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MTP Kit contains both abortion pills necessary for pregnancy termination- Mifepristone and Misoprostol. Millions of women buy MTP Kit online to terminate their early pregnancy.
MTP KIT – The Medical Kit for Early Pregnancy Termination www.buyabortionpillrx.net
What is an MTP Kit? • MTP kit is used for medical abortion, in fact many women buy MTP Kit onlineto have a safe pregnancy termination at home. • The MTP Kit can end unwanted pregnancy which has not matured past 10 weeks of gestation. • What does an MTP kit consist of? • An MTP kit consist of two medications- • It has one Mifepristone [ 200 mg] tablet, which is anti-progesterone in nature. • It has four Misoprostol [ 800 mcg total] tablets, which are prostaglandin analogue.
What is the role of Mifepristone in the abortion procedure? • Mifepristone blocks the pregnancy continuing hormone called ‘progesterone’ which is responsible for keeping the conception parts attached. • In the absence of progesterone, the uterine lining disrupts, thus leading to embryo separation in the uterus. • Mifepristone also widens and softens the cervix for easy passage of detached conception parts. • What is the role of Misoprostol in the abortion procedure? • Misoprostol is an ecbolic medication and causes contractions in the uterus. • These contractions help the detached conception tissues to be ejected through vaginal discharge. • Many women even buy abortion pill Misoprostol for other purposes like to prevent ulcers that are induced by NSAIDs, labor induction and for treating postpartum hemorrhage etc.
What is the regimen for MTP Usage? • Step 1 – Swallow a tablet of Mifepristone [ 200 mg] orally with water. • Step 2 – Take an interval of 24-48 hours . • Step 3 – Put 4 pills of Misoprostol [ 800 mcg], 2x2 in each cheek pouches. • It takes at least one to two weeks in order to completely end the pregnancy with medications.
MTP Kit Results • The conception parts are expelled from the uterus through vaginal discharge. • The woman will pass blood clots the size of a lemon during bleeding. • She will experience nausea, abdominal cramps, vomiting etc. • All the above will lead to ending the pregnancy.
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