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Do you worry about dying? Does it bother you that you may die before you have done everything you wanted to do? Do you worry that you may be very ill for a long time before you die? Does it upset you to think others may see you suffering before you die?
Do you worry about dying? Does it bother you that you may die before you have done everything you wanted to do? Do you worry that you may be very illfor a long time before you die? Does it upset you to think others may see you suffering before you die? Do you worry that dying may be very painful? Do you worry that the persons closest to you won’t be with you when you are dying? Do you worry that you may be alone when you are dying? Does the thought bother you that you might lose control of your mind before death? Do you worry that expenses connected with your death will be a burden to other people? Does it worry you that your instructions or will about your belongings may not be carried out after you die? Death Anxiety Questions0=Not at all; 1=Somewhat; 2=Very much
Death Anxiety Questions0=Not at all; 1=Somewhat; 2=Very much • Are you afraid you may be buried before you are really dead? • Does the thought of leaving loved ones behind when you die disturb you? • Do you worry that those you care about may not remember you after your death? • Does the thought worry you that with death you may be gone forever? • Are you worried about not knowing what to expect after death?
Total possible score = 30 • Average score for most people, regardless of age, is 8.5 • Would you expect LDS scores to be the same, higher, or lower? Why? • How can “fear of death” cause problems in life? • What counsel would you give to someone who seemed overly preoccupied, who feared death?
We shall turn round and look upon it [the valley of death] and think, when we have crossed it, why this is the greatest advantage of my whole existence, for I have passed from a state of sorrow, grief, mourning, woe, misery, pain, anguish and disappointment into a state of existence, where I can enjoy life to the fullest extent as far as that can be done without a body.
My spirit is set free, I thirst no more, I want to sleep no more, I hunger no more, I tire no more, I run, I walk, I labor, I go, I come, I do this, I do that, whatever is required of me, nothing like pain or weariness, I am full of life, full of vigor, and I enjoy the presence of my heavenly Father."(Brigham Young, in Journal of Discourses, 17:142.)
The Resurrection • After the resurrection from the dead our bodies will be spiritual bodies, but they will be bodies that are tangible, bodies that have been purified, but they will nevertheless be bodies of flesh and bones, but they will not be blood bodies, they will no longer be quickened by blood but quickened by the spirit which is eternal and they shall become immortal and shall never die." (CR, Apr. 1917, pp. 62-63.)
As concerning the resurrection, I will merely say that all men will come from the grave as they lie down, whether old or young; there will not be 'added unto their stature one cubit,' neither taken from it; all will be raised by the power of God, having spirit in their bodies, and not blood. (HC, 4:555-56.)
Resurrection is requisite for eternal perfection. Thanks to the atonement of Jesus Christ, our bodies, corruptible in mortality, will become incorruptible. Our physical frames, now subject to disease, death, and decay, will acquire immortal glory. Presently sustained by the blood of life and ever aging, our bodies will be sustained by spirit and become changeless and beyond the bounds of death.” • (Russell M. Nelson, in Conference Report, Sept.–Oct. 1995, 115–16; or Ensign, Nov. 1995, 86–87).
Those from whom we have to part here, we will meet again and see as they are. We will meet the same identical being that we associated with here in the flesh-not some other soul, some other being, or the same being in some other form, but the same identity and the same form and likeness, the same person we knew and were associated with in our mortal existence, even to the wounds in the flesh.
Not that a person will always be marred by scars, wounds, deformities, defects or infirmities, for these will be removed in their course, in their proper time, according to the merciful providence of God. Deformity will be removed; defects will be eliminated, and men and women shall attain to the perfection of their spirits, to the perfection that God designed in the beginning. (JFS, Gospel Doctrine, p. 22)
In the resurrection of the dead the child that was buried in its infancy will come up in the form of the child that it was when it was laid down; then it will begin to develop. • From the day of the resurrection, the body will develop until it reaches the full measure of the stature of its spirit, whether it be male or female (JFS, Gospel Doctrine, p.23).