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Teaching, Research, & Resources in Faculty of Science at UWO: 2006-07 Indicators

This report presents a selection of indicators at the Faculty, University, and G13 levels for the 2008 CCDS meeting. It includes information on student experience, teaching, research, resources, and comparisons to other universities.

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Teaching, Research, & Resources in Faculty of Science at UWO: 2006-07 Indicators

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  1. A selection of indicators at the Faculty, University, and G13 levelsfor the 2008 CCDS meetingby David Wardlaw, UWO

  2. Teachingacross UWO and in ScienceCapacity, Load, & their Distributions1998-99 to 2006-07

  3. All Faculties

  4. Faculty of Science

  5. Student ExperienceSelected NSSE results2006

  6. 2006 NSSE Results Western: First-Year Students scored on a 4-point scale where responses were as follows: never, sometimes, often, very often

  7. Teaching and Researchin Faculty of Science at UWO:Absolute Measures2006-07 by Department

  8. Undergraduate FCE Course Registrants

  9. Graduate FTE Enrolments

  10. Weighted Teaching Units (WTUs)

  11. Research Expenditures ($M)3-Year Average: 2004-05 to 2006-07

  12. Teaching and Researchin Faculty of Science at UWO:Relative to Resources2006-07by Department

  13. WTUs per Full-Time Faculty Member Average

  14. FTE Graduate Students per Tenured/Probationary Faculty Member Average

  15. Research Expenditure ($000) per Tenured/Probationary Faculty Member Average

  16. Research Expenditures / Operating Budget Average

  17. Operating Budget per WTU Average

  18. Share of Budget / Share of WTUs

  19. Teaching and Researchin Faculty of Science at UWO:Relative to Resources2006-07Summary of Dept B’s Position Relative to Science Average

  20. Dept B’s position Relative to Science Average Science Avg 1 of 8 2 of 8 4 of 8 8 of 8 4 of 8

  21. Teaching and ResearchRelative to Resources 2006-07 Trends over the Past DecadeDept B vs Science Total

  22. WTUs per Full-Time Faculty

  23. FTE Grad Students per TenProb Faculty

  24. Operating Budget per WTU

  25. Department BTeaching, Research, & ResourcesCompared to G13 Universities2006-07

  26. Dept B: Operating Expenditures per FTE Student Average

  27. Dept B: FTE Studentsper Full-Time Faculty Member Average

  28. Dept B: Research Expenditures per Tenured/Probationary Faculty Average

  29. Dept B: % Graduate Students Average

  30. FTE Graduate Students per FTE T/P Faculty: 2005-06 Science Programs Average Science Programs Include: Earth Sciences, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics/ Statistics, Biology, Computer Science

  31. Selected Indicatorsof Teaching, Research, & ResourcesCompared to G13 Universities2006-07

  32. Doctoral Degree Completion Rates1993-1997 Entering Cohorts – All Disciplinesat Nine Years After Entry G13 Avg = 62%

  33. Average Number of Years to Doctoral Degree Completion1993-1997 Entering Cohorts – All Disciplines G13 Avg = 5.3

  34. Graduate Student FellowshipsNatural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada 3-Year Average Awards as a % of Full-Time Eligible Graduate Students

  35. New Tenured and Probationary Appointments, by Gender2006-07 G13 average for Women hires = 33.5%

  36. Total Tenured and Probationary Faculty, by Gender2006-07 G13 average for Women = 30.3%

  37. NSERC AwardsFunding per NSERC-Eligible Tenure-Track Faculty Member2006-07

  38. Canada Foundation for Innovation ($M)1998-2007 % Represents Institutional Share of Canadian Total

  39. Natural Sciences and Engineering Publications per NSERC-Eligible Faculty by University 2001 to 2006 G13 Avg = 14.8

  40. Department BTeaching, Research, & ResourcesCompared to Science Total

  41. WTUs per Full-Time FacultyIndexed to 1997-98

  42. WTUs per FTE FacultyIndexed to 1997-98

  43. FTE Grad Students per TenProb FacultyIndexed to 1997-98

  44. Research Expenditures per TenProb FacultyIndexed to 1999-00

  45. Operating Budget per WTUIndexed to 1997-98

  46. Faculty of ScienceTeaching, Research, & Resources

  47. WTUs per Full-Time Faculty Member

  48. (Base Budget +ECF+GEF) per WTU

  49. Science: % of Full-time First-Year Studentswith OAC Average of 80% or Above

  50. Science: % of Full-time First-Year Studentswith OAC Average of 85% or Above

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