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Since patients have different teeth patterns, a nightguard is custom-made. It alsou00a0Prevent the Formation of Plaques. There are many more benefits of it, so read hereu00a0some benefits of wearing Night Guard.
Anightguard is a retainer-likeplastic piece thatcanbe hard or soft. It covers the biting surfaces andcan beworn on either thebottom ortop set of teeth. Sincepatientshavedifferentteethpatterns,anightguardiscustom-made foreachpatientby moldingittofityourteethwithouttheriskofbeinguncomfortableorunnecessarilybulky. Hereare some benefitsof wearingNight Guardby Dentist Countryside Dr: Preventthe FormationofPlaques
Contrary topopular belief,a sports mouth guard isnot the same as one designed topreventteeth grinding.A sports mouthguard will do more harmthan good. It coversthe teethandgums toprotect themfromtrauma.At night, wearing a sportsmouthguard keeps bacteria on the gum surfacesince saliva cannot reach the gums. Salivaneutralizesacidsthatcausecavitiesandwashesawayfoodparticles,preventingplaque development. To avoid damaging yourteeth, it is advised that you consult an oral hygiene professional while lookingfor anightguard.Keepin mindthatcertainnightguards haveholes for salivaaccess. So a dentist will pick the best design for you depending onyour teeth. Over-the-counter Over-the-counter nightguards are available at drug shops; they are pre-molded to fitany mouth. Additionally, they provide boil-and-bite nightguards that must be softened in hot water for a better fit. Unfortunately, prolonged usage of such devices causes your bite to move, as they are not custom-made for your teeth’ form. Custom-made Because they are made from an impression of your teeth, they are more personalized. A dentist willcustom-makeanightguardforyouutilizingadvancedmaterialsandtechniques.Withproper care and upkeep, they maysurvive for years. ConsiderThisChoosingaNightguard
Because anightguard can beworn on either the top or bottom set of teeth, you may question which is the best option for you. Severalfactors to consider when making that option include: Comfort Uncomfortable nightguards are unlikely to be worn inyour mouthsince you will hatewearing them;hence, they will be ineffective. Bear in mind that you will be sleeping with agadget in your mouth; hence, comfortshould bea priority.If you unintentionallygrind your teeth during theday, youshould gofora lower mouthguard. It is lessnoticeable, and youmost likely donot want to draw attentionto yourself. Additionally, if you have a sensitivegag reflex, a lowernightguard might be appropriate. However, an uppernightguard istypically moreobtrusivethana lowernightguard due toits size andmass. ConditionoftheTeeth The condition ofyour teethshould playa roleindeterminingthe bestnightguard foryou. Because acustom-made nightguard is created using an impression of your teeth, you should pick a pair that does not have an excessive number of missing or crooked teeth. This will ensure a better fit. The5MostImportantReasons toWearaNightguard PreventDamagetoTeeth Dueto the fact that teeth grinding happenswhile you are notin control, moreenamel is destroyed. Degradation of enamel increases sensitivity. As a result, your mouth may struggle with hot orcold liquids orfoods. Without enamel,teeth aremore prone todecay. Infections can arise when decaypenetrates the tooth’s hard enamel.
Teeth grindingcan fractureteeth andwear outfillings. Thesurface of the teeth can sustain the pressure of chewing and biting, but not that of clenching and grinding. As a result, the tooth fractures.Aside from the pain, youwill need tosee a dentistfor treatment. While your dentist may be able to fix acavity, you may need crowns, root canals, or toothextractions. Teeth canbe replaced with bridges or implants. PreventsDisorder of the Temporomandibular Joint The TMJ connects the jaw to the skull and controls the chewing muscles. Sleep clenching puts pressure on theTMJ, causingmisalignment. TMJdysfunction iscaused by misplacedTMJ joints. The sickness causes difficultychewing, painin theear, andsometimesheadaches. For TMJ treatment in Bramptoncontactus. You alsoriskirreversibledamagetothearticulardisk,including diskdisplacement.Yourjaw may suddenly lock open or close,prompting an ER visit. Wearinga nightguard helps avoid the condition by relievingmuscular strain. HowtoAvoidChronicHeadaches Migraines andchronic neckdiscomfort areoftenthefirst indicatorsof suspectedbruxism. Strainsin the neck, shoulders,mouth, and jaw generate headaches. But before you assume you have bruxism,makesure yourheadaches arecaused by teethgrinding andclenching. Examine the surface of theteeth;if theyare flattenedrather thansharp, you probablygrind your teeth at night. Examine your gums and bones for signs of clenchingsuch as gum and bone recession. A custom-fittednightguardrelieves headachesbyreducing muscularstress. SeekProfessionalDentistCountrysideDr Unless you see a Dentist Countryside Dr who can diagnose you with bruxism, it’s difficult to determinewhether yourheadaches, toothsensitivity, orTMJ arecaused byteeth grindingand
clenching throughoutthe night.Additionally, dentistsprescribe a custom-made nightguard, which is impossible to obtain without the assistance oforalhygiene professional. Bramcountry Dental: The bestDentist CountrysideDrprovides a comprehensive varietyof dentaltreatments,includinggeneraldentistry,restorativedentistry,orthodontics,andcosmetic dentistry. Our staff will determine if you require a nightguard and will address any oral concerns you may haveata reasonable rate. To makean appointment, contactus now.