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Introducing Unfolding Petri nets

Introducing Unfolding Petri nets. LIS 창원대학교 이종근. theory. ?. practice. theoretical. experimental. The theoretician: “Who needs practice? Let’s go home to maths!”. idealised. pragmatic. Mathematics study interesting, consistent structures. Engineering build practicable,

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Introducing Unfolding Petri nets

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Introducing Unfolding Petri nets LIS 창원대학교 이종근

  2. theory ? practice theoretical experimental The theoretician: “Who needs practice? Let’s go home to maths!” idealised pragmatic Mathematics study interesting, consistent structures Engineering build practicable, useful structures ComputerScience ?? Christopher Strachey: “.. the separation of practical and theoretical work is artificial and injurious.” Carl Adam Petri: “Computing as a science could be modelled after physics” Frederick P. Brooks, Jr.: "The scientist builds in order to study, the engineer studies in order to build" Frederick P. Brooks, Jr.: “The computer “scientist” as toolsmith” Physics predict & measure “real world” structures

  3. 자동제어시스템 (CDB 2033) 패트리 넽 변형연구 (transformation) Reduction Composition unfolding simplifi

  4. 강의방법: 강의식 발표 세미나 과제 강의 시간: 토요일 (오전 09:00-12:00) 강의 장소: 32420 (컴공과 세미나실) 강의자료: 강의노트: 홈페이지 참조 http://sarim.changwon.ac.kr/~jklee 교재: 자체 편집 논문집 Petri nets:Properties,Analysis and Application, T.Murada (Proceed. IEEE) 연락처 : 이종근 055-279-7420 Mail: jklee@sarim.changwon.ac.kr 강의방법

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