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Roots of Creation: A Godly Perspective on Genesis 1:1-5

Delve into the profound origins of Creation in Genesis 1:1-5 with a focus on the significance of roots and yours & mine. Explore the divine mysteries of the beginning through a lens of faith and understanding.

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Roots of Creation: A Godly Perspective on Genesis 1:1-5

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  1. “It’s a what?”

  2. “It’s a what?” - “It’s a God thing!”

  3. “It’s a what?” - “It’s a God thing!”

  4. “It’s a what?” - “It’s a God thing!”

  5. “It’s a what?” - “It’s a God thing!”

  6. It’s a GodThing - for Sure! “It’s a what?” - “It’s a God thing!”

  7. It’s a GodThing - for Sure! Genesis 1:1-5 “It’s a what?” - “It’s a God thing!”

  8. It’s a GodThing - for Sure! Genesis 1:1-5 “It’s a what?” - “It’s a God thing!” ROOTS -

  9. It’s a GodThing - for Sure! Genesis 1:1-5 “It’s a what?” - “It’s a God thing!” ROOTS - Yours & Mine Are they important to you?

  10. It’s a GodThing - for Sure! Genesis 1:1-5 “It’s a what?” - “It’s a God thing!” ROOTS - Yours & Mine Are they important to you?

  11. It’s a GodThing - for Sure! Genesis 1:1-5 “It’s a what?” - “It’s a God thing!” ROOTS - Yours & Mine Are they important to you?

  12. It’s a GodThing - for Sure!CreationItself, Day 1 Genesis 1:1-5 “It’s a what?” - “It’s a God thing!” ROOTS - Yours & Mine Are they important to you?

  13. It’s a GodThing - for Sure!CreationItself, Day 1 Genesis 1:1-5 “It’s a what?” - “It’s a God thing!” ROOTS - Yours & Mine Are they important to you? Genesis is “the default” setting of the Bible.

  14. It’s a GodThing - for Sure!CreationItself, Day 1 Genesis 1:1-5 “It’s a what?” - “It’s a God thing!” ROOTS - Yours & Mine Are they important to you? Genesis is “the default” setting of the Bible. And the “at fault” setting for the Bible -

  15. It’s a GodThing - for Sure!CreationItself, Day 1 Genesis 1:1-5 “It’s a what?” - “It’s a God thing!” ROOTS - Yours & Mine Are they important to you? Genesis is “the default” setting of the Bible. And the “at fault” setting for the Bible - it challenges our sophistication & autonomy.

  16. It’s a GodThing - for Sure!CreationItself, Day 1 Genesis 1:1-5

  17. It’s a GodThing - for Sure!CreationItself, Day 1 Genesis 1:1-5 Why it all began here like this v1: How it all began here like this v2-5:

  18. It’s a GodThing - for Sure!CreationItself, Day 1 Genesis 1:1-5 Why it all began here like this v1:

  19. It’s a GodThing - for Sure!CreationItself, Day 1 Genesis 1:1-5 Why it all began here like this v1: * In the beginning -

  20. It’s a GodThing - for Sure!CreationItself, Day 1 Genesis 1:1-5 Why it all began here like this v1: * In the beginning - (ray sheeth - first in place, time, order)

  21. It’s a GodThing - for Sure!CreationItself, Day 1 Genesis 1:1-5 Why it all began here like this v1: * In the beginning - (ray sheeth - first in place, time, order) > The beginning of what?

  22. It’s a GodThing - for Sure!CreationItself, Day 1 Genesis 1:1-5 Why it all began here like this v1: * In the beginning - (ray sheeth - first in place, time, order) > The beginning of what? Beginning of everything we see, feel, and experience here.

  23. It’s a GodThing - for Sure!CreationItself, Day 1 Genesis 1:1-5 Why it all began here like this v1: * In the beginning - (ray sheeth - first in place, time, order) > The beginning of what? Beginning of everything we see, feel, and experience here. Specifically;

  24. It’s a GodThing - for Sure!CreationItself, Day 1 Genesis 1:1-5 Why it all began here like this v1: * In the beginning - (ray sheeth - first in place, time, order) > The beginning of what? Beginning of everything we see, feel, and experience here. Specifically; time/beginning, space/heavens, mass/earth.

  25. It’s a GodThing - for Sure!CreationItself, Day 1 Genesis 1:1-5 Why it all began here like this v1: * In the beginning - (first in time, place..) > The beginning of what? time/beginning, space/heavens, mass/earth.

  26. It’s a GodThing - for Sure!CreationItself, Day 1 Genesis 1:1-5 Why it all began here like this v1: * In the beginning - (first in time, place..) > The beginning of what? time/beginning, space/heavens, mass/earth. > God created -why?

  27. It’s a GodThing - for Sure!CreationItself, Day 1 Genesis 1:1-5 Why it all began here like this v1: * In the beginning - (first in time, place..) > The beginning of what? time/beginning, space/heavens, mass/earth. > God created -why? What was He up to?

