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L-hand φ

Explore the separation of H2 molecule with a potential energy barrier. Compare the phenomenon to H2 and examine potential energy changes. Analyze the structural transition between L-H and R-H and study energy variations.

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L-hand φ

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Presentation Transcript

  1. L-hand φ R-hand φ

  2. L-hand φ R-hand φ

  3. L-hand φ R-hand φ

  4. φL φR

  5. The molecule must pass over a potential energy barrier to get to the other side φL φR

  6. Potential Energy φL φR

  7. Potential Energy Energy φL - φR φL + φR φR φL

  8. Potential Energy Energy φL - φR φL + φR φR φL

  9. Separate L-H and R-H structures φR φL

  10. The same phenomenon as in H2 occurs φL - φR φL + φR

  11. The same phenomenon as in H2 occurs φL - φR 0.8cm-1 φL + φR

  12. Potential Energy

  13. Potential Energy φL - φR φL + φR φR φL

  14. Potential Energy φL φR

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