthe presentdayofthecityrepresentingthepast.

  3. Udaipur The splendor of its imposing fort, glory of the various palacesandhavelisandbazaarsallamongstabackdrop of lakes makes it one of the foremost chosen destinationinRajasthan. Thebeautifulandmagnificentlakesarethesoul ofUdaipurandactasamajortouristattraction. Thescenicbackdropofshimmeringlakes embodiestheessenceofcharminthiscity. MustvisitlakesareFatehsagarLake,Lake Pichola,BadiLakeandUdaiSagarLake

  4. Pushkar With a background of dry hills and specs of green standsthesmallcityofPushkar.Buildingslocated one top of another makes the city all the more alluring. Ithostsoneofthebiggestcamelfairsinthe country. People from all over the world cometoexploreandenjoysightsofthe PushkarLakefromthesmallghats. PilgrimsofferprayerstoBrahmaatthe templeinPushkar,whichistheonly templeofBrahmainthecountry.

  5. Mewar Mewar, sometimes known as Mewad, is a region in Rajasthan's south- centralareaItincludesthepresent-dayRajasthandistrictsofBhilwara, Chittorgarh,Pratapgarh. TheMewarfestival,held everyyearinthemonth ofMarch-April,canbe splitintodistinctbut integralpartsi.e. ReligiousandCultural. Numerous rivers and their tributries flow through the land of mewarandchangethe landscape around these parts to verdent scapes.

  6. RanthamboreNational Park A sanctuary consisting of dense forests & grassyterrain,Ranthamboreisabeautiful locationtoobserveandexplorewildlife. Ranthamboreisknownforitslargetigerpopulation. Duringthepastfewyears,therehasbeenadeclinein thetigerpopulationinRanthambhoreduetopoaching andotherreasons. Otheranimalsthatcanalsobefound hereareslothbears,chitals,hyenas, wild boars, sambars, nilgai and leopards.

  7. Chittorgarh Thecityresidesbeneathitsmagnificent fortwhichtrulyshowcasesadvance architectureandgoodworkofstones. Chittorgarh Fort has a great history behind itself, the fort has witnessed manybattles.Ifyouhavetime,you shoulddefinitelyvisititaseveryfortin Rajasthanhasuniquenessofitsown. IthasVictoryTowerwhichis90feet highandtherearepondsandtemples whichenhancethebeautyofthisfort.

  8. Kumbhalgarh Kumbhalgarh is famous for its magnificentmonuments,royalchhatris and glorious palaces. The place is vibrantwithgreensandblues. TheKumbhalgarhFortwithitsintricatelycarved temples and superb artistry is one of the strongestfortressesinthecountry. Therearemorethan360templesinsidethefort, out of which 300 are ancient Jain temples and the others are Hindu shrines. Though several additionsweremadetothefortbytherulersof Mewar over the years, the original structure existsevennow.

  9. Jodhpur Jodhpurisknownasthesuncitymay be because the rulers of the Marwar were sun worshippers and also becausethecityenjoysbrightsunall throughtheyear. Jodhpur was founded in the year 1459 by Rao Jodhaandthecityearneditsnameafterhim.The second largest city in the state of Rajasthan is dividedintooldcityandnewcity. The city is famous for its magnificent forts and palaces.Itisalsocalledthebluecitybecauseof theshadesofbluethehouseshasbeenpainted in.

  10. Bundi Bundi is a city in the Hadoti region of Rajasthan stateinnorthwestIndiaandcapitaloftheformer princelystateofrajputanaagency. BunditheerstwhilecapitalofHadaRajput,isoneof thegloriousplacesofheritage.Bundiisalsoknown as City of Stepwalls, blue city and also as Chotti Kashi. Driving in to Bundi from the train station, throughroadswilldepictthedrydustylands ofRajasthan.Theawe-struckingarchitecture anddesignoffortsisequallybreathtakingin thiscity.

  11. Kothari'sPatwonki Haveli PatwonKiHavelistandsoutdueto itsunusualandwonderfuldesign. Havelies were once the residences of many eminent royalcourtmembersorwealthy merchants. Invagueterms,havelisareroyal mansions. and this one is colored in a beautiful golden color.

  12. Our Rajasthan Motorbike Tour Package We can provide a tour of all these places to you with our Rajasthan Motorbike Tour Package. Rural Rajasthan motorcycle tour for 15 days will cover the major destinations of the state as Mandawa, Pokhran, Jaisalmer, Mount Abu, Jodhpur, Udaipur, Kumbhalgarh, Pushkar, Jaipur, Bharatpur & Agra. Take the Rajasthan motorbike trip and explore the most colourful state of India as every city has its own character and is distinguished by its colour.

  13. ThankYou! +91-9560022171 brahmandtour@gmail.com

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