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Theory, pedagogy and identity in Higher Education

Theory, pedagogy and identity in Higher Education. Etienne and Beverly Wenger-Trayner. Open Online MOOC June 6 , 2012. The birth of a theory innovation at boundaries. Rethink learning. Literary criticism. Subject matters. Psychology. Anthropology. Education. Computer science.

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Theory, pedagogy and identity in Higher Education

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  1. Theory, pedagogy and identity in Higher Education Etienne and Beverly Wenger-Trayner Open Online MOOC June 6, 2012

  2. The birth of a theoryinnovation at boundaries Rethink learning Literary criticism Subject matters Psychology Anthropology Education Computer science Linguistics

  3. Communities of practice across sectors Ontario leading municipalities provincial service organizations PEM   PAL

  4. Mixed and embedded genres Genre colonies Institutional, professional or disciplinary practices, procedures and processes Genre Analysis Practices Conventionalized/institutionalized artifacts, formats or moves Generic systems Genres Cross-cultural variations genre integrity - genre innovation Community goals and communicative purposes Purposes Members Discourse community membership Swales, Bhatia

  5. Project design: requires meaningful engagement with the conceptual universe of the genre The GAP framework Student voice: member of the discourse (or professional) community Course activities: practice in using or adapting conventional genre or artifacts Performance assessment: strategic use of the genre(s) for achieving their project goals

  6. A body of knowledgethe curriculum

  7. Knowledgeability negotiating identity in a complex landscape Informal curriculums Wikipedia Institutes Training Google Professional body Research discipline 1 NGO’s Twitter Research discipline 2 Regulatory body Bloggers Alumni Workplace Personal networks Client Communities of practice Informal communities

  8. Knowledgeability the modulation of identification An increasingly complex landscape entails a shift in the burden of identity from the community to the person

  9. Finding oneself in a landscape of practicemodes of identification Imagination Seeing afuture Beingcreative Locating oneself Crossingboundaries Building a trajectory Alignment Making adifference Engagement Coordinating action Goingdeep

  10. Access to information is becoming a commodity... New learning realitiesfrom curriculum to identity … the half-life of knowledge is getting shorter … traditional canons are destabilized … self-expression is becoming generalized … common ground is receding as a source of cohesion

  11. The 21st century will be the century of identity The future of learninga challenge for institutions If you are going to be a driving force in the strategic remaking of institutions of learning … how can your theory and practice help address this evolving learning challenge

  12. BEtreat: workshops online or face-to-face in Grass Valley California July 2012

  13. Thank you! Etienne and Beverly Wenger-Trayner Email: be@wenger-trayner.com Website: http://wenger-trayner.com Workshops: http://wenger-trayner.com/betreat/

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