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Nemusel jsem tam jít.

Nemusel jsem tam jít. I didn't have to go there. Nechtěl jsem abys tam šel. I didn't want you to go there. Chtěl bys tam jít?. Would you like to go there?. Chtěl bys abych tam šel?. Would you like me to go there?. Nešel jsem tam. I didn't go there. Zatím jsem tam nešel.

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Nemusel jsem tam jít.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Nemusel jsem tam jít. I didn't have to go there.

  2. Nechtěl jsem abys tam šel. I didn't want you to go there.

  3. Chtěl bys tam jít? Would you like to go there?

  4. Chtěl bys abych tam šel? Would you like me to go there?

  5. Nešel jsem tam. I didn't go there.

  6. Zatím jsem tam nešel. I haven't gone there yet.

  7. Měl bys tam jet. You should go there.

  8. Nesmím tam jít. I'm not allowed to go there.

  9. Jeďme tam. Let's go there.

  10. Kam to šla? Where has she gone?

  11. Už jsi tam někdy byl? Have you been there?

  12. Museli bychom tam jet. We would have to go there.

  13. Nemohl jsem jet. I couldn't go.

  14. Chceme tam jít dnes večer. We're going to go there tonight.

  15. Jel bys tam? Would you go there?

  16. Neměli bychom tam jezdit. We shouldn't go there.

  17. Chceme, abyste tam šli. We want you to go there.

  18. Pojedu tam příští rok. I'll go there next year.

  19. Musel jsem tam jet. I had to go there.

  20. Nehodlám tam jet. I'm not going to go there.

  21. Nesmíš tam jet. You can't go there.

  22. Kdy byste tam chtěli jít? When would you like to go there?

  23. Nejezděme tam. Let's not go there.

  24. Proč tam chceš jet? Why do you want to go there?

  25. Proč chceš abych tam jel? Why do you want me to go there?

  26. Kdo ti řekl abys tam jel? Who told you to go there?

  27. Budeme tam muset jet. We will have to go there.

  28. Musíme tam jezdit každý den? Do we have to go there every day?

  29. Nemohl bych tam jet. I couldn't go there.

  30. Nejezdi tam beze mě. Don't go there without me.

  31. Nebudu moci jet. I won't be able to go.

  32. Jezdí tam tvoje žena často? Does your wife go there often?

  33. Kdy tam jela? When did she go there?

  34. Musela tam jet? Did she have to go there?

  35. Nejel bych tam. I wouldn't go there.

  36. Kdy by chtěla, abych tam šel? When would she like me to go there?

  37. Myslím, že tam nejel. I don't think he went there.

  38. Musí tam jet všichni? Does everyone have to go there?

  39. Kam chcete aby jela? Where do you want her to go?

  40. Nesměl bych tam jet. I wouldn't be allowed to go there.

  41. Kam bychom měli jet? Where should we go?

  42. Kdo tam jel? Who went there?

  43. Měl bych tam jet? Should I go there?

  44. Jezdí tam každý rok. (ona) She goes there every year.

  45. Kdo tam má jít? Who is supposed to go there?

  46. Kam to jdeš? Where are you going?

  47. Kdo tam musel jet? Who had to go there?

  48. Co budeš dělat? What are you going to do?

  49. Myslím, že tam nebudu schopen jít. I don't think I'll be able to go there.

  50. Nikdy tam nesměla jezdit. She has never been allowed to go there.

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