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Workshop for the Arab Group of Countries. BR/TSD. Planning Software. BCD. 16 - 18 أغسطس - آب 2005 دمشق David Botha. دمشق 2005. Workshop for the Arab Group of Countries. Procedure for the production of a plan. BR/TSD. Compatibility analysis and synthesis process. BCD. Admin/BR.

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  1. Workshop for the Arab Group of Countries BR/TSD Planning Software BCD 16 - 18 أغسطس - آب 2005 دمشق David Botha دمشق 2005

  2. Workshop for the Arab Group of Countries Procedure for the production of a plan BR/TSD Compatibility analysis and synthesis process BCD Admin/BR Admin/BR Analysis BR/PXT Admin/BR/PXT Admin/BR BR/PXT Admin/BR/PXT Synthesis Admin. دمشق 2005

  3. Workshop for the Arab Group of Countries BR/TSD Current status BCD Delivery of software • The EBU delivered: • 1. Software for the: • Prediction of the service area of analogue television assignments • Compatibility assessment of digital sound broadcasting assignments and allotments • Compatibility assessment of digital television broadcasting assignments and allotments • Compatibility assessment: • Mutually between requirements • Against existing and planned analogue television broadcasting assignments • Against existing and planned assignments to other primary services • Coded in FORTRAN دمشق 2005

  4. Workshop for the Arab Group of Countries BR/TSD Current status BCD Delivery of software continued • The EBU delivered: • 2. Plan synthesis software for: • Digital sound and television broadcasting requirements in band III • Digital television broadcasting in band IV/V • Code in FORTRAN • 3. Total package: • 74 source files resulting in 42 individual programs • 28 reference data files دمشق 2005

  5. Workshop for the Arab Group of Countries BR/TSD Current status BCD Verification and testing • BR assisted by PXT to specify and perform tests on: • 1. Basic software functionality: • Compile source code • Execute routines based on general data examples • Reporting errors and implement updates • 2. Calculation verification: • Verification of basic propagation functionality • Compatibility assessment for simple cases • Synthesis results based on artificial problems دمشق 2005

  6. Workshop for the Arab Group of Countries BR/TSD Current status BCD Verification and testing continued • BR assisted by PXT specify and perform tests on: • 3. Planning test scenarios: • Software performance vs. system requirements • Results from analyses and syntheses • Variation of scenario parameters • 4. Planning exercise scenarios: • Results from analyses and syntheses • Implementing different approaches to planning • Findings as input to IPG meeting • 5. Report on testing and verification submitted to the first IPG meeting دمشق 2005

  7. Workshop for the Arab Group of Countries Current status BR/TSD BCD Planning software: How does it work? Input data: Reference situations New digital BC requirements Data conversion Analogue TV assignment services areas VHF and UHF treated in parallel and independently Compatibility identification Combination of analyses Syntheses دمشق 2005

  8. Workshop for the Arab Group of Countries Current status BR/TSD BCD Planning software: How does it work? (continued) Analyses Data preprocessing VHF and UHF treated in parallel and independently Syntheses: Different algorithms Combination of results Identification of “best” solution Plan دمشق 2005

  9. Workshop for the Arab Group of Countries BR/TSD Analysis BCD Detailed overview • General steps: • 1. Data preparation of: • Extracts of reference situations for broadcasting and other primary services into text; • Requirements for digital broadcasting (assignments, allotments for T-DAB and DVB-T) into text; • Conversion of text files into proprietary binary files. دمشق 2005

  10. Workshop for the Arab Group of Countries BR/TSD Analysis BCD Detailed overview continued • General steps continued: • 2. Calculation of: • Service areas of analogue TV assignments • Service areas of digital broadcasting assignments (equivalent service areas based on noise limited reduced by 3 dB); • Incompatibilities identified pair-wise between digital broadcasting requirements mutually – cannot share the same channel; • Incompatibilities identified pair-wise between digital requirements and existing and planned assignments - the relevant acceptable channels become not available; • Incompatible when the protection margin on any test point and for any channel is less than –0.5 dB دمشق 2005

  11. Workshop for the Arab Group of Countries BR/TSD Analysis BCD Detailed overview continued • General steps continued: • 3. Post processing of results: • Combining of incompatibility results of different cases; • Analogue TV assignment  Digital requirement • Digital requirement Analogue TV assignment • Digital requirement Digital requirement • Digital requirementOther primary service • Other primary service  Digital requirement • Consideration of administrative declarations • Preparation of files for bands III and IV/V separately. دمشق 2005

