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WHERE ARE WE?. WE ARE HERE !!!!. WHAT DO WE DO ? Design and Manufacture high precision mechanical gauges . What makes us different?. Spline manufactures splined plug and ring gauges, along with Master Gears. What do they look like?.
WHAT DO WE DO ? Design and Manufacture high precision mechanical gauges
Spline manufactures splined plug and ring gauges, along with Master Gears. What do they look like?
Piccadilly manufactures external thread gauges, callipers and tri rolls. What do they look like?
Markets covered Aerospace Ammunition and Ordinance Automotive Construction and Mining Machinery Fluid Power: Pumps, Cylinders, and Actuators Medical Screw Machine Products: Bolts, Nuts Valves and Fittings Oil Industry Nuclear Government: Army, Navy and Air Force Threaded Fasteners
Why does the market exist? • Measurement standards are developed by a multitude of different organizations. Below is a list of some of the common names you will hear mentioned in quality and manufacturing circles: • 1. ISO: International Organization Standardization, http://www.iso.org • 2. DIN: German Institute of Standardization, http://www2.din.de • 3. JAS: Japanese Standards Association, http://www.jsa.or.jp/default_english.asp • 4. BSI: British Standards, http://www.bsi-global.com • 5. ASME: American Society of Mechanical Engineers http://www.asme.org • 6. ASTM: American Society for Testing and Materials, http://www.astm.org • 7. ANSI: American National Standards Institute http://www.ansi.org/ • 8. Federal Specification Standards, United States Government, http://apps.fss.gsa.gov/pub/fedspecs/index.cfm
Market Segmentation – Spline Gauges Geographic View – Master Gears / Gauges* * Market sizing based on proxy calculation from categories of passenger vehicle production
Substantial improvement in business performance 2010-11 Historical Performance, restated at 2011 exchange rate
2011 – Strongest top line growth and OP in Spline Gauges history Financial Results
ABS THE CHALLENGE Disastrous 2009 Culture Workforce demographics Prior poor implementation of DBS
A little Luck ! Gained UK Govt funding for SME’S Lean Education And Development Programme designed to fully align with ABS, complement and integrate with it. Delivered via 6 x half day tutorials and 3 x half day project work Project examples later
WHAT DID IT ACHIEVE ? Involvement and participation was motivational Engagement in the improvement process Cultural change Real performance benefits.
LESSONS LEARNED Create enthusiasts and seed them Do it NOW Encourage all proposals Show enthusiasm, support and mentor People actually like it, cynics can be converted Celebrate success, it's contagious