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Week Fourteen Agenda

Week Fourteen Agenda. Announcements Final Exam True/False -100 questions (worth 1 point each) Multiple Choice - 40 questions (worth 2 points each) Essay -10 questions (worth 2 point each)

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Week Fourteen Agenda

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  1. Week Fourteen Agenda Announcements Final Exam True/False -100 questions (worth 1 point each) Multiple Choice - 40 questions (worth 2 points each) Essay -10 questions (worth 2 point each) If there are problems associated with the administration of the exam, call me at 614.519.5853 and be persistent.

  2. Week Fourteen Agenda Announcements After tonight’s open source presentations, I will review questions from the final exam.

  3. Week Fourteen Agenda Week Fourteen Open Source Presenters December 8, 2011 Sean Grisez - Portable Apps Eric Neiford - WInDirStat

  4. Week Fourteen Agenda Announcements Last week the Student Learning Center was informed that I wanted to update the final exam to clarify or delete questions that pertained to the /etc/inittab file and kill –l command. Kate informed me that the other online class had already distributed exams early because of students taking the exam early. The course of action will be to review the questions tonight during our Franklin Live session and to give everyone credit that misses the questions on the exam.

  5. Week Fourteen Agenda Final Exam Questions When a child process ends, a SIGCHLD signal is sent to the parent process from the kernel indicating their child exited (True). When a child process ends, the kernel sends a SIGCHLD signal to the parent. If the parent responses immediately with a wait () system call, all memory and resources allocated to the process are de-allocated (True). To remove a zombie process from a system, the kernel sends a SIGHUB signal to the parent process (False). The /etc/inittab file contains a list of run levels that can be used during the boot process. Would the initdefault run level variable also be found in the /etc/inittab file (True)?

  6. Week Fourteen Agenda Final Exam Questions The wait action keyword used in the /etc/inittab file to executed when a specific run level is entered for an action (True). The respawn action keyword used in the /etc/inittab file will re-start a process whenever it terminates indefinitely (True). When the system run level is changed, any running processes that are not specified for the new run level are killed. The unwanted processes are first sent a SIGTERM signal, then a SIGKILL signal (True).

  7. Week Fourteen Agenda Questions and Issues

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