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Navigating the Double-Edged Internet: Revealing the Impact on Society and Individual Lives

Delve into the complexities of the internet's influence, from fostering creativity to eroding traditions. Discover how online activities differ for teens and adults, and explore the societal shifts brought on by digital advancements. Uncover the changing dynamics of health care, civic engagement, and education in the age of the internet. Gain insights into privacy concerns, digital divides, and evolving expectations in the digital era.

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Navigating the Double-Edged Internet: Revealing the Impact on Society and Individual Lives

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  1. Factual Error Found on Internet: Shocking revelations from a researcher's online journeyLee Rainie – DirectorPenn State University: Hearst Visiting Professional Lecture10.6.03

  2. Good wire Overcomes differences Creates opportunities Encourages tolerance Revives community Fosters creativity Enriches cultural production Enhances civic participation Bad wire Erodes tradition Creates balkanization Reduces privacy Destroys indigenous cultures Cuts back community involvement Creates anti-social misfits Encourages crime and anti-social behavior The double-edged Internet

  3. Being online is the norm The adult population stagnates / churnsThe teen population grows / ebbs and flows Teens Adults Pew Internet & American Life Project / Pew Research Center surveys

  4. Internet activities – A typical day Where’s the porn?

  5. What teenagers do online - 1 Email Surf for fun Play games Rock stars Instant message Pictures Health info News Pursue hobbies Research products Listen to music TV stars Chat rooms Download music Sports news My team’s sites Auction/trading Buyproducts My ownsite Sensitive topics

  6. What teenagers do online - 2 Homework Major research projects Access class Web sites Email / IM teachers Download study aids Create class Web page

  7. Our findings: 1 People use email to enhance connection and increase communication “O.K., step away from the laptop and hold up your end of the conversation.”

  8. Gender Race/ethnicity Socioeconomic status Age Parental status Internet-experience level Personal outlook Social environment Our findings –2Different people use the Internet in different ways

  9. Our findings: 3The Internet helps in everyday life …

  10. … and in key life moments

  11. Our findings – 4People use the Internet more seriously as they gain experience “Go ask your search engine”

  12. Our findings – 5 The quality of Internet access matters “Look, Mom! A broadband digital subscriber line followed me home. Can we keep it?”

  13. Our findings - 6 E-patients are creating a new health care environment clueless, isolated, doctor- dependent patient the net-savvy, well-connected doctor-independent, end-user

  14. Disease research The information health seekers get online Alternative medicine and tx. Exercise / fitness Treatments Diet / nutrition Health insurance Docs and hospitals Enviro. health hazards Medicines Experimental tx. Mental health Medicare / Medicaid Vaccinations Sexual health Substance abuse Smoking

  15. Our findings – 7E-citizens are creating a new civic environment

  16. Our findings – 8 Students are unhappy because the Internet is not a factor in their formal education • Assignments don’t take advantage of the Internet • Classroom work hardly ever exploits the Internet • The hindrances students see: • Fear about “digital divide” • Fear about the “dark side” of the Internet • Techno-wariness • Low level of support from school administrators

  17. Underlying world view, Information Age education my search engine my favorite research sites my teachers and tutors my classmates NET-SAVVY STUDENT my online study aids my reference materials and texts my online tutors my personal network qualityware & communityware

  18. Our findings – 9Americans value their privacy, but do very trusting, intimate things online “No doubt about it. The internet poses a great threat to personal privacy.”

  19. Our findings – 10There is a persistent digital divide that will last for years Half of non-users want to stay that way

  20. Our findings – 11Anxiety over spam is growing and so is the impact

  21. Our findings – 11There is a revolution of rising expectations “What do you mean, ‘No Internet access?’ What kind of heaven is this, anyhow?”

  22. What does it all add up to • Internet is the norm • Pace of change will accelerate, but we don’t know the impact of speed of flow of information • The Internet has a powerful impact on power relations: Who controls information? • The Internet is likely affecting the size and power of social networks • Internet use is starting to have an impact on time use, and the impact will grow with the increase in multitasking • Teens and their use lead the way in sorting through boundaries

  23. The Internet is the killer app

  24. About us Lrainie@pewinternet.org Pew Internet & American Life Project 1100 Connecticut Ave. NW – Suite 710 Washington, D.C. 20036 202-296-0019 http://www.pewinternet.org/

  25. Pace of change for digital power Communication Gilder’s law (fiber law and compression) doubles every 9 months Storage disk law doubles every 12 months Audience Metcalfe’s law replaces Sarnoff’s law N2 where N is # of nodes Content Reed’s law (community law) 2n where n # of people Computing Moore’s law doubles every 18 months John Seely Brown and Howard Rheingold

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