  12. Workshop for the Arab Group of Countries Basis of the analysis BR/TSD BCD Input data • Conversion of analogue assignments from the “reference” situation or new requirements; • Existing and planned analogue TV assignments taken into account; • Existing and planned assignments to other primary services taken into account. دمشق 2005

  13. Workshop for the Arab Group of Countries Basis of the analysis BR/TSD BCD Technical considerations • Analogue assignment service areas calculation, multiple interference based on power sum method; • Conversions indicated and taken into account; • Calculation of estimated service areas based on noise limited coverage areas reduced by a margin by 3 dB; • No receiving antenna directivity or polarisation discrimination for mobile and portable indoor reception; • For fixed reception receiving antenna directivity and polarisation were taken into account. دمشق 2005

  14. Workshop for the Arab Group of Countries Results of the analysis BR/TSD BCD Coverage presentation • Coverage presented relative to the IDWM national borders (both analogue TV assignments and digital broadcasting requirements); • Selection of results possible; • Results can be displayed without having to repeat the calculation. دمشق 2005

  15. Workshop for the Arab Group of Countries Results of the analysis BR/TSD BCD Detail incompatibility information • Conference mode: • Indicate limited worst case incompatibility; • All incompatibilities are listed; • Different incompatibility cases are provided in separate output files. • Named mode: • Change the configuration file to enable this mode; • Detail incompatibility information provided for a specific site / requirement; • Information specifically useful for coordination. دمشق 2005

  16. Workshop for the Arab Group of Countries BR/TSD Synthesis BCD Detailed overview • General steps: • 1. Preprocessing of incompatibility results: • Conversion of digital to digital requirement incompatibility results into required file format; • Generation of lists of available channels as opposed to acceptable channels; • Data prepared for each requirement; • Separate sets for bands III and IV/V. دمشق 2005

  17. Workshop for the Arab Group of Countries BR/TSD Synthesis BCD Detailed overview continued • General steps continued: • 2. Synthesizing frequency plans: • Search for solutions based on input data and 49 channels in band IV/V and 67 combinations of channels overlapping in band III; • Apply 162 individual ‘fast’ algorithms in band III and 230 algorithms in band IV/V; • Software can treat 150 000 requirements in band IV/V and 32 000 in band III; • Requires 2 GB of random access memory. دمشق 2005

  18. Workshop for the Arab Group of Countries Synthesis BR/TSD BCD دمشق 2005

  19. Workshop for the Arab Group of Countries BR/TSD Synthesis BCD Detailed overview continued • General steps continued: • 3. Preparation of output data: • Generate combined list of all solutions found for each algorithm; • Identify the ‘best’ solution as separate output. دمشق 2005

  20. Workshop for the Arab Group of Countries Synthesis BR/TSD BCD Assigning frequency resources using a structured procedure • Using algorithms as methods to assign channels / frequency blocks; • Requirements are anonymous; • Available channels are taken into account; • Incompatibilities amongst digital broadcasting requirements indicate that requirements cannot share the same channel / frequency block. دمشق 2005

  21. Workshop for the Arab Group of Countries Synthesis BR/TSD BCD In the absence of a full conference-like database, the synthesis results of a limited situation are not conclusive!!!!!! دمشق 2005

  22. Workshop for the Arab Group of Countries Synthesis BR/TSD BCD Synthesis the colourful way • Plan to all have one requirement • Acceptable choices = Acceptable channels / frequency blocks Green Blue Pink Yellow دمشق 2005

  23. Workshop for the Arab Group of Countries Synthesis BR/TSD BCD Synthesis the colourful way Same colour as neighbour = Incompatibility Existing services = Pre-selected colour دمشق 2005

  24. Workshop for the Arab Group of Countries Synthesis BR/TSD BCD Synthesis the colourful way Frequency assignment = Colour selection دمشق 2005

  25. Workshop for the Arab Group of Countries BR/TSD Further development BCD Items to be considered for improvement/correction • General further development: • Continued verification and testing; • Report errors to EBU; • Implement corrections and repeat testing; • Suggest improvements; • PXT and IPG request changes; • Implement and test improvements and changes. دمشق 2005

  26. Workshop for the Arab Group of Countries BR/TSD Further development BCD Items to be considered for improvement/correction • Specific further development: • Implement IPG-1 request for equitable access in the synthesis; • Implement additional planning options and variants; • Improvement in calculation speed; • Additional synthesis routines that improve planning efficiency (longer calculation time) • Implementation of the final analysis. دمشق 2005

  27. Workshop for the Arab Group of Countries BR/TSD BCD دمشق 2005

  28. Workshop for the Arab Group of Countries BR/TSD BCD شكرا جزيلا Thank you دمشق 2005

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