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Maine ACEP proposes an educational program for emergency physicians to address the issue of patient prescription drug abuse. The program aims to increase awareness, enrollment in monitoring programs, and share pain management policies and protocols.
"Managing Difficult Issues Regarding Patient Prescription Drug Abuse: An Educational Program for Emergency Physicians" Maine ACEP Chapter Grant Project Coordinator Michael Gibbs and Tamas Peredy, MD
Program Description • Maine ACEP proposes to hold five three-hour educational programs for Maine’s emergency physicians on the issue of patient diversion of drugs for street use over the course of the 18-month grant period in 2009/2010 at various rural locations across the state. • Objectives • 1. Increase clinician awareness of the issues surrounding opioid misuse including risk of oligoanalgesia, factors that may identify high risk patients and rights and responsibilities of law enforcement reporting. • 2. Increase enrollment in the Maine’s Electronic Web-based Prescription Monitoring Program. • 3. Share evidence-based Pain Management Policies and Protocols.
Conference Speakers • Maine ACEP • Michael Gibbs, MD, FACEP Tamas Peredy, MD, FACEP • Maine Medical Association • Gordon Smith, ESQ, Andrew MacLean, ESQ • Maine OSA/Prescription Monitoring Program • Daniel Eccher, MPH, Stacey Chandler, Anne Rogers, M Ed, • Maine DEA • Officers Chris Gardner, James Pease, Lowell Woodman, Kevin Cashman, Gerry Baril
Special Thanks to • Anna Bragdon • Chapter Executive, MACEP • Maine Medical Center • Hannaford Center for Safety, Innovation and Simulation • Marcella Sorg, PhD • Margaret Chase Smith Policy Center • University of Maine • Scott Kemmerer, MD • Immediate Past President MACEP
Conference Sites • Pilot Programs: • Portland 10/16/2008 • Bangor 3/12/2009 • Augusta/Waterville 3/31/2011 • Orono 4/12/2011 • Lewiston/Auburn 4/21/2011 • Topsham 4/27/2011 • Biddeford 4/28/2011
Department of Medical Education 4 Case scenarios 1) Ankle Fx in chronic pain pt, 2) Forged script with back pain pt, 3) Migraine HA in drug seeker and 4) Dental pain with and without brief assessment Appeared in Scenarios Tamas Peredy, MD Michael Gibbs, MD Shelly Chipman, Todd Dadaleares and Susie Lane Hannaford Center for Safety, Innovation and Simulation
Challenge • Increased dispensation of opioids coupled with changing societal attitudes towards prescription opioids has contributed to our current pandemic of non-medical pain reliever misuse.
Response • To develop a balanced approach to the proper distribution of pain medication to those in need while developing safeguards that reduce the amount of diversion.
General Articles • McLellan AT, Turner B, Prescription Opioids, Overdose Deaths and Physician Responsibility, JAMA, 300(22): 2672-2673. • MacCarberg BH, Balancing Patient Needs and Provider Responsibilities in the use of Opioids, P&T Digest, 32-38, 2006. • Woodcock J, A Difficult Balance – Pain Management, Drug Safety and the FDA, NEJM, 361(22): 2105-2107.
Societies • American College of Emergency Physicians • American Society of Interventional Pain Physicians • International Association for the Study of Pain • American Pain Society • American Academy of Pain Medicine
Oligoanalgesia in the Emergency Department Developed by Michael Gibbs, MD Excerpts from Presentation #1
Human Beings Are Good A Lot Of Them Come To The ED With Pain It Is Our Job To Alleviate Pain & Suffering We Don’t Do A Very Good Job!
Barriers to Adequate Analgesia • Lack of Medical Provider Education • Non-existence of Pain Treatment Quality Management Programs • Lack of ED Pain Treatment Efficacy Studies (including pediatric, geriatric…) • Clinician’s attitudes about addiction, drug-seeking • Opiophobia – safety concerns relative to other modalities • Unappreciated cultural and gender differences in pain reporting • Racial and ethnic stereotyping Rupp T, Inadequate Analgesia in Emergency Medicine, Ann Emerg Med 43(4): 494-503, 2004 Millard WB, Grounding Frequent Flyers, Not Abandoning Them: Drug Seekers in the ED, Ann Emerg Med 49(4): 2007.
ED Patient With “Pain” Prescribe Don't Prescribe Correct Incorrect Correct Incorrect WHAT IS THE COST OF BEING WRONG?
