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The Confidence to Publish

The Confidence to Publish. Ray L. Frost. Alternative title:. Hints on how to write papers!!!. Publishing is like riding a push bike !. The more you do it the better you get Once you have had 3 papers published you are away That’s what gives you the confidence to publish.

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The Confidence to Publish

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  1. The Confidence to Publish Ray L. Frost

  2. Alternative title: Hints on how to write papers!!!

  3. Publishing is like riding a push bike! • The more you do it the better you get • Once you have had 3 papers published • you are away • That’s what gives you the confidence to publish

  4. Tackling criticism • There is no such thing as rejection of a manuscript • You must be persistent • Take the criticism. Move on

  5. Why?????????? • We live in a capitalistic society • Publishers have to make money • How: they publish journals • The journals get all the papers for FREE • Have you ever thought about this process?? • This is why you WILL publish • And why you will be successful!!!!

  6. Publishing(this is what I tellmystudents) You can be the worlds greatest scientist??? but if you don’t tell somebody about it no one will know!! The work is not complete until the work is written up.

  7. What are the Australian Requirements for a PhD 3 papers One published One in press One under Review

  8. So what makes one PhD different from another The quality of the papers How measured? Impact factors!! Or ERA (excellence of research in Australia) The number of papers

  9. Personal Philosophy • The 1:10:100 rule: • For every hour spent in the lab, • 10 hours is required working up the data, • and 100 hours planning and writing it up. • The best chemistry is done sitting at a desk. • This is the difference between of a “good” and a “not so good” student. • Is this the difference between researchers?

  10. Objectives of Research • Researchers must have well defined objectives. • The research must be focused. • The research needs to produce results. • The results must be new, novel and different to anything that has been previously published. • Eg “UsingLDHstoremovetoxicanionsfromdrinkingwater” • Eg “Adsorption of trichlorophenolonorganoclays”

  11. Templates • Make templates according to the journals in which you wish to submit papers. • References • Headings • Figures • Always READ the ‘instructions to authors’ before submitting the paper. • Know the names of the editors of the journal.

  12. QUALITY • Manuscripts MUST be • Picture perfect • Error free

  13. Writing Resources SCIFINDER ENDNOTE Web of Science QUT eprints

  14. QUT-eprints • Top 50 Authors • Ordered by total downloads. Yearly total includes downloads from 2009-08-30 to 2010-08-30. • Rank Author YearTotal • 1 Frost, Ray21988201972 • 2 Skitmore, Martin25854201284 • 3 Ferreira, Luis13274132657 • 4 Worthington, Andrew13823131804 • 5 Courtney, Mary19193128371

  15. Why Publish?? • Challenging • Its fun • Legacy for others

  16. H index • Citation Report Author=(FROST RL) • Timespan=All Years. Databases=SCI-EXPANDED, A&HCI, SSCI. • This report reflects citations to source items indexed within Web of Science. Perform a Cited Reference Search to include citations to items not indexed within Web of Science. • Results found: 700 Sum of the Times Cited [?] : 8,810View Citing ArticlesView without self-citations • Average Citations per Item [?] : 12.60 h-index [?] : 42

  17. Update on h-index Oct 2010 • The latest 20 years are displayed.View a graph with all years. • Results found: 745 Sum of the Times Cited [?] : 9,699 View Citing ArticlesView without self-citations • Average Citations per Item [?] : 13.02 h-index [?] : 44

  18. Impact Factors (IF) • Check the impact factors of journals. • Only submit papers to journals with high impact factors. • Study how the IF of journals have changed over the last five years. • Is the IF going up or down or stationary?

  19. Impact Factor Ladder • Start with the highest IF journal • Nature • Science • JACS • The Journal of Physical Chemistry • Work your way down the IF ladder, until the paper finds its appropriate level. • NEVERNEVER ever quit. • Remember publishers are out to make money, they can only make money if they sell journals. To sell a journal you must have something to publish.

  20. Some IDEAS • Make a plan of potential papers. • Write more than one paper at a time. • Collaborate with colleagues. • Interstate and overseas • 4 researchers writing 10 papers each per annum with 3 other collaborators doing the same = 40 papers per year.

  21. More IDEAS • Plan publications around: • Individual researchers • Student projects • Makestudentswritepapers • Encourage the students to write as much as they can.

  22. Productivity • Establish an area of research where multiple papers are possible. • Several areas of related research • Do not have only one area of research. • Study processes as opposed to individual items • Organoclays and adsorption • Layered double hydroxides • Mineral structure • Nanofibres, nanomaterials

  23. Tactics • If a journal rejects a manuscript: • Don’t worry about it • Be relaxed, be calm, cool and collected • Incorporate the suggestions made by the reviewers into the paper and send it somewhere else. • Using endnote allows for the formatting of the manuscript to be changed instantaneously.

  24. What about authorship? Whose name goes first? Students name goes first-supervisors go LAST What about being second author? How about author swapping?

  25. How to improve productivity???? • Students • Colleagues • Collaboration • RAs

  26. ESSENTIALS for Publishing • Be patient: • Be prepared to wait for the reviewers comments and decision. • Ensure the English is of the highest quality before submission. • Be willing to review papers for journals. • Never publish anything in a journal that hasn’t been refereed. • Only use international journals

  27. Students and RAs • Always put the students name first. • Always include anyone who has contributed to the paper. • Always acknowledge funding agencies: • The university • Industrial sponsors • In the case of employing RA’s, in my view, your name goes first.

  28. Encouragement to write JUST go for it! Never ever give up. If rejected, submit to another journal. Never stop writing and always have the next papers in motion. Allocate specific times for writing. Be disciplined, have a routine.

  29. Update Oct 2010

  30. Update Oct 2010

  31. Conclusions It is not a matter of luck. It is a simple matter of effort. The rewards do come, but it takes time.

  32. Many thanks

  33. Any Questions???????????

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