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Improving health and protecting human rights  for individuals, communities, and society. EURASIAN HARM REDUCTION NETWORK (EHRN) FEBRUARY , 2014. Presenter: Sergey Votyagov | sergey @harm-reduction.org. EHRN Mission.

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  1. Improving health and protecting human rights  for individuals, communities, and society EURASIAN HARM REDUCTIONNETWORK (EHRN)FEBRUARY, 2014 Presenter: Sergey Votyagov | sergey@harm-reduction.org

  2. EHRN Mission EHRN Mission is to promote humane, evidence-based harm reduction approaches to drug use, with the aim of improving health and protecting human rights at the individual, community, and societal levels.

  3. EHRN Status In 2005 EHRN was granted a Special Consultative NGO Status by the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations (ECOSOC). This Status provides access to ECOSOC and its many subsidiary bodies, the various human rights mechanisms of the United Nations, ad-hoc processes, as well as special events organised by the President of the General Assembly.

  4. EHRN Geographic Focus EHRN geographic focus includes Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia (CEECA), which consists of 6 sub-regions: Baltics (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania) Caucasus(Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia) Central Asia (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan) Central Europe (Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia) European Countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States (Belarus, Moldova, Russia, Ukraine) South-Eastern Europe (Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia)

  5. EHRN Strategic Objectives • EHRN is a regional network of harm reduction programs and their allies from across 29 countries in the region of CEECA. Together, we work to advocate for the universal human rights of people who use drugs and to protect their lives and health. • Founded in 1997, EHRN now unites over 500 institutional and individual members, tapping into a wealth of regional best practices, as well as expertise and resources in harm reduction, drug policy reform, HIV/AIDS, TB, HCV, and overdose prevention. • All EHRN members contribute to advocacy efforts, technical assistance and information-sharing aimed at achieving EHRN’s three main objectives: • Reforming governmental and legal policies related to drug use and harm reduction • Building capacity for quality harm reduction services that meet the needs of people who use drugs • Increasing funding for harm reduction, especially from domestic sources

  6. EHRN Key Roles As a regional network, EHRN plays a key role as a liaison between local, national and international organisations. EHRN ensures that regional needs receive appropriate representation in international and regional forums, and helps build capacity for advocacy, drug user community mobilization and service provision at the regional and national levels. EHRN draws on international good practice models and on its knowledge about local realities to produce technical support tailored to regional experiences and needs. EHRN builds consensus among national organisations and drug user community groups, helping them to amplify their voices, exchange skills and join forces in advocacy campaigns.

  7. EHRN Strategy In 2010 EHRN adopted the five-year Strategic Plan for 2010–2014. In 2011 it was reviewed in the course of EHRN’s effort to develop 11 regional proposals to the Global Fund. In 2014 EHRN will develop Strategic Plan for 2015 - 2019, which will span two phases: Prior to the Global Fund project inception and the implementation of the Global Fund project during 2014-2016 Graduating from the Global Fund grant and sustaining EHRN’s operations and programs after the end of the Global Fund grant during 2016-2019.

  8. EHRN Priorities Reforming governmental and legal policies related to drug use and harm reduction Building capacity for quality harm reduction services that meet the needs of people who use drugs Increasing funding for harm reduction, especially from domestic sources.

  9. EHRNStructure Steering Committee governs the Network and facilitates the fulfilment of its mission. Founders’ Committee oversees the fiscal integrity and managerial capacity of the Network’s executive body, i.e., EHRN Secretariat. Regional Technical Advisory Group (RTAG) acts as a consultative technical body that advises the Steering Committee on Global Fund matters. Secretariat runs the technical and administrative activities of the Network.

  10. EHRN Members EHRN is a membership based network. EHRN members - both individuals and organizations - come from the public and non-governmental sectors. EHRN members include drug treatment and policy agencies, experts and researchers, harm reduction service providers and networks, HIV service providers, drug user and people living with HIV community groups and activists, human rights organizations and various supporters and experts from inside and outside the region. EHRN now unites over 500 institutional and individual members.

  11. EHRN Key Partners • UN Agencies: UNAIDS, UNODC, UNDP, WHO. • International Civil Society Organizations: Harm Reduction International (HRI), International Drug Policy Consortium, International AIDS Alliance etc. • Regional Networks: Eurasian Network of People Who Use Drugs (ENPUD), ITPCru, etc. • Private foundations: Open Society Foundations, Levi Strauss Foundation, Robert Carr civil society Networks Fund, etc.

  12. THANK YOU! • Eurasian Harm Reduction Network • Svitrigailos St. 11B • Vilnius LT-03228, Lithuania • info@harm-reduction.org • www.harm-reduction.org

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