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How do We Intend to Assemble the Cryo -Module?

How do We Intend to Assemble the Cryo -Module?. How We Intend to Assemble the Cryo -module?. Preparation of larger parts in a Clean room Class 10000 (ISO7) Preparation of smaller parts in a “ baldaquin ” annex Assembly in a clean-room Class 100 (ISO5)

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How do We Intend to Assemble the Cryo -Module?

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  1. How do We Intend to Assemble the Cryo-Module?

  2. How We Intend to Assemble the Cryo-module? • Preparation of larger parts in a Clean room Class 10000 (ISO7) • Preparation of smaller parts in a “baldaquin” annex • Assembly in a clean-room Class 100 (ISO5) • Using assembly tooling specifically designed for the task • Following a predefined sequence • According to written procedures • With qualified staff • Governed by a QA plan HIE-ISOLDE Cryomodule Assembly

  3. The Assembly Tooling (Major Elements) Internal motorized frame • Consists of: • The clean room as shown by Karl • A set of rails anchored into the floor of the clean-room • Horizontal and Co-planar within 0.5 mm • An assembly frame comprising: • The fixed frame structure surveyed vertical to within ±0.5 mm anchored into the floor • An internal horizontal rectangular motorized frame that moves vertically • And that can elevate over 4m, equipment weighing up to 3 tonnes • Two rolling trollies • One multipurpose trolley MPTfor general transport of equipment • One specifically to handle the solenoid and the cavities CST • A “chevre” • hand operated • For loading equipment onto the two trollies at the Clean-room entrance door Class 100 Area Class 10000 Area Loading area Assembly Frame fixed Rails Rolling trolley (Solenoid/Cavity type) The Tooling set is designed to offer an intrinsic precision, to largely offload this burden from the assembly staff and allow them to concentrate more fully on the assembly steps in hand HIE-ISOLDE Cryomodule Assembly

  4. HIE-ISOLDE Cryomodule Assembly sequence • Derived from: • The Assembly Breakdown Structure • The decision to assemble vertically Schematic views of the tooling, more details later Jean-Alexandre BOUSQUET Graeme BARLOW Lloyd WILLIAMS

  5. Vacuum vessel preparation • Get v-vessel box from storage • Attach rail wheels, put onto rails • Unwrap, roll into 10’000 area • Clean inside and outside • Into 100 area under frame • Measure position and adjust • Lifted with motorized frame, lowered on blocks • Flange blanks removed • Cleaned inside and outside • Ancillaries added • Top dust cover added • Lifted with motorized frame, blocks removed lowered onto rails • Wheeled to 10000 area • Get v-vessel top plate • Remove top dust cover • Attach and seal v-vessel top plate to v-vessel box • Do leak test on VV • Remove v-vessel top plate • Wrap top plate remove to storage • Replace top dust cover on v-vessel box • Wrap v-vessel box • Take outside, remove rail wheels • Remove v-vessel box to storage

  6. Assembly of the lower box part of the thermal shield (1) • Unwrap, panel 1 • Take it into 10’000 area • Cleaned • Into 100 area under frame • Lower the motorized frame • Hook onto motorized frame • Clean to class 100 • Repeat for panels 2, 3, and 4

  7. Assembly of the lower box part of the thermal shield (2) • Repeat for the bottom panel 5 • Assemble the panels together to form a box • Connect the 60 - 75 K cryo-circuits • Leak test the complete 60 -75 K cryo-circuit • Measure the size and shape of the box • Tighten all fixing bolts

  8. Assembly of the vacuum vessel and the lower box part of the thermal shield (1) • Get vacuum vessel box from storage • Attach the rail wheels • Put onto rails • Unwrap, roll into 10’000 area • Clean • Roll into 100 area • Locate under the suspended thermal shield • Measure position and adjust HIE-ISOLDE Cryomodule Assembly

  9. Assembly of the vacuum vessel and the lower box part of the thermal shield (2) • Lower the thermal shield box into the v vessel box • Fix the thermal shield box to the v vessel box • Measure position and adjust • Replace dust cover on v vessel • Roll the assembly to 10’000 area • Wrap • Take outside • Remove rail wheels • Take to storage HIE-ISOLDE Cryomodule Assembly

