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gCube and SDMX: D4Science contribution to OpenSDMX

gCube and SDMX: D4Science contribution to OpenSDMX. D4Science, OpenSDMX , Banca d’Italia FAO, Rome 25 January 2011. Pasquale Pagano Pasquale.pagano@isti.cnr.it. www.d4science.eu. Outline. D4Science-II Overview. Operate the D4Science Ecosystem. Heterogeneous resources

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gCube and SDMX: D4Science contribution to OpenSDMX

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  1. gCube and SDMX: D4Science contribution to OpenSDMX D4Science, OpenSDMX, Bancad’Italia FAO, Rome 25 January 2011 Pasquale Pagano Pasquale.pagano@isti.cnr.it www.d4science.eu

  2. Outline

  3. D4Science-II Overview Operate the D4Science Ecosystem • Heterogeneous resources • Heterogeneous computational platforms • Rich set of legacy applications • Multiple administrative domains • Evolving communities D4SCIENCE INFRASTRUCTURE DRIVER Portal Group B GENESI-DR Group C Group C FAO Geonetwork Group A FAO FIGIS AquaMaps INSPIRE Cloud Grid

  4. D4Science-II overview From a testbed to a production ecosystem Oct .’04 Nov.’07 Jan.’08 Oct .’09 Dec.’09 Sept.’11 Nov.’11 Apr.’14

  5. gCube identity: the starting point gCube Open Platform • gCube is physically distributed across • Libraries • Services • import, collect, store, index, transform, search, describe, manage, and annotate data. • .. • .. • .. • .. • .. • .. • .. • .. • .. • server-side libraries, client-side libraries, plugins Portlets • interactive components, mediators • Designed for working at large scale • over wide-area links and across administrative domains • to cope with the computational demands • can be easily deployed in a single site

  6. gCube identity: the starting point gCube Software License: EUPL

  7. Virtual Research Environment Facilities A virtual desktop to organize the working environment Workspace • gCube Facilities Species Maps Generation Tools supporting specific tasks Time Series Management A virtual live document to describe research results Report Management Search Annotation Visualisation Storage Transformation Search Annotation Visualisation Storage Transformation Search Annotation Visualisation Storage Transformation …

  8. Time Series Management • Offers a set of tools to manage capture statistics • Supports the complete TS lifecycle • Supports validation, curation, and analysis • Provides support for data reallocation • Produces uniform data-set gCube Facilities

  9. Time Series • Offers a set of tools to operate on capture statistics • Multiple key families support • Filtering, grouping, and aggregation • Union • Mining • Produce automatically provenance information • gCube Facilities

  10. The Agreement • gCube and OpenSDMX: CodeList Manager

  11. The Status • Implemented • To be released today • To be tested and evaluated new week • To be deployed the 3rd week of September • To be packaged and distributed in OpenSDMX by the end of September • gCube and OpenSDMX: CodeList Manager • Still in development • … • To be packaged and distributed in OpenSDMX by the end of October

  12. The Status • gCube and OpenSDMX: CodeList Manager <<artifact>> gCube TS framework

  13. Preview • gCube and OpenSDMX: CodeList Manager

  14. Conclusions • gCube System: • Stable software being improved over the last 6 years • Powerful Ecosystem management system equipped with advanced infrastructure management functionality • gCube offers a variety of patterns, tools, and solutions • to delivery interoperability solutions and interconnect • to decrease the cost of adoption • to reduce the time to market of new ideas • to deal with plethora of standards • The gCube and OpenSDMX marriage will be officially supported by iMarine for 30 months.

  15. Find us • www.gcube-system.org www.d4science.eu Pasquale Pagano D4Science-II Technical Director pasquale.pagano@isti.cnr.it Thank You For Your Attention

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