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Status Enterprise System Overview

Status Enterprise System Overview. What is Status Enterprise?. Status is an HMI/SCADA system with live and historical data, trending, alarming, web and mobile support, and asset management capabilities on an advanced OPC UA Architecture. HMI – Human Machine Interface

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Status Enterprise System Overview

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  1. Status EnterpriseSystem Overview

  2. What is Status Enterprise? Status is an HMI/SCADA system with live and historical data, trending, alarming, web and mobile support, and asset management capabilities on an advanced OPC UA Architecture. HMI – Human Machine Interface SCADA – Supervisory Control and Data Access

  3. Status Enterprise Server Key Functions • Windows Service • OPC UA Server • Data Model Definition • Document Repository • History Status Server

  4. Status Enterprise Server Data Model Asset • Types and Properties • Assets • Logging Configurations • Alarm Configuration • History • Roles and User Accounts • Documents History Status Server

  5. Status Enterprise Server OPC Unified Architecture (OPC UA) OPC UA Standard • Services Oriented Architecture (SOA) • Multi Platform (C, Java, .NET) • Scalable • Secure • Big Datagrams Status Server OPC UA Server 470 Members - Almost All Top Process Control and Instrumentation Companies * ISA 95 Friendly

  6. Status Enterprise Server OPC Unified Architecture (OPC UA) Status Enterprise Client Applications OPC UA Status Server OPC UA Server * ISA 95 Friendly

  7. Status Enterprise Server OPC Unified Architecture (OPC UA) Enterprise Applications • Supply Chain • Project Management • Finance/Accounting • Human Resources • Customer Relationship • Manufacturing • Workflow • Custom Applications OPC UA Status Server * ISA 95 Friendly

  8. Status Enterprise Server Summary • OPC UA Server • Houses the Data Model • Provides Real Time and Historical Data • Hosts Alarming, Workflow and Historical Data Access • Serves Mimics to Windows and Web clients • SQL Server or SQLite Database • ISA 95 Compatible

  9. Data Data Model Overview Status Server Manual Input Motor 3 OPC Server/PLC Asset Tag - MOT-90783 Calculations - Workflow Model – RV-3545G Enterprise Apps Graphics Bound to Data Model

  10. Data Model Designer Creating Types and Assets Status Server OPC UA Data Model is designed for the system being monitored

  11. Data Model Designer Creating Types and Assets • Designs the Type System • Creates Assets • Configures data logging, user accounts, workflow and alarms • Add Documents • Data Mapping

  12. Creating HMI ApplicationsHuman Machine Interface

  13. Creating HMI ApplicationsDesign Basics Publish Data Model with properties to bind to Controls for data binding Data Binding Toolbox

  14. 2 Graphic Design Applications • Powerful Modern Graphics Designer with hundreds of controls • Point and Click Data Binding to your Data Model Mimic Designer • Design once for Windows Client or HTML 5 enabled device • Zero Deployment • Mimic stored in the database as part of your data model • Mimic Reuse Application Designer • Design a Windows Client Application with Visual Basic or C# code behind • Extremely extensible • Windows Client

  15. Mimic Designer Object Model Binding Status Server OPC UA Graphics bound to the data model not PLC/OPC Server or source of the data

  16. Mimic Designer Document Storage Mimic Screens are stored in the Data Model at the Status Server Status Server OPC UA

  17. Application Designer Bindable Objects Same design experience and controls as Mimic Designer Status Server OPC UA

  18. Application Designer Document Storage Screens and code behind compiled into a .NET assembly Compile C#

  19. Viewing your Mimics and Data Model Browser, Windows, Web and Mobile Devices

  20. Model BrowserNo Mimics Required

  21. Windows Thick ClientStatus Client

  22. Status Enterprise GatewayHTML 5 Compatible Browsers • HTML 5 Enabled Devices including iPad and iPhone • Firefox, Internet Explorer, Opera Safari, and Chrome iPhone Desktop Browser iPad

  23. Status Enterprise Gateway Architecture HTML 5 Browsers 011001010100100100100100101001001001000010101010 Web Socket HTML 5 Transport of Mimics and Live Data OPC UA 011001010100100100100100101001001001000010101010 Status Server

  24. Updating the Data Model PLC – OPC Servers Data Mapping Line2/Motor 3/RPM = B2:009 Status Data Connector Service Read Asset OPC UA OPC UA OPC DA PLC RPM B2:009 Status Server OPC UA or DA Server

  25. Updating the Data Model Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) Data Mapping Line2/Motor 3/Rating = Query Status Data Connector Service Read OPC UA Rating Query ODBC Database Status Server

  26. Updating the Data Model Chaining Status Enterprise Servers Data Mapping Line2/Motor 3/Efficiency = Efficiency Status Data Connector Service Read OPC UA OPC UA Status Enterprise Server #2 Efficiency Data Model Efficiency Status Server Status Server

  27. Updating the Data Model Custom Data Source Data Mapping Line2/Tank 2/Fill Level = Fill Level Status Data Connector Service Read Custom Data Source Tank #2 OPC UA ??? Data Model Line 1 Line 2 Tank 1 Tank 2 Fill Level Fill Level Efficiency Fill Level Sensor Status Server

  28. Updating the Data Model Custom Data Source Data Mapping Stuff 2/Thing 2/Value = Value Status Data Connector Service Read Custom Data Source OPC UA ??? Data Model Stuff 1 Stuff 2 Thing 1 Thing 2 Value Commercial Data Value Value Status Server

  29. Updating the Data Model Custom Application via OPC UA API Custom Application OPC UA API OPC UA Rating Status Server

  30. Updating the Data Model Custom Application via Status Object Model API Custom Application Status Object Model API OPC UA Rating Easy access to Data Model using Status Object Model for .NET Clients Status Server

  31. Status Enterprise Components Summary • Status Enterprise Server • Data Model Designer • Mimic and Application Designer • Windows Runtime • Model Browser • Web Gateway • Data Connector Server • Status Object Model • Database Utilities

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