  10. Installation of the Chimney (1) • Assemble the Chimney assembly in Baldquin • Clean to class 100 • Wrap • Transport to Clean room • Unwrap install on MPT • Roll under motorized frame and position • Measure position and adjust HIE-ISOLDE Cryomodule Assembly

  11. Installation of the Chimney (2) • Wrap the chimney assembly • Lower the motorized frame • Attach the Chimney to the motorized frame • Elevate the chimney • Remove MPT to 10000 area • Bring the platform elevator into the clean-room • Elevate personnel • Attach chimney to fixed frame • Measure position and adjust • Detach chimney from motorised frame • Lower personnel • Lower motorized frame • Remove platform elevator outside • Allow clean-room time to recover HIE-ISOLDE Cryomodule Assembly

  12. Installation of the Top Plate (1) • Get top plate from storage • Unwrap top plate and place it in 10000 area on the MPT • Clean the top plate to 10000 level HIE-ISOLDE Cryomodule Assembly

  13. Installation of the Top Plate (2) • Roll the top plate into class 100 area under the fixed frame • Measure position and adjust • Clean top plate to class 100 level • Lower motorized frame • Attach top plate to motorized frame • Elevate top plate • Roll MPT out to 10000 area HIE-ISOLDE Cryomodule Assembly

  14. Leak test tool (LTT) • Get LTT from storage • Unwrap LTT and place it in 10000 area on the MPT • Clean the LTT to 10000 level • Roll the LTT into class 100 area under the fixed frame • Measure position and adjust • Clean LTT to class 100 level • Lower motorized frame • Clamptop plate to LTT and seal • Detach top plate from motorized frame • Elevate the motorized frame • Roll out MPT with top plate on LTT to 10000 area HIE-ISOLDE Cryomodule Assembly

  15. Assembly of Equipment onto the Top Plate • Get equipment for top plate from storage • Unwrap equipment and place it in 10000 area • Clean the Equipment to 10000 level (small components will be treated in the baldaquin) • Remove blind flange from top plate, attach and seal equipment in its place • Carry out leak test • Repeat for all equipment to be attached to the top plate** • When all equipment is installed and leak tight: • Clean complete top plate to class 10000 level • Roll the top plate under the fixed frame • Measure position and adjust • Clean the top plate to class 100 level • Lower the motorized frame • Attach the top plate • Wrap the upper part of the top plate • Elevate the top plate • Remove MPT to the 10000 area ** Note that leak tests may be done on a group of components Grouping TBD HIE-ISOLDE Cryomodule Assembly

  16. Installation of the Support Frame Load Spreaders • Get equipment from storage • Clean in the baldaquin and wrap • Take to 10000 area and put on the MPT • Unwrap • Roll equipment to 100 area • Clean the Equipment to class100 level • Attach the equipment to the frame position adjusters • Measure position and adjust HIE-ISOLDE Cryomodule Assembly

  17. Installation of the Helium Vessel and the Thermal Shield Upper Part (1) • Get Helium vessel from storage • Unwrap and place it on the MPT in 10000 area • Clean the he vessel to class10000 level • Get Thermal shield upper plate from storage • Unwrap and place it over the helium vessel and on to the MPT in 10000 area • Clean the thermal shield upper plate • Assemble the thermalization ½ collars • Measure position of this assembly adjust and fix HIE-ISOLDE Cryomodule Assembly

  18. Installation of the Helium Vessel and the Thermal Shield Upper Part (2) • Roll the MPT into class 100 area under the fixed frame • Measure position and adjust • Clean the helium vessel and thermal shield upper part to class 100 level • Lower motorized frame to bring the top plate down over the helium vessel neck • Attach the top plate flange to the helium vessel flange • Measure position and adjust • Seal the top plate flange to the helium vessel flange • Detach the helium vessel from the MPT • Elevate the motorized frame • Remove the MPT to 10000 area HIE-ISOLDE Cryomodule Assembly