Oligoanalgesia Articles • Todd KH, Samaroo N, Hoffman JR, Ethnicity as a Risk Factor for Inadequate Emergency Department, JAMA, 269: 1537-1539, 1993. • Todd KH, Deaton Cm D’Adamo AP et al, Ethnicity and Analgesic Practice, Ann Emerg Med, 35(1): 11-16, 2000. • Pletcher MJ, Kertesz SG, Kohn MA et al, Trends in opioid prescribing by race/ethnicity for patients seeking care in US emergency departments. JAMA. 299:70-78, 2009. • Jones JS, Johnson K, McNinch M, Age as a Risk Factor for Inadequate Analgesia in the Emergency Department, Am J Emerg Med, 14:157-160, 1996. • Brown JC, Klein EJ, Lewis CW, Emergency Department Analgesia for Fracture Pain, Ann Emerg Med, 42(2): 197-205, 2003. • Rupp T, Delaney KA, Inadequate Analgesia in Emergency Medicine, Ann Emerg Med 43(4): 494-503, 2004. • Alexander J, Manno M, Underuse of Analgesia in Very Young Pediatric Patients with Isolated Painful Injuries Ann Emerg Med, 41(5):617-622, 2003. • Goldman RD, Crum D, Bromberg R et al, Analgesia Administration for Acute Abdominal Pain in the Pediatric Emergency Department, Pedi Emerg Care, 22(1):18-21, 2006. • Pines JM, Hollander JE, Emergency Department Crowding is Associated with Poor Care for Patients with Severe Pain, Ann Emerg Med 51(1): 1-5, 2008. • Decosterd I, Hugli O, Tamches E et al, Oligoanalgesia in the Emergency Department, Ann Emerg Med, 50(4): 462-471, 2007. • Duignan M, Dunn V, Barriers to Pain Management in Emergency Departments, Emerg Nurse, 15(9): 30-34, 2008. • Chan L, Winegard B, Attitudes and Behaviors Associated with Opioid Seeking in the Emergency Department, J Opioid Manage, 3(5): 244-248, 2007.
Pandemic of Prescription Misuse Excerpts from Presentation #2 Developed by Tamas Peredy
Opioid Prescriptions • Overall opioids • 1997 50.7 M grams • 2006 115.3 M grams • 1997-2006 • Methadone ↑1117% • Oxycodone ↑732% • Hydrocodone ↑244% ARCOS
Non-medical Use of Prescription Drugs • NSDUH 2006 • 20.4 M (8.3% population) current illicit drug users • 14.8 M (6%) THC • 7 M (2.8%) Prescription Drugs • 5.2 M pain relievers • 2.4 M cocaine, 1 M hallucinogens 2008
Drug Diversion • Doctor shopping • Wrote fake prescription • Internet pharmacy $4B • Stolen from doctor’s office/pharmacy • Illicit script from Prescriber 80% from one doctor
1. Reported Methods of Obtaining ‘Its nice to share’ those who met definition of dependent/abuser all
Emergency Department Visits • Drug Abuse Warning Network (DAWN) 2005 • 1.3 M visits drug use/misuse • 196,000 visits opioids (↑24% since 2004) • >2/3rds multiple drugs
Suicides are included, and are about 15% of these totals. Maine Maine Medical Examiner’s Office: 429% increase in drug deaths 1997-2006
U.S. Crude Death Rate: Unintentional Drug Overdose 63% Source: NVSS, CDC WONDER, Paulozzi, 2008
Unintentional Poisoning Deaths by Specific Drug TypeUS1999-2005 Paulozzi, LJ. Budnitz, DS. Xi, Y Increasing deaths from opioid analgesics in the United States Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf. 2006 Sep;15(9):628-31
Epidemiology Articles • Paulozzi LJ, Ryan GW, Opioid Analgesics ad Rates of Fatal Drug Poisoning in the US, Am J Prev Med, 31(6): 506-511, 2006. • Bailey JE, Campagna E, Dart RC et al, The Under recognized Toll of Prescription Opioid Abuse on Young Children, Ann Emerg Med, 2008. • Hall AJ, Logan JE, Toblin RL et al, Patterns of Abuse Among Unintentional Pharmaceutical Overdose Fatalities, JAMA, 300(22): 2613-2620, 2008. • McCabe SE, Cranford JA, Boyd CJ et al, Motives, Diversion and Routes of Administration Associated with Non-Medical Use of Prescription Opioids, Addict Behav, 32: 562-575, 2007.
