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Food Allergy Italia Project: Managing Allergies in Italian Schools

Learn about how Food Allergy Italia aims to standardize allergy management in schools in Italy, training school staff to handle emergencies and create a safe environment for students with severe food allergies.

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Food Allergy Italia Project: Managing Allergies in Italian Schools

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  1. FOOD ALLERGY ITALIA • In Europe, foodallergyaffects 4-7% of childrenattendingPrimary School. (Muraro et al., Allergy, 2010) • The life-time prevalence of allergicreactions to food in school-agechildrenis 10.5% in Italy. (Caffarelli et al., PediatrInt., 2011) • Itisestimatedthat 18-24% of severe allergicreactionsoccur in the schoolenvironment. (Mehl et al. Allergy, 2005; Rankin & Sheikh, PLoSMed, 2006) Itisestimatedthat more thanhalf of the schools are attended by atleastonestudentatrisk of a severe allergicreaction.

  2. FOOD ALLERGY ITALIA PROJECT The Veneto Region Law L.R. n. 26, 26/11/2004 • recognizes a food allergy as a high social impact disease • establishes the Referral Centre for food allergy diagnosis and treatment • the Law imposes that the Veneto Region must garantee all actions necessary to allow all food allergic patients attend school safely. Therefore, the Regional Council has prepared a training plan for all school staff of schools located in the region. • The aim of the educational program is to teach school staff to handle emergencies and problems caused by food allergy from both a practical and psychological point of view (somministration of lifesaving medicine and encouraging the involvement of the child in the school community). • partnership between Food Allergy Italia and the Referral Center for Food Allergies Diagnosis and Treatment located in Padua.

  3. MANAGEMENT OF FOOD ALLERGY AND ANAPHYLACTIC EMERGENCY AT SCHOOL • 2002-2007 Pilotactivity in Padua and province • 2008-2016 Activities on Veneto school • Voluntaryrecruitment 8 YEARS OF TRAINING MORE THAN 70 COURSES NEARLY 2000 SCHOOLS MORE THAN 5000 SCHOOL STAFF TRAINED SIGNIFICANT EDUCATIONAL IMPACT Polloni, Muraro, FA Veneto Referral Center

  4. TRAINING COURSES • Two hours of free training for schools in the Veneto region • Multidisciplinary team (paediatric allergist, lawyer, psychologist, patient representative) • Lectures, practical exercises • Knowlidge on foodallergy and anaphylaxis • How to recognizesymptoms of reaction and treat an anaphylacticemergency • How to preventreactions • Promote the full integration of the allergicstudent in school life • Information on medical-legal self-injectable adrenaline administration • Guidelines and protocol of emergency Strengthening of learning through DVD Questionnaire before and after the session to verify the training impact Polloni, Muraro, FA Veneto Referral Center

  5. FOOD ALLERGY ITALIA The aim of Food Allergy Italia is to extend the "Veneto Model" all over the country by promoting the spread of the Educational Project and the Action Plan for Anaphylaxis Emergency in order to standardize information and intervention procedures throughout the country. This would allow teachers to deal with the problem with greater confidence and competence and at the same time, and allow the child with severe food allergies a safe entry into school life.

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