  19. Installation of the Chimney into the Helium vessel • Bring the platform elevator into the clean room • Elevate personnel • Elevate the helium vessel to insert the chimney into the helium vessel neck • Connect the cryogenic instrumentation cabling to the feedthroughs on the chimney top flange • Attach the Chimney flange to the top plate flange and seal • Detach chimney from fixed frame • Lower the chimney together with the top plate and helium vessel • Lower personnel • Do electrical checks on cryogenic instrumentation • Leak test the helium vessel top plate and chimney assembly • Remove platform elevator outside the clean-room • Allow the clean room to recover its air quality HIE-ISOLDE Cryomodule Assembly

  20. Installation of the 4.5K Bayonets the Current Leads and the Solenoid Down Pipe • Insert the current leads from the top • Feed their extension cabling through the chimney, down through the helium vessel and out through its lower flange • Insert the 4.5K bayonets into the helium vessel and engage the feeder into the distribution manifold • Connect the helium feeder down pipe for the solenoid to the distribution manifold • Attach the cable retention spiders to the helium feeder pipe • Attach the upper flange of the solenoid down pipe to the helium vessel flange hand tight. HIE-ISOLDE Cryomodule Assembly

  21. Installation of the Cavities /Solenoid Support frame (1) • Assemble the end plates with their upper fixing system in the baldaquin, clean and wrap. • Take the end plate assemblies into the clean room unwrap and attach to the load spreader bars. • Measure and adjust their lower extremities into one horizontal plane HIE-ISOLDE Cryomodule Assembly

  22. Installation of the Cavities / Solenoid Support frame (2) • Get the support frame from storage • Load it onto the MPT in the 10000 area unwrap and clean • Level the support frame on the MPT • Roll the support frame into the 100 area into position under the motorized frame • Measure and adjust position of support frame • Clean support frame to class 100 level. • Attach lower extremities of the end plates to the support frame • Detach support frame from MPT • Measure and adjust position of support frame • Elevate the assembly with the motorized frame • Wrap the MPT and remove it to storage HIE-ISOLDE Cryomodule Assembly

  23. Installation of the Cavities / Solenoid Support frame (3) • Get the equipment from storage • Clean it in the baldaquin and wrap • Take the diagonal tie rods into the clean room and attach them • Measure and adjust the position of the support frame • Take the support frame cooling tubes and attach them to the helium vessel and the support frame • Measure and adjust the position of the support frame Diagonal tie rods Frame cooling tubes HIE-ISOLDE Cryomodule Assembly

  24. Installation of the solenoid (1) • Get the solenoid and cavity trolley from storage put it on the rails • Drive it into the 10000 area unwrap and clean it • Clean the solenoid in the baldaquin and wrap • Bring the solenoid into the 10000 area install on the trolley and unwrap • Compress to full extent the 2 bellows on the solenoid down tube • Roll the trolley under the fixed frame • Measure position and adjust • Lower the motorized frame to engage and connect the helium fill tube HIE-ISOLDE Cryomodule Assembly

  25. Installation of the solenoid (2) • Complete the power supply electrical connections • Complete the instrumentation connections • Do full electrical checks on current leads cabling and solenoid HIE-ISOLDE Cryomodule Assembly

  26. Installation of the solenoid (3) • With the trolley lift the solenoid to give clearance • Insert the solenoid cross-bars (“omegas”) • Centre the solenoid cross-bars with respect to the support frame • Align the solenoid cross-bars horizontally and vertically • Lower the solenoid into place on its cross bars • Verify the correct positioning of the solenoid • Release the two bellows on the down tube • Seal the 2 flanged interfaces to complete the solenoid cryogenic connection • Do a leak test on the helium vessel and solenoid • Insert the remaining 10 cavity cross-bars • Align them all vertically and horizontally with respect to the solenoid • Check good centring in the support frame • Fix them in place • Attach thermalizations HIE-ISOLDE Cryomodule Assembly

  27. Installation of the cavities (1) • Successive installation of the cavities onto the trolley in the 10’000 area HIE-ISOLDE Cryomodule Assembly

