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人類對動物權與動物福利之努力. 台灣大學獸醫學院 費昌勇教授. 將「動物輔助治療 ( Animal Assisted Therapy) 」引入人類專業的醫療過程 . 復健治療 (rehabilitative therapy) 內科治療 (physical therapy) 職能治療 (occupational therapy) 演講治療 (speech therapy) 安慰家暴 (battered woman) 其他 AAT 動物. 復健治療.

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  1. 人類對動物權與動物福利之努力 台灣大學獸醫學院 費昌勇教授

  2. 將「動物輔助治療(Animal Assisted Therapy)」引入人類專業的醫療過程 復健治療(rehabilitative therapy) 內科治療(physical therapy) 職能治療(occupational therapy) 演講治療(speech therapy) 安慰家暴(battered woman) 其他AAT動物

  3. 復健治療 陪伴患者復健: 提升患者復健治療的興趣與意願。http://www.allpsychologyschools.com/psychology-careers/article/masters-degree-in-rehabilitation-counseling 帶朋友(馬)去散步 http://www.ecology.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/horsehterapy.jpg

  4. 內科治療 狗可以降低病患醫療的恐懼 http://spcala.com/volunteer/aat.php 狗可以降低病患的壓力、焦慮、血壓、與解除孤獨,可以幫助恢復疾病速度http://caninebasics.ca/?page_id=48

  5. 職能治療 職能治療乃藉由使用 「有目標的活動」來治療或協助生理、心理與社會功能上有障礙的病人,使病人能夠過獨立的生活,同時得以預防畸型,維持健康。美洲駝(Ilamas) 、馬、狗等都是常使用的動物。http://proactivespeech.wordpress.com/2012/05/09/discover-animal-assisted-therapy-aat/

  6. 演講訓練 訓練記憶的工具,如狗的品系、姓名、身體構造等。http://www.animaledu.com/Programs/AnimalAssistedTherapy.aspx 幫助談話治療。 http://www.petpartners.org/AAA-Tinformation

  7. 安慰家暴受害者 http://www.globalgiving.org/projects/purple-paw-helps-domestic-violence-victims-and-pets/

  8. 其他AAT 動物 Elephant assisted therapy: Rentia, 出生即沒有雙眼(anophthalmia),不敢獨處,沒有自信,10歲仍無法自行穿衣。心理治療師HennieSwanepoel建議用海豚治療(Dolphin assisted therapy),因南非無海豚,故改用大象,成功的建立了Rentia的自信與生活能力。 http://www.kindplanet.org/boelie.html Alpha therapy是生理、認知、心理等多元治療主要是使用海豚。 http://dolphin-therapy.org/blog/tag/testimonials

  9. 在猴子與鯨身上看到動物之文化 • 猴子與鯨類有文化 • 如何建立新的文化傳統,且履行一致性可以幫助生存與物種之繁衍 • 此發現亦有助於區分動物與人類文化上之差異性 http://news.sciencemag.org/sciencenow/2013/04/strongest-evidence-of-animal-cul.html#.UXpzDR_0qOI.twitter

  10. 星加坡國家發展局提升國家之動物福利 • The Ministry of National Development (MND)接受24項國家動物福利立法委員會之建議 • 我們推動的是倫理面,是道德之進步而非經濟面 http://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/singapore/mnd-to-raise-animal-welfare-standards/653774.html

  11. 歐盟最高法院支持禁止海豹皮草買賣 http://euobserver.com/economic/119959

  12. 動物福利差的畜產品增加食品風險 • Alpen-Adria大學(維也納)研究發現密集飼養家畜之畜產品有高食品衛生之風險,徒增糧食飢荒 • 本研究由WSPA與CIWF支持經費 • 研究報告如下: http://www.animalmosaic.org/Images/Briefing_Food%20security%20and%20farm%20animal%20welfare%20report%20-%20Final%20-%20Sept%202012_tcm25-31451_tcm46-34019.pdf

  13. 動物網站 • http://www.animalmosaic.org/ • 亞洲之動物福利學術缺少研究論文

  14. Animal welfare: Introduction動物福利概說 Module 1 模組1

  15. This module will enable you to此模組將使你能夠 • Distinguish between animal welfare science, ethics and law 區別動物福利在科學、倫理及法律之間差異 • Become familiar with the concept of animal needs熟悉動物需求的概念 • Understand了解 • the 3 different concepts (physical, mental and natural) included in definitions of welfare三個不同的概念(生理、心理及自然) • the relationship between death and welfare死亡和福利之間的關係 • the role of anthropomorphism擬人化之角色

