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WORLDWIDE SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM A S A PRECONDITION FOR LIFE IN THE STATE OF CHANGE AND RISK. Leslaw Michnowski www.psl.org.pl/kte Co-founder of Sustainable Development Information Society Forum – Poland. Member of:
Leslaw Michnowski www.psl.org.pl/kte Co-founder of Sustainable Development Information Society Forum – Poland. Member of: - Committee for Futures Studies "Poland 2000 Plus" Polish Academy of Sciences; - the Polish Association for the Club of Rome; - the Polish delegation for World Summit on Information Society – Tunis, 2005. Chairman of Sustainable Development Creators’ Club - Poland,
Nowadays, the main problems:How to live in the State of Change and Risk?How to develop ICT for life in above state?
In the State of Change and Risk:- very high rate of changes in life-conditions, - big inertia of societies, economy and management, - lack of full knowledge about complex (including future) effects of human activity (in chaotic world).
In the State of Change and Riska necessity of:-anticipation of changes in life-conditions and - “feedforward” adaptation forms of life to approaching new life-conditions
In the State of Change and Risk- the main cause of the global ecosystem degradation is rapidly pacing moral degradation (out-datedness) of existing forms of life - not fitted to new rapidly emergence life-conditions
The more scientific-technology progress -the more moral degradation, as well as more human labor- wisdom intellectual creativity – is needed for life and development
Nowadays, quite new life-conditions:environment has lost ability to recovery by itself.Instead of “growth at the cost of (socio-natural) environment”we need: - “development together with environment” and - wisdom based society.
Main cause of global crisis:World society and its economy is not fitted to life in the State of Change and Risk.
To overcome global crisis we have to shape (with help of ICT): - farsightedness, - flexibility, and - ability of reserves creation, as well as - possibility of basing policy on common interest value system
Instead of social-Darwinism (and “structural” unemployment) we need Ecohumanistic Intellectual Evolution – pre-selection in virtual realityaided bypopular wisdom
In cybernetics approach:no limits to WISDOM based growth and sustainable development
The basic premise : i = B(n,q)1/swhere: i - is the level of information (Wiener, 1971) – conceptual measure of level of development (and organization, as well as quality) of life-system; s - is the level of entropy as well as the level of development - reserves of life-system;n - is the number of its elements; q - is quality of elements of life system, andB(n,q) - some function connected with quantity and quality of system elements.
Sustainable developmentof the world society is essential to avoid global catastrophe (environmental, world war for access to deficit resources, clash of civilizations)
For sustainable development we need to combine: - economic development,- social development, and - environmental protection,in short- and long-term perspective
To achieve sustainable development we need to implement - sustained economic growth,- fair globalization, - elimination of unemployment and “digital divide”, as well as- other UN Goals.
To avoid global catastrophe we must create (as rapidly as possible – China,India!!!) information foundations of: - SD(sustainable development)- policy, and - SD-economy, as well as - large-scale flexible automation.
We have to build WORLD-WIDE, COMMONLY ACCESSIBLE, SD-INFORMATION SYSTEMfor:- comprehensive monitoring,- far-sighted forecasting, and- measurable evaluation,of policy, economy, work, and other changes effects in life-conditions of human-beings and nature in general.
World SD-Information System (of systems) would be: - net and grid type - continuously under development, and - builded in multi stage way (based on G. Nadler „ideal” method)
As a next task we ought to build WORLDWIDE FLEXIBLE AUTOMATION SYSTEM
These tasks ought to be preceded by international research, which will describe conditions for creationthe information foundations of SD-policy and SD-economy - i.e. the ways of ICT development for life in the State of Change and Risk.
Effects of above research would be presented during three international conferences of the International forum on a wisdom-based global information society – towards sustainable development of the world society
Conference I: Information efficiency and warning forecasting as preconditions of SD-policy and SD-economy (2007)Main tasks:1. How to get politicians and societies access to knowledge about complex (and future) effects of current policy?2. How to combine existing forecasting systems and projects (i.a. Meadows’s-Forrester, T. Utsumi, GEOSS) in World-wide SD-Information System.3. How to get access to dates and knowledge that are necessary for warning forecasting?4. How to transform national and regional statistical offices (e.g. EUROSTAT)into offices for statistic and warning forecasting,
Conference II: Computer simulation methods for SD-economy (2009)Main tasks:1. How to build information bases of SD-economy.2. How to make possible complex accounting of benefits and cost of socio-economic activity (including natural and social - human components).3. How to make possible dividing effects of social process of work proportionally to ecosocially usefulness of individual and/or collective work.
Conference III: Flexible automation as important agent of sustainable development (2011)Main tasks:1. How to aid, by automation, in elimination of rapidly emergence dangers.2. How to aid fighting with negative effects of moral degradation of forms of life?3. How to accelerate other science-technology progress that is essential for sustainable development?4. How to decrease ecological costs of distant transportation?
We will appreciate subsidy for the first stage above research and Conference I of this complex, international project
Realization of above proposals is especially essential for: - INTERNALIZING EXTERNALITIES, -DECOUPLING (the range of economic growth from the range of deficit natural resources depletion growth and degradation of environment);- COUPLING (the economic growth with social development, including popular quality of lifegrowth).
Without realization of above proposals it isimpossible to:- avoid global catastrophe, as well as - implement UN Goals
This Summit (WSIS) (…) must push forward the outcome of the (2005) World Summit (…) It must lead to information and communications technologies being used in new ways, which will bring new benefits to all social classes. (…) The hurdle here is more political than financial.From STATEMENT BY H. E. MR. KOFI ANNANTHE SECRETARY-GENERAL OF THE UNITED NATIONSWSIS, Tunis, 16 November 2005