  28. Installation of the cavities (2) • First cavity in place HIE-ISOLDE Cryomodule Assembly

  29. Installation of the cavities (3) • Arrival of the second cavity HIE-ISOLDE Cryomodule Assembly

  30. Installation of the cavities (4) • Second cavity in place HIE-ISOLDE Cryomodule Assembly

  31. Installation of the cavities (5) • Third cavity in place HIE-ISOLDE Cryomodule Assembly

  32. Installation of the cavities (6) • Fourth cavity in place HIE-ISOLDE Cryomodule Assembly

  33. Installation of the cavities (7) • Fifth cavity in place HIE-ISOLDE Cryomodule Assembly

  34. Installation of the cavities (8) • Remove blind flanges from the helium vessel cavity ports • Flange hand tight the 5 flexible bellows to the helium vessel • Compress the bellows completely • Turn all cavities through 40 degrees acl from top • Check position and verticality of all the cavities on the trolley • Clean the cavities and trolley • Roll the trolley under the fixed frame • Measure position and adjust HIE-ISOLDE Cryomodule Assembly

  35. Installation of the cavities (9) • Lower the support frame to pass over all the cavities • Rotate the first cavity in the series* clw from top by 40 degrees • Release this cavity from the trolley • Lift the frame to pick up the cavity • Complete the helium fill tube connection • Release bellows and flange hand tight to cavity • Measure position and adjust • Repeat sequence for the 4 remaining cavities *The series is defined to keep the frame ~balanced see next frame HIE-ISOLDE Cryomodule Assembly

  36. Installation of the cavities (10) HIE-ISOLDE Cryomodule Assembly

  37. Installation of the cavities (10) HIE-ISOLDE Cryomodule Assembly

  38. Installation of the cavities HIE-ISOLDE Cryomodule Assembly

  39. Installation of the cavities HIE-ISOLDE Cryomodule Assembly

  40. Installation of the cavities HIE-ISOLDE Cryomodule Assembly

  41. Installation of the Couplers HIE-ISOLDE Cryomodule Assembly

  42. Installation of the Tuners HIE-ISOLDE Cryomodule Assembly

  43. Version 18 Feb. 2014 Temperature wires mA/mV Instrumentation in Vacuum FLANGE A Connectors 5 x 37 pins 4 x 25 pins T-sensors 4.5-300K Heaters wires 5A/230V 250 W heater 8 8 T-sensors 50-300K > 16 pins > 20 pins > 24 pins > 32 pins > 16 pins > 32 pins > 32 pins > 32 pins > 32 pins 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 No written procedures exist today for the installation of the instrumentation cabling and feedthroughs 32 8 8 8 8 16 16 24 20 32 32 32 32 4 Connector with n used pins n HIE-ISOLDE Cryomodule Assembly

  44. Final Quality Checks on the Suspended Assembly • Pressure and leak test on 4.5K cryogenic vessel? • Pressure and leak test on 60-75K cryogenic vessel? • Geometry of suspended assembly • Electrical checks • RF checks HIE-ISOLDE Cryomodule Assembly

  45. Installation of the vacuum vessel and thermal shield lower box (1) • Get vacuum vessel from storage • Attach wheels, put onto rails • Unwrap, roll into 10’000 area • Cleaned outside • Roll into 100 area under fixed frame • Measure position and adjust • Top dust cover removed from v vessel • Cavity aperture protections opened and secured open HIE-ISOLDE Cryomodule Assembly

  46. Installation of the vacuum vessel and thermal shield lower box (2) • Lower the suspended assembly into the vacuum vessel • Settle the top plate onto the vacuum vessel seals • Detach top plate from motorized frame • Elevate motorized frame • Add clamps and seal • Do global leak test on complete cryo circuit • Roll into 10000 area • Roll outside crane lift place on blocks remove rail wheels • Call delivery to test area HIE-ISOLDE Cryomodule Assembly

  47. Spare slides HIE-ISOLDE Cryomodule Assembly

  48. Cryomodule-floor standing HIE-ISOLDE Cryomodule Assembly

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