  16. Welfare assessment and the Five Freedoms動物福利評估與五項自由 Module 2 模組 2

  17. This module will enable you to此模組將使你能夠 • Understand 了解 • the concept and potential uses of the Five Freedoms五項自由的觀念和潛在用途 • the difference between factors affecting welfare (inputs) and actual welfare performance (outcome)了解影響動物福利的(因子)和(成果)之間的差異 • Assess welfare by using Severity, Duration, and Number Affected 使用嚴重性、持續性、影響數來評估動物福利 • Appreciate that science can provide information on the severity of welfare problems, but not on the acceptability了解科學可以在動物福利問題的嚴重性上提供資訊,但不是接受度

  18. Physiological measures of animal welfare (1): 動物福利之生理學測定法(一)Autonomic Nervous System自主神經系統 Module 3 模組3

  19. This module will enable you to此模組的教學目標 • Understand the relationship between welfare and physiology 了解動物福利與生理學間的關係 • Examine how the autonomic system (ANS) is associated with changes in welfare 檢測當福利改變時如何牽動自主神經系統的變化 • Understand how measurement of ANS responses can be used to assess welfare 了解自主神經系統的反應測試如何應用於評估福利狀態 • Identify some pros and cons of using ANS measures to assess welfare 找出使用自主神經系統測量來評估福利狀態的方法之優缺點

  20. Physiological measures of animal welfare (2):動物福利之生理學測定法(二)Neuroendocrine神經內分泌系統 Module 4 模組4

  21. This module will enable you to本模組的教學目標 • Understand the relationship between welfare and physiology了解動物福利與生理學的關係 • Examine how the neuroendocrine system is associated with welfare檢視神經內分泌系統與動物福利之關係 • Understand how neuroendocrine responses can be used to assess welfare了解如何利用神經內分泌反應測量動物福利 • Identify some pros/cons of using neuroendocrine measures to assess welfare動物福利測量方法的正反理由

  22. Disease and production measures of animal welfare動物福利的疾病與生產評估 Module 5 模組5

  23. This module will enable you to 此模組將使你能夠 • Understand the relationship between welfare and disease了解動物福利與疾病的關係 • Understand the relationship between welfare and production了解動物福利與生產力的關係 • Assess levels of disease and production評估動物福利程度與生產力水平

  24. Behavioural measures of animal welfare (1) 動物福利的行為評估 Module 6 模組 6

  25. This module will enable you to此模組將使你能夠 • Describe the factors that influence animal behaviour描述影響動物行為的因素 • Identify how behavioural indicators contribute to our understanding of animal welfare了解各項動物行為指標如何幫助我們理解動物福利

  26. Behavioural measures of animal welfare (2)動物福利的行為評估(2) Module 7 模組7

  27. This module will enable you to此模組將使你能夠 • Recognise and interpret behavioural indicators of animal welfare辨認動物福利的各項行為指標,並解釋其背後意義; • Identify possible causes of abnormal behaviour識別動物展現不正常行為的各種可能原因

  28. Module 8 模組8 Group assessment and management of welfare 動物福利的群體評估與管理

  29. This module will enable you to此模組將使你能夠 • Understand the principles of welfare assessment at group level了解群體福利之評估原則 • Identify different methods for assessment確認不同的評估方法 • Recognise applications for welfare assessment at group level認識動物福利群體評估的應用 • Understand management of health and welfare in group systems了解群體健康與福利系統的管理

  30. 模組9 Module 9 食品和動物福利 Food and animal welfare

  31. 本模組可讓你瞭解關於五項自由的營養和餵食方式This module will enable you to • 瞭解到營養和餵食相關的五項自由 • Understand how nutrition and feeding relate to the Five Freedoms • 設計動物餵食系統時,應善用環境富有的原則。 • Use principles of environmental enrichment when designing feeding systems for animals

