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Support structures for SME implementing Cleaner Production in Central Europe: Conclusions from the ACT CLEAN Transnational Agenda Dr. Robin Bürger, Fraunhofer MOEZ Berlin Conference 13 October 2011. Contents. Objectives and relevance of the ACT CLEAN Transnational agenda

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  1. Support structures for SME implementing Cleaner Production in Central Europe: Conclusions from the ACT CLEAN Transnational AgendaDr. Robin Bürger, Fraunhofer MOEZBerlin Conference13 October 2011

  2. Contents • Objectives and relevance of the ACT CLEAN Transnational agenda • Fields of priority activities • Policy recommendations • Discussion 13/10/2011 Berlin Conference | Dr. Robin Bürger | Fraunhofer MOEZ

  3. Objectives and relevance of the Transnational Agenda • Impulses for improving framework conditions supporting Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SME) in implementing Cleaner Production (CP) processes in the Central Europe region • SME are “backbone” of the economy; in ACT CLEAN countries SME account on average for 98,2% of all enterprises in business sector • Analysis of SME needs, barriers and incentives • Formulation of recommendations for policy actions 13/10/2011 Berlin Conference | Dr. Robin Bürger | Fraunhofer MOEZ

  4. Methodology • Country studies by the project partners (Austria, Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Slovak Republic, Slovenia) on SME needs regarding transfer of environmental technologies • Country studies on barriers and incentives for transfer of environmental technologies among SMEs • Additional input through SME workshops, fairs, expert interviews and the ACT CLEAN Advisory Board • Synthesis reports and development of the Transnational Agenda (target groups: EU and national policymakers, business associations, regional development agencies, funding institutions) 13/10/2011 Berlin Conference | Dr. Robin Bürger | Fraunhofer MOEZ

  5. Priority Activity Areas • Prioritized by the ACT CLEAN project partners during the course of the project as best suited for the enhancement of environmental and CP innovation within SME in Central Europe: • Facilitating Networking Activities • ImprovingAwarenessandCapacitiesof CP solutions • Strengtheningthe Financial Framework 13/10/2011 Berlin Conference | Dr. Robin Bürger | Fraunhofer MOEZ

  6. Facilitating Networking Activities: Main Areas of Actions • Importance of knowledge transfer networks: - knowledge creation and exchange - exclusive partnerships, competitive advantage • Harmonization of standards and norms: - simplification of contractual relations between (business) partners - huge differences among countries, call for more transparency • Improvement of the policy-industry dialogue: - acceptance and implementation of policy decisions - cause major problem low SME participation 13/10/2011 Berlin Conference | Dr. Robin Bürger | Fraunhofer MOEZ

  7. Facilitating Networking Activities:Selected GOOD PRACTICES • Czech Republic: Supporting mechanism for introduction of CP: Enviros and Empress linking SME and providers of energy performance, contracting services and monitoring experts; Local Authority CP project in Liberec • Germany: The Production Integrated Network (PIUS): cooperation and knowledge transfer among SME, connection with consultant experts, promotion of environmental technologies • European Union: Enterprise Europe Network (EEN): supporting SME through expert and consultant assistance; range of activities: search for financing, finding business and project partner 13/10/2011 Berlin Conference | Dr. Robin Bürger | Fraunhofer MOEZ

  8. Improving Awareness and Capacities of CP solutions: Main Areas of Actions • Training programs on environmental technologies - focus on personal of banks, consultants, craftsmen - customized short-term and in-house trainings, work shadowing • Legislation, Green Public Procurement and Eco Labelling: - stimulation of demand and incentives for CP-implementation - changing legislation leads to confusion, call for transparency • Integrated Management Systems and CSR: - integration of environmental, social and economic aspects - barrier of high bureaucratic efforts, external visibility 13/10/2011 Berlin Conference | Dr. Robin Bürger | Fraunhofer MOEZ

  9. Increasing SME Awareness and Competence: Selected GOOD PRACTICES • Czech Republic: Seminars on environmental technologies and sustainability organized by Ministries of Industry and Environment • Germany: Mandatory sustainable criteria for construction project tenders since 2010 • Poland: Program ofCleaner Production Schools of Federation of Scientific-Technical Associations and Central Mining Institute, National Cleaner Production Program; hundreds of CP projects implemented in enterprises and other organizations 13/10/2011 Berlin Conference | Dr. Robin Bürger | Fraunhofer MOEZ

  10. Improving the Financial Framework: Main Areas of Actions • Strengthening access to capital for SME: - difficulties in providing securities, low investment sums - short-term thinking of banks vs. long-term policies • Speeding up decision-making procedures for support programmes: - SME cannot afford checking complicated programs, resources - transparent and faster procedures, continuity of funding programs • Developing innovative financing instruments: - alternatives to classical (house) bank loans needed - chemical leasing and revolving funds as positive examples 13/10/2011 Berlin Conference | Dr. Robin Bürger | Fraunhofer MOEZ

  11. Improving the Financial Framework: Selected GOOD PRACTICES • Austria: Ökoprofit; private-public partnerships acting for cleaner and more efficient production; developed by local government, businesses and research sector; active on international level, partnership with at least five European cities • Czech Republic: The Revolving Fund of the Ministry of Environment; financial assistance through loans and grants for projects which have a positive impact on the environment and sustainable development • Germany: Stimulating role of High Tech Gründerfonds and Sächsischer Technologie Gründerfonds 13/10/2011 Berlin Conference | Dr. Robin Bürger | Fraunhofer MOEZ

  12. Documents 1. Synthesis report on barriers and incentives for access to and transfer of environmental technologies among SMEs in Central Europe 2. Synthesis report on SME needs regarding access to and transfer of environmental technologies in Central Europe 3. Impulses for improving framework conditions for SME in implementing Cleaner Production in Central Europe 4. Conclusions on ACT CLEAN recommendations in the national context Thank you for your attention! www.act-clean.eu/ 13/10/2011 Berlin Conference | Dr. Robin Bürger | Fraunhofer MOEZ

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