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HTML. Markup language - controls appearance and content of a document. <html> </html>. Javascripts. <head> </head>. <script> </script>. Various HTML tags. <body> </body>. <img /> <form> </form>. 1. Requests html page (URL). 2. retrieves page. server.
HTML Markup language - controls appearance and content of a document <html> </html> Javascripts <head> </head> <script> </script> Various HTML tags <body> </body> <img /> <form> </form>
1. Requests html page (URL) 2. retrieves page server client 3. sends page to client Files on server Apache Tomcat Server 4. browser interprets html tags & displays page Typical html Request/Response cycle
HTML TAGS Spacing <br> Grouping Tags <p> paragraph <pre> pre-formatted <xmp> ignored Layout & Appearance <h1> Headings <font> Fontcontrol <table> precise layout Content <img src = --- image Interconnection <a href = --- hyperlink
Communication tags <form> --- </form> Forms <input type = text > <input type = submit > <input type = button > <textarea > ---- </textarea>
Spacing <br> Forces content to skip to next line Blanks and new lines are squeezed to one blank by browser * - create blanks with this symbol Block elements start on new line tables, headings Inline elements Stay on same line text, images Character entities - http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/sgml/entities.html#h-24.1
Grouping Tags <p> paragraph - looks like paragraph <pre> pre-formatted - contents unchanged <xmp> ignored - Html tags are visible
Image Tag attributes image file Image dimension in pixels <img src = "us.gif" width = 100 height = 80 style = "float:left" /> Style attribute "property:value" - - left justifies image & floats text around image Space image is in parent directory src = "..\us.gif" image on Internet src = "http://www.google.com/images/hp0.gif"
Tables <table> </table> <tr> </tr> <td> contents </td> <td> contents </td> <td> contents </td> <tr> </tr>
Table attributes Border size in pixels Aligns table in browser Attribute value pairs Border's color <table border = 3 bordercolor = "red" align = "center' width = 70% style="font-size:15" bgcolor = "tan" > Table as percent of browser Style attribute "property:value" - affects text background color for table
table cells can contain anything Including other tables <td> <img src="montana.gif" /> </td> font tag can also control text in cells <td> <font > size=40 color="blue" bye </font> </td>
Attribute Precedence Rules Rule applies to entire table overrides table rule in this row <table style="font-size:15" > <tr style="font-size:100" > .... </tr> overrides row rule in this cell <td style="font-size:55" > Cat </td> <td> ... </td> governed by row <tr> .... </tr> governed by table
Text Appearance: <font attribute & values > --- </font> Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) are preferred way to control styles and fonts. Deprecated * <font > size=40 color="blue" bye </font> "0000FF" "#00 00 FF Red-Green-Blue [RGB] Representation Pairs of hexadecimal digits: 0 - F red green blue font tag NOT supported in XHTML
Interconnection <a href = --- hyperlink linked file is loaded when description is clicked hyperlinked file </a> <a href = "file.html" > Description of link file anywhere on Internet href = "http://www.google.com/index.html" file in another directory on same computer href = "../../Dir-A/Dir-B/another.html" ../ Dir-A ../ Dir-B Current-file another.html
User enters data. HTML Forms Browser sends data to server. Server program processes data. Form Input fields name age Triggers transmission of data to server submit
Communication tags <form> --- </form> Forms <input type = text /> <input type = submit /> <input type = button /> <textarea > ---- </textarea>
Your name Hello <input type = text ... / > name used to refer to element input field Initial contents Your name <input type="text" name="charlie" size=30 value ="Hello" /> <input type = password ... / >
<input type = submit ... / > Label on button Triggers transmission of field data to server <input type = "submit" value = "Buy our stuff" /> type = button No transmission to server – but can trigger script
<textarea attr = val > contents </textarea> Dimensions of text area <textarea Element can be referred to by name rows=10 cols=36 static font assignment name="bert" Static font color style="font-size:25" style="color:'red' " background color style="background:'lime' '" > style=property:value Contents go here. </textarea>
<form attr = val > --- </form> attribute=value pairs go here <form Method = GET Action = "abc.jsp" name = "bert" > <input name="v1" type="text" /> <textarea name="v2" > ---- </textarea> <input type = submit /> </form>
