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Concept Mapping. Beitrag zur Individualisierung des Lernens Wilfried Nagl Walter Steinkogler. Keywords exercise – describing words.
Concept Mapping Beitrag zur Individualisierung des Lernens Wilfried Nagl Walter Steinkogler
Keywords exercise – describing words • - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - -. Casually - - - - , - - - - - - - - - ornamental - -, - yellow – gaily marked, - - - -, - - - alongside - - - perpendicularly. - - - - - - - - - - , - - - - - - - - - -, young – attractive. - - - - - - - - - - - - , - - - - - - - - - beneath - -.
Keywords exercise – no verbs & nouns • The – he – in this - - to a - - - - . Through a – of this - -the – between – and - . Casually – over the - , - - - down the – before him an ornamental --, - yellow and gaily marked, - by two - , a - - alongside – a - perpendicularly. The - - - with - - and - - , and on the – of the whole – a - , young and attractive. - - not – the – for more than half a - , when the - - - to a – just beneath his - .
Keywords exercise – plus all the verbs • The – he was in this - sloped to a - called - - . Through a – of this – ran the – between – and - . Casually glancing over the - , - saw coming down the – before him an ornamental - -, painted yellow and gaily marked, drawn by two - , a - walking alongside bearing a - perpendicularly. The - was laden with - - and - - , and on the – of the whole sat a - , young and attractive. - had not beheld the – for more than half a - , when the - was brought to a – just beneath his - .
Keywords exercise – plus all the nouns • The field he was in this morning sloped to a ridge called NorcombeHill. Through a spur of this hill ran the highway between Emminster and Chalk-Newton . Casually glancing over the hedge , Oak saw coming down the incline before him an ornamental spring waggon, painted yellow and gaily marked, drawn by two horses, a waggoner walking alongside bearing a whip perpendicularly. The waggon was laden with household goods and window plants , and on the apex of the whole sat a woman, young and attractive. Gabriel had not beheld the sight for more than half a minute, when the vehicle was brought to a standstill just beneath his eyes. (From Far from the Madding Crowd by Thomas Hardy)
Keywords exercise – plus all the nouns field - - - - morning - - - ridge - NorcombeHill. - - spur - - hill - - highway - Emminster - Chalk-Newton . - - - - hedge , Oak - - - - incline - - - - spring waggon, - - - - -, - - - horses, - waggoner - - - - whip -. - waggon - - - household goods - window plants , - - - apex - - - - - woman, - - -. Gabriel - - - - sight - - - - - minute, - - vehicle - - - - standstill - - - eyes. (From Far from the Madding Crowd by Thomas Hardy)
Note taking technique • Total number of words: 109 • Number of nouns: 27 • Nouns: denote things, carry the information • Verbs: denote activities • Adjectives: describe what things look like
Keywords – the „right“ words • Try hard to reduce the number of keywords! • In a learning map use • EVERY level of language • ALL kinds of information, such as symbols, pictures, colours …
The battlefield of ideas • Creativity – stimulated by chaos and disorder, fun and relaxed atmosphere • Brainstorming => the flow of random ideas without restrictions of any kind • When do you get your BEST IDEAS? • At school? At work? At a meeting? • In the bath, jogging, driving, cooking … • Talking to other people, group work …
Learning maps • Thinking process – chaotic & confusing • Linear note taking – logical format • Learning map – natural thinking process, leap of thoughts • Add information at the right place • => map of possibilities • Logical thinking for structure
Definition "concept maps" • concept maps sind grafische Darstellungen, die die Struktur und die Beziehungen zwischen Begriffen auf einer Ebene zeigen und verbal in Bezug setzen. Im Unterschied zu mindmaps ermöglichen concept maps die Darstellung von Netzen, in denen Begriffe in vielfältigen Beziehungen stehen.
Concept Map / Beispiel 1 / CMap Tools http://cmap.ihmc.us/conceptmap.html Trend bei CM-Software: online und kooperativ
KISS – keep it simple and stupid • CMap Tools • einfach und schnell zu bedienen • Begriffe können mit Dateien jeden Formats verlinkt werden • dadurch entstehen unkompliziert schnell individuelle Wissenslandkarten
Konkretisierung • Einsatz im Lernprozess • individuell (Einzelarbeit) oder kooperativ (Partner- bzw. Gruppenarbeit) • Brainstorming, z.B. am Beginn eines Themas • Konzeption von Projekten • Dokumentation von Ergebnissen von Reflexions- und Diskussionsphasen • Präsentation / Diskussion
Konkretisierung / Beispiel 1 • Brainstorming, z.B. am Beginn eines Themas
Konkretisierung / Beispiel 2 Projektarbeit
Konkretisierung / Beispiel 2 Projektarbeit"Computer course for old people"
Danke für Eure Aufmerksamkeit! • Kontakt • wilfried.nagl@lsr-ooe.gv.at • walter.steinkogler@schule.at