Opioid Addiction TherapyHistory Harrison Narcotic Act 1914 Webb vs. United States 1919 Physicians could not prescribe narcotics for addiction Methadone Treatment for Opioid began 1964 (NYC) Narcotic Addict Treatment Act 1974 Federal Regulation SAMHSA CSAT ~15% addicts in a program, 150,000 participants Drug Addiction Treatment Act Oct 2000 Schedule II, III, IV medications for the detoxification or maintenance of opioid dependency FDA approval buprenorphine (+/- naloxone) Oct 2002 Schedule III drug for detoxification or maintenance of opioid dependency Office-based Opioid Treatment (OBOT) Fudala PJ et al NEJM 2003
Figure 2 Tolerance versus opioid-induced hyperalgesia • Chronic Pain • Tolerance • Hyperalgesia • Dependency (risk of withdrawal) Crofford, L. J.(2010) Adverse effects of chronic opioid therapy for chronic musculoskeletal pain Nat. Rev. Rheumatol. doi:10.1038/nrrheum.2010.24
Methadone Pharmacology Mu agonist, NMDA agonist Usual dosing 60-120 mg/ once per day High dose protocols (Strain, Shinderman) Analgesic action 4-8 hrs Elimination half-life 8-59 hrs Major metabolite EDDP metabolite QT prolongation (Black Box Warning) Krantz Ann Inter Med 2002
Methadone Unintended Deaths Nationally (FDA warning 2006) # scripts ↑700% 1998-2006 Deaths 790 in 1999 → 3849 in 2004 (↑468%) 82% unintentional (most polydrug e.g. benzos) Increase not related to MMTP Locally Vermont 17→79 2001-2006 Shapiro 2007 Maine 23→67 2001-2006 Sorg 2007 *ED visits 41,000 in 2005 ↑659% 1999-2005 Coben JH Am J Prev Med 2006 SAMHSA Substance Abuse Treatment Advisory, Spring 2009 Martin TC Curr Drug Safety 2011
Buprenorphine Pharmacology Partial mu agonist May induce withdrawal in dependent patients High mu affinity Elimination half-life 4-5 hours Analgesic ceiling ~32 mg/day Usual dosing 4-16 mg/day BID Sporer KA Ann Emerg Med 2004
Re-emphasize non-pharmaceutical and non-opioid treatments Do not vary long-acting opioid dosing methadone or fentanyl patch dose Buprenorphine frequency or dose may be increased to q6 or up to 32 mg/day Titrate a short-acting opioid Rapid referral or re-check to reduce quantity dispensed Acute Pain Management in Chronic Pain Patients
Chronic Pain Articles • Savage SS, Kirsch KL, Passik SD, Challenges in Using Opioids to Treat Pain in Persons with Substance Use Disorders, Addict Sci Clin Pract, 4-25, 2008 • Martin TC, Rocque M, Accidental and Non-Accidental Ingestion of Methadone and Buprenorphine in Childhood, Curr Drug Safe, 6(1): 1-5, 2011. • Toombs JD, Kral LA, Methadone Treatment for Pain States, Am Fam Phys, 71(7): 1353-8, 2005. • Wolff K, Characterization of Methadone Overdose, Therapeu Drug Monitor, 24(4): 457-470, 2002. • Fudala PJ, Bridge TP, Herbert S et al, Office-Based Treatment of Opioid Addiction with SL Buprenorphine and Naloxone, NEJM, 349(10): 949-958, 2003. • Berg ML, Idrees U, Ding R et al, Evaluation of the Use of Buprenorphine for Opioid Withdrawal in an Emergency Department, Drug Alco Depend, 2006. • Bell JR, Butler B, Lawrence A et al, Comparing Overdose Mortality Associated with Methadone and Buprenorphine Treatment, Drug Alco Depend, 104: 73-77, 2009. • Sporer KA, Buprenorphine: A Primer for Emergency Physicians, Ann Emerg Med, 43(5): 580-584, 2004.
Maine Prescription Monitoring Program Excerpts from Presentation #3 Developed by Daniel Eccher, MPH
Top Five Rx Drugs of Abuse PMP Data, SFY 2009. According to the Maine Drug Enforcement Agency, these drugs are the top 5 of concern for law enforcement.
How to register as a Requester • Go to: http://www.maine.gov/pmp • Click on “RxSentry Data Requester Forms” link. • Download appropriate Registration Form. • Fill it out, sign it in front of a Notary Public, have them notarize it, and mail it to OSA at the address on the form. Questions: (207) 287-2595
Sub-account User Registration • Go to www.maine.gov/pmp. • Click on “RxSentry Data Requester Forms” link. • Download “Sub-account User Form.” • Fill it out; prescriber signs middle; sub-account user-to-be signs in front of a Notary Public; then, send original form to OSA at address on form.