<form Method = GET Action = "abc.jsp" name = "bert" > <input name="v1" type="text" /> <textarea name="v2" > ---- </textarea> <input type = submit /> </form> Query string sent to server on submit http://where.com/......abc.jsp ? v1=data-entered&v2=data-entered Query String Form-script.html
<form Method = GET Action = "abc.jsp" name = "bert" > --- </form> In-line scripts <input name="v1" value = "none" onmouseover = "value = 'Hello' ; style.background='red' " onmouseout = "value = 'whoops' ; style.background='pink' " onfocus = "value= 'Bye' " onblur = "value = none' " /> cursor selects input field v1 Enclosed in " " Separated by ; Multiple event conditions when de-select v1 This can be done for other tags too. Form-script.html
Javascript object oriented notation dynamic style event-condition = " " style . property = value ; style . property = value static style style = "property : value ; property : value " HTML notation Single quotes
<form Method = GET Action = "abc.jsp" name = "bert" > <input name="v1" /> <textarea name="v2" > ---- </textarea> <input type = submit /> </form> Referring to elements with Qualified Names USA Jersey Newark NJIT ... Refer to v1 as: document .bert .v1 .value Html document object Name of parent element (form) where v1 Lives Name of variable Value entered in field v1
<form Method = GET Action = "abc.jsp" name = "bert" > <input name="v1" value = "Hello" /> --- </form> Make event on another tag change this value Event-condition=action <img src ="us.gif" onmouseover = "document .bert .v1 .value = 'Bye' " /> mouseover on image changes v1's value refers to v1's value changes v1 to 'Bye' v1's qualified name Enclosed in " " Using Qualified Names combine01.html
Menu variable name - one of 3 possible values <select name = "tone" > <option value = "blue" > Blue </option> <option value = "tan" > Tan </option> <option value = "red" > Red </option> </select> see Menu00.html
Event triggered - when different option selected Action: pops-up tone's value <select name= "tone" onchange= "alert ( tone.value)" > <option value = "blue" > Blue </option> <option value = "tan" > Tan </option> <option value = "red" > Red </option> </select> Menu actions value of selected color
Subtle syntax differences HTML Javascript style="background:'tan' "style.background='tan' style="font-size:28 "style.fontSize=28 style="color:'tan' "style.color='tan'
Menu actions static attribute assignment dynamic attribute assignment dynamic attribute assignment <select name= "tone" style=" background: 'yellow' " ; onchange= " alert( tone.value) style.background=tone.value " > <option value = "blue" > Blue </option> <option value = "tan" > Tan </option> <option value = "red" > Red </option> </select> set background to selected value see Menu01.html
window URL location hyperlink value loaded <select name= "tone" onchange= " window.location = tone.value " > <option value = "http://www.google.com" > Google </option> <option value = "http://www.yahoo.com" > Yahoo </option> <option value = "http://www.dogpile.com" > Dogpile </option> </select> Hyperlink value see Menu04.html
<form Method = GET Action = "abc.jsp" name = "bert" > <input name="v1" value = "Hello" /> <input name="v2" value = "" /> v2 v2 + v1 (onclick) <input type = button* value="press" onclick= " document.bert.v2.value = document.bert.v2.value + ' ' + document.bert.v1.value" /> </form> concatenated with v1's value v2's current value and stored in v2 A submit would reset fields. combine01.html
Changing HTML attributes Event-condition = "action" To redirect <img src document .imageTagName .src = new source file To reset field's value document .formName .fieldName .value = new value To reset style's value document .formName .fieldName .style .background = 'red' attribute property value To reset Menu option style document .formName .menuName .options[selectedIndex] .style .background = '...'
Event Precedence Rules Event Sequence: table alert <table onclick="alert ('Table')" > Event Sequence: row, table alert <tr onclick="alert ('Row')" > <td onclick="alert ('Cell')" > ... </td> <td> ... </td> </tr> Event Sequence: cell, row, table alert <tr> ...</tr> </table> Note – include large cellspacing & cellpadding to reveal effects. See Table-event-priority.html
Select one of the preset values Radio buttons <form> <br> <input type=radio name="v1" value ="Hello" /> Greet <br> <input type=radio name="v1" value ="Goodbye" checked /> Leave <br> <input type=submit value ="press" /> </form> Sends selected value v1 radioButtons.html
select severalpreset values Checkboxes <form> <br> <input type=checkbox name="v1" value ="L1" /> Milk <br> <input type=checkbox name="v2" value ="L2" checked /> Eggs <br> <input type=checkbox /> name="v3" value ="L3" Cheese <br> <input type=submit /> </form> multiple variables sent checkboxForm.html
images dir images dir Alaska.gif Alabama.gif etc x.html menu x.html Menu event Alaska Alabama Arkansas img Redirect image menu How do you do this ?