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Smoking Among High School Students: Facts and Effects

Learn about the dangers of smoking, including its short-term and long-term effects, cost implications, peer influences, and ways to quit. Discover the impact of secondhand smoke and access resources for more information. Take control of your health and quit smoking today!

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Smoking Among High School Students: Facts and Effects

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  2. What is smoking? Smoking is the inhalation of the smoke of burning tobacco. Three forms: cigarettes, pipes, and cigars. -Cigarette smoke contains over ,chemicals

  3. Tobacco • Tar: black sticky substance used to pave roads • Nicotine: Insecticide (addictive) • Carbon Monoxide: Car exhaust • Acetone: Finger nail polish remover • Ammonia: Toilet Cleaner • Cadmium: used batteries • Ethanol: Alcohol • Arsenic: Rat poison • Butane: Lighter Fluid

  4. Short Term Effects -Bad breath -Smokers cough -Yellow teeth -Senses decrease such as taste and smell -Weaker immune system- higher risk getting sick -”Cigarette smell” -Addiction -Increase heart rate -Shortness of breath -Decrease athletic ability

  5. Long Term Effects • Cancer (so many types) • Heart/Lung disease • Birth defects • Damage to reproductive system • Death • Early wrinkled skin • Damage or loss to teeth or gums • Unhealthy weight loss • Cosmetics http://tobaccobody.fi/ • For more information: Click the arrow

  6. $$$$$ Average cost - $7 Average smoked per day 1 pack (20 cigarettes) $49 – a week $2,548 – a year  $25,480- every 10 years

  7. WHY?? Peer pressure Parent influence To be “cool” Not informed Curious Advertising Stressed Rebel, show independence

  8. Secondhand Smoke What is it?  Smoke exhaled by smoker Secondhand smoke is when a non smoker inhales the smoke of the smoker Inhaling secondhand smoke is just as deadly

  9. FACTS Smoking causes  in every  deaths in the U.S. 1 Cigarette reduces life span by   minutes*  billion cigarettes smoked everyday worldwide Nicotine is as addictive as heroin, cocaine and alcohol.

  10. FACTS CONTINUED Nearly % of people who smoke say they wish they could quit Teens who smoke cough and wheeze three times more than teens who don't smoke.  years after quitting smoking, a person's risk of lung cancer and heart disease returns to that of a non-smoker.  years after quitting smoking, a person's risk of lung cancer and heart disease returns to that of a non-smoker

  11. Quit today! Many ways to quit- Choice is yours!

  12. References http://www.intheknowzone.com/substance-abuse-topics/tobacco/long-term-effects.html http://www.intheknowzone.com/substance-abuse-topics/tobacco/short-term-effects.html http://www.quitsmokingsupport.com/whatsinit.htm http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/Smoking

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