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Engaging Minds: Crafting Western's Quality Enhancement Plan

Join us in brainstorming and discussing Western Carolina University's Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP) for student learning enhancement. Share your ideas, collaborate with peers, and dream big for our institution's future. Let's ignite positive change together!

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Engaging Minds: Crafting Western's Quality Enhancement Plan

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Getting Started Quality Enhancement for Western Carolina University September 23, 2004 Dr. Newton Smith

  2. What is a QEP? “Engaging the wider academic community and addressing one or more issues that contribute to institutional improvement, the plan should be focused, succinct, and limited in length. The QEP describes a carefully designed and focused course of action that addresses a well-defined topic or issue(s) related to enhancing student learning.”

  3. Brainstorming Procedure • We will each jot some notes about what we want Western to be. (5 minutes, so write fast.) • Next, on the white sheet of paper labeled “Table 1,” you will write your individual ideas for Western’s QEP. (10 minutes.) • Then at your table you’ll discuss the QEP suggestions and together decide on your top three QEP suggestions. Record these on the Green sheets. (10 minutes) • Finally we will read out the suggestions.

  4. What do you want Western to be? • Write your name and department on the notepad. • Begin writing. • Write as fast as you can. • Don’t edit. • Dream big.

  5. What should Western’s QEP be? • At the top of the white sheet, write your name and department. Start writing your ideas about our quality enhancement plan. Remember they should build on our strengths, they should engage most of the academic community, and they should enhance student learning. • Scribble your notes at the bottom, but arrive at your three suggestions for our QEP. You will have 10 minutes.

  6. Discuss your QEP suggestions • At each table one person should be the recorder. (It can be the SACS committee representatives scattered around the room.) • Discuss the suggestions at your table and tentatively pick your table’s top three QEPs. • On the Green Sheet record your suggestions. (10 minutes)

  7. Present your Table’s QEP • Recorders will read out the selections. (5 minutes) • Recorders will collect the white sheets and the notes about our University’s direction. • Discussion will follow if there is time.

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