  32. Introduction to animal welfare ethics動物福利倫理介紹 Module 10 模組10

  33. This module will enable you to本模組將使您能夠 • Define ethics 了解倫理學的定義 • Understand why vets need ethics 了解獸醫為何需要倫理 • Recognise different views of animals’ moral status認識動物道德地位之不同觀點 • Be aware of the main ethical theories and how they relate to animals認識主要的倫理理論與它們與動物之間的關係 • Construct ethical arguments about animals能夠建構有關動物的倫理論述

  34. Interaction with other ethical concerns 其它的倫理議題 Module 11 模組11

  35. This module will enable you to 本模組將使您能夠 • Understand how concern for people and animals can be integrated了解如何整合人與動物之關懷 • Be familiar with basic concepts in environmental ethics認識環境倫理的基本概念 • Understand the relationships between conservation and animal welfare ethics了解保育與動物福利倫理 • Be able to debate the ethics of veterinary treatment of wild animals能夠辯論獸醫對野生動物醫療倫理

  36. Module 12 模組12 Influence of the market place on animal welfare動物福利對市場的影響

  37. This module will enable you to此模組能夠使你 • Recognise the influence of global values about animal welfare upon local markets 認識動物福利的整體價值對當地市場的影響 • Understand the power of retailers to demand standards and change 瞭解零售商對農產品標準和價格轉變的需求 • Be aware of the effect of the World Trade Organisation on animal welfare and production 認識世界貿易組織對動物福利和農產業的影響

  38. Livestock: welfare assessment and issues (1)農場動物:福利評估與論述(1) Module 13 模組13

  39. This module will enable you to本模組教學目標 Identify the primary causes of poor farm animal welfare 認識造成農場動物福利不良的主要原因 Differentiate between inherent and avoidable welfare problems 區分先天的和可避免的福利問題 Use the Five Freedoms to assess the welfare of farm animals on farm, using the example of sows in three different husbandry systems 使用五大自由來評估農場動物福利,並以三種不同牧場系統飼養的母豬為例說明

  40. Farm animal welfare assessment and issues (2)農場動物:福利評估與論述(2) Module 14 模組14

  41. This module will enable you to 本模組教學目標 Describe the primary husbandry systems in use for farm animal production and routine mutilations used in each 介紹用來生產農場動物和常規致殘措施的主要牧場系統 Identify the primary inherent welfare issues for each production system and associated mutilations 強調每個生產系統的主要先天的福利議題與相對的致殘措施

  42. Livestock: transportand markets 農場動物:運輸與市場 Module 15 模組15

  43. This module will enable you to本模組將使您能夠 Identify the primary welfare issues in the transport and sale through markets of animals透過動物市場確認運輸和販賣時的主要動物福利議題 Describe methods by which these welfare issues may be addressed描述這些福利議題的處理技巧

  44. Livestock: Slaughter家畜:屠宰 Module 16 模組16

  45. This module will enable you to完成這模組後,你應該能夠: • Identify issues surrounding the slaughter of farm animals 辨識屠宰農場動物的相關議題 • Identify humane methods of slaughter, which promote best practice and protect the welfare of animals 認識人道屠宰法,並以此弘揚「最佳實踐方式」和保障動物福利 • Identify legislative protection for animals at the time of slaughter 認識動物於屠宰時所受到的立法保障

  46. Module 17 Welfare of fish 魚的動物福利

  47. This module will enable you to此模組能夠讓你 • Understand the basics of 瞭解基本概念 • fish biology 魚的生活規律 • fish husbandry 養魚業 • Assess the welfare of fish 評估魚類福利 • Identify the main welfare concerns in fish that we eat 辨識食用魚的福利關注議題

  48. Module 18 Companion animals (1):Population control programmes伴侶動物(1)族群控制計畫

  49. This module will enable you to本模組將使你能夠 • Identify the positive and negative aspects of having companion animals in our society確認在我們社會中擁有伴侶動物的正反面看法 • Grasp the importance of general principles (e.g. stakeholder concept, Five Freedoms), using companion animal examples 在伴侶動物的實例下,理解重要的通案原則(例如:贊助觀念和五項自由) 。 • Grasp the complexity of developing effective stray control programmes and stress the importance of a co-ordinated approach involving all appropriate agencies 理解有效的流浪動物管理政策的複雜性並強調各機關共同合作的重要性。 module (模組) 18

  50. Module 19 模組 19 Companion animals (2):Wider considerations伴侶動物(2)深層思考

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