  28. God created -why? What was He up to?

  29. God created -why? What was He up to? The heavens declare

  30. God created -why? What was He up to? The heavens declare the glory of God, Ps 19:1

  31. God created -why? What was He up to? The heavens declare the glory of God, Ps. 19:1 The whole earth is fully of His glory, Is. 6:3

  32. God created -why? What was He up to? The heavens declare the glory of God, Ps. 19:1 The whole earth is fully of His glory, Is. 6:3 Everyone… whom I have created for My glory. Is. 43:7

  33. God created -why? What was He up to? The heavens declare the glory of God, Ps. 19:1 The whole earth is fully of His glory, Is. 6:3 Everyone… whom I have created for My glory. Is. 43:7

  34. God created -why? What was He up to? The heavens declare the glory of God, Ps. 19:1 The whole earth is fully of His glory, Is. 6:3 Everyone… whom I have created for My glory. Is. 43:7 "You are worthy, O Lord, To receive glory and honor and power; For You created all things, And by Your will they exist and were created.“ Revelation 4:11

  35. It’s a GodThing - for Sure!CreationItself, Day 1 Genesis 1:1-5 Why it all began here like this v1: * In the beginning - (first in time, place..) > The beginning of what? time/beginning, space/heavens, mass/earth. > God created -why? What was He up to?

  36. It’s a GodThing - for Sure!CreationItself, Day 1 Genesis 1:1-5 Why it all began here like this v1: * In the beginning - (first in time, place..) > The beginning of what? time/beginning, space/heavens, mass/earth. > God created -why? What was He up to? His glory to be known & displayed,

  37. It’s a GodThing - for Sure!CreationItself, Day 1 Genesis 1:1-5 Why it all began here like this v1: * In the beginning - (first in time, place..) > The beginning of what? time/beginning, space/heavens, mass/earth. > God created -why? What was He up to? His glory to be known & displayed, nothing is better for you & me.

  38. It’s a GodThing - for Sure!CreationItself, Day 1 Genesis 1:1-5 Why it all began here like this v1:

  39. It’s a GodThing - for Sure!CreationItself, Day 1 Genesis 1:1-5 How it all began here like this v1:

  40. It’s a GodThing - for Sure!CreationItself, Day 1 Genesis 1:1-5 How it all began here like this v1: *created - (bara -to initiate in making, doing)

  41. It’s a GodThing - for Sure!CreationItself, Day 1 Genesis 1:1-5 How it all began here like this v1: *created - (bara -to initiate in making, doing) > Said to be “ex-nihilo” out of nothing.

  42. It’s a GodThing - for Sure!CreationItself, Day 1 Genesis 1:1-5 How it all began here like this v1: *created - (bara -to initiate in making, doing) > Said to be “ex-nihilo” out of nothing. But v1,

  43. It’s a GodThing - for Sure!CreationItself, Day 1 Genesis 1:1-5 How it all began here like this v1: *created - (bara -to initiate in making, doing) > Said to be “ex-nihilo” out of nothing. But v1, really it’s out of God’s resource of His power.

  44. It’s a GodThing - for Sure!CreationItself, Day 1 Genesis 1:1-5 How it all began here like this v1: *created - (bara -to initiate in making, doing) > Said to be “ex-nihilo” out of nothing. But v1, really it’s out of God’s resource of His power. For from Him and through Him and to Him are all things, to whom be glory forever. Romans 11:36

  45. It’s a GodThing - for Sure!CreationItself, Day 1 Genesis 1:1-5 How it all began here like this v1: *created - (bara -to initiate in making, doing) > Said to be “ex-nihilo” out of nothing. But v1, really it’s out of God’s resource of His power.

  46. It’s a GodThing - for Sure!CreationItself, Day 1 Genesis 1:1-5 How it all began here like this v1: *created - (bara -to initiate in making, doing) > Said to be “ex-nihilo” out of nothing. But v1, really it’s out of God’s resource of His power. By faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that the things which are seen were not made of things which are visible. Heb. 11:3

  47. It’s a GodThing - for Sure!CreationItself, Day 1 Genesis 1:1-5 How it all began here like this v1: *created - (bara -to initiate in making, doing) > Said to be “ex-nihilo” out of nothing. But v1, out of God & His resource of power

  48. It’s a GodThing - for Sure!CreationItself, Day 1 Genesis 1:1-5 How it all began here like this v1: *created - (bara -to initiate in making, doing) > Said to be “ex-nihilo” out of nothing. But v1, out of God & His resource of power. > And the earth was v2-5 It went like this-

  49. It’s a GodThing - for Sure!CreationItself, Day 1 Genesis 1:1-5 How it all began here like this v1: *created - (bara -to initiate in making, doing) > And the earth was v2-5 It went like this-

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