PMP Articles • Fishman SM, Papazian JS, Gonzalez S et al, Regulating Opioid Prescribing Through Prescription Monitoring Programs, Am Acad Pain Med, 5(3): 309-324, 2004. • Reisman RM, Shenoy PJ, Atherly AJ et al, Prescription Opioid Usage and Abuse Relationships, Subst Abuse Res Treat, 3: 41-51, 2009. • Baehren DF, Marco CA, Droz DE et al, A Statewide Prescription Monitoring Program Affects Emergency Department Prescribing Behaviors, Ann Emerg Med, 56(1): 19-23, 2010. • Todd KH, Pain and Prescription Monitoring Program in the Emergency Department, Ann Emerg Med , 56(1): 24-26, 2010.
ED Pain Management Guidelines Excerpts from Presentation #4 Developed by Tamas Peredy
Chronic Pain Ambulatory Care Guidelines (Universal Precautions) • Evaluation • Risk Assessment • Controlled Substance Prescribing Contract • Prescription Monitoring Program • Drug Education • Addiction (4C’s), Dependency, Tolerance • Adherence monitoring • Pill counts • Urine drug screening
Fundamental Goals ‘Fifth vital sign’ (0-10 scale) JCAHO 2001 One-dimensional Best used to assess therapeutic success Identify cause or causes Objective testing, if needed Therapy may begin simultaneously Treatment Expedience/Titration Individual benefit versus risks (balance) Background: environmental costs ACEP Board of Directors Statement 2009 FSMB Published Statement 2004
Multidisciplinary Treatment Modalities Physical Heat/ice, immobilization, massage, acupuncture Psychobehavioral Relaxation, biofeedback, sleep management, cognitive restructuring Interventional Blocks, stimulators Medications APAP, NSAIDS, topical therapy, Adjuncts, Opioids
ED Pain Metric • Inclusion: • Age range: all • Complaint: pain • Acuity: < 1 week • Exclusion: • Unstable vital signs • Clear indications for emergent transfer to: • L&D, Cath Lab, Operating Room
ED Flow • Triage Evaluation of Pain (PQRST) and implementation of non-pharmacological measures within 15 minutes • Positioning, ice, immobilization • Assess medications, allergies, mental status, respiratory status, circulation and gastrointestinal complaints (nausea, vomiting) • Pain VAS • 1-3 minor • Initiate APAP or NSAID • 4-10 major • Obtain urine specimen • Check PMP • Ask if patient can wait 30 minutes for medications to work? • Yes, give APAP 1g, NSAID ibuprofen 10 mg/kg plus Oxycodone 0.1 mg/kg • Reassess 30 minutes, notify provider • No, give fentanyl 1 mg/kg up to 100 mcg IV • Reassess 10 minutes, notify provider • Provider assessment within 1 hour • Secondary intervention or documentation of exclusion criteria • Complete pain relief, Disingenuous pain, etc.. • Metric • %secondary assessment within 30-60 min • %achieved pain relief 50% or greater
Acute pain 15 minutes Triage Assessment Pain VAS 1-3 Pain VAS 4-10 Contraindications to PO medication No contraindications to PO medication Give APAP 1g and/or Ibuprofen 10 mg/kg Give APAP 1g PO and/or Ibuprofen 10 mg/kg PO Give fentanyl 1 mcg/kg IV 60 minutes 30 minutes PMP check 30 minutes Secondary Assessment: Goal Pain reduction 50% Secondary Assessment: Goal Pain reduction 50% Secondary Assessment: Goal Pain reduction 50% Documentation of outliers
Risk Assessment Tools (screening tools) • ABD Addiction Behavior Checklist • CAGE-AID • COMM Current Opioid Misuse Measure • CRAFFT • Car, relax, alone, forgetfulness, friend tolf you to quit, trouble with law • DIRE • Diagnosis, intractability, risk, efficacy • SISAP Screening Instrument for Substance Abuse PotentialSOAPP • CAGE plus mood, legal problems, personal, friend and family Hx substance abuse, psychological problems, treatment and treatment failure • ORT (opioid risk tool) • Personal and family Hx substance abuse, age, social factors, psychological diseases
Urine Drug Screen • Rarely impacts acute medical care • Opioids (cutoffs, threshold) • Typically detection of codeine, hydrocodone, hydromorphone, morphine, heroin (diacetyl-morphine) • Variable cross reactivity with oxycodone • Special assays required for • Methadone, buprenorphine, oxycodone, fentanyl
Minimum Documentation • Past visits resulting in opioid scripts (recurrence) • Past failures of non-opioid pain relieving treatments • History of drug use including alcohol and tobacco • Past treatment for drug problems • Family situation (including relations with substance abuse) • Outpatient resources (primary care doctor) Vukmir RB, Drug Seeking Behavior, Am J Drug Alco Abuse, 30(3): 551-575, 2004. 125th Maine Legislature First Regular Session LD 1501