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제어공학기초 설계실습 #4

제어공학기초 설계실습 #4. Plotting and Graphics. 실험실습 #4 안내서. 실험실습 번호 : #4 실험실습 일시 : 2007. . . 담당교수 :  담당조교 : , . 제목 : Plotting and Graphics 목적 : Matlab 에서의 결과 그림을 도시하는 각종 방법에 대해 익힘 실습에 필요한 기초지식 : 슬라이드 유인물 참조 실습절차 : 슬라이드 유인물 참조.

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제어공학기초 설계실습 #4

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  1. 제어공학기초 설계실습 #4 Plotting and Graphics

  2. 실험실습 #4 안내서 • 실험실습 번호 : #4 • 실험실습 일시: 2007. . . • 담당교수 :  • 담당조교 : ,  제목 : Plotting and Graphics 목적 : Matlab에서의 결과 그림을 도시하는 각종 방법에 대해 익힘 실습에 필요한 기초지식 : 슬라이드 유인물 참조 실습절차 : 슬라이드 유인물 참조

  3. Plotting & Graphics: Basic 2-D Graphics • plot(y) • plot(rand(1, 20)) • plot(x, y) • x = 0 : pi/40 : 4*pi; • plot(x, sin(x)) • plot([0 4], [1 3]) • ezplot(‘tan(x)’)

  4. Plotting & Graphics: Labels • title, xlabel, ylabel • gtext, text • grid >> plot([1 1 2 3 3], [0 2 3 2 0]) >> title(‘House') >> xlabel('horizontal') >> ylabel('vetical') >> gtext('window') >> text(2,1,'door') >> grid

  5. hold (on)/ hold (off): toggle plot(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, …) plotyy(x, sin(x), x, 10*cos(x)) independent y-axis labels on the left and the right plot(x, y) x and y may both be matrices Multiple Plots on the Same Axes

  6. Line Styles, Markers and Colors • Line styles • plot(x, y, ‘--’) • -(solid), --(dashed), :(dotted), -.(dashdot) • markers • plot(x, y, ‘o’) • .(point), o(circle), x, *, +, s(quare), d(iamond),v(triangle down), ^(triangle up), <(triangle left), >(triangle right) • colors • plot(x, y, ‘r’) • c(yan), m(agenta), y(ellow), r(ed), g(reen), b(lue), (blac)k, w(hite) • ex: plot(x, sin(x), ‘b.-v’, x, cos(x), ‘om--’)

  7. Axis Limits • axis( [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax] ) • inf, -inf: autoscaled limit • axis auto • v = axis: current axis scaling in the vector v • axis manual: hold 동작시 작용 • axis equal / axis normal • axis off / axis on • axes: particular graphics object • includes x-axis, y-axis, tick marks, labels, the actual graphs, text included in the figure

  8. Multiple Plots in a Figure • subplot(m, n, p) • m x n small sets of axes • p-th set for the current plot • figure(h) • create a new figure window • or makes figure h the current figure • h: the handle of the figure • clf • clears the current figure windows • cla • deletes all plots and text from the current axes

  9. 예제: Multiple plots in a figure % Multiple plots in a figure % [x, y] = meshgrid(-3:0.3:3); z = x.* exp(-x.^2 - y.^2); subplot(2, 2, 1) mesh(z), title('subplot(2,2,1)') subplot(2, 2, 2) mesh(z) view(-37.5, 70), title('subplot(2,2,2)') subplot(2, 2, 3) mesh(z) view(37.5, -10), title('subplot(2,2,3)') subplot(2, 2, 4) mesh(z) view(0,0), title('subplot(2,2,4)')

  10. Graphical Input • Graphical input • [x, y] = ginput • select an unlimited number of points from the current graph using a mouse or arrow keys • [x, y] = ginput(n) • must select exactly n points • Logarithmic plots • semilogx(x, y) • plots x with a log10 scale and y with a linear scale • semilogy(x, y) • plots x with a linear scale and y with a log10 scale • loglog(x, y) • plots x and y with a log10 scale

  11. Logarithmic Plots % Logarithmic plots % x = 0:0.01:4; y = exp(x); subplot(2,2,1) plot(x, y), grid subplot(2,2,2) semilogx(x, y), grid subplot(2,2,3) semilogy(x, y), grid subplot(2,2,4) loglog(x, y), grid

  12. 3-D Plots • plot3 • plot3(x, y, z) • Animated 3-D plots with comet3 • comet3(x, y, z) • it draws with a moving ‘comet head’ • Mesh surfaces • [x y] = meshgrid(0:5) x = 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 y = 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5

  13. 예제: plot3 % plot3 % plot3(rand(1,10), rand(1,10), rand(1,10)) % plot3 % t = 0:pi/50:10*pi; plot3(exp(-0.02*t).*sin(t),… exp(-0.02*t).*cos(t), t),… xlabel('x-axis'), ylabel('y-axis'),… zlabel('z-axis')

  14. 예제: Mesh surfaces % Mesh surfaces % [x y] = meshgrid(-8:0.5:8); r = sqrt(x.^2 + y.^2) + eps; z = sin(r) ./ r; mesh(z) % Mesh surfaces % [x y] = meshgrid(-8:0.5:8); r = sqrt(x.^2 + y.^2) + eps; z = sin(r) ./ r; surf(z)

  15. Rotation of 3-D Graphs • view(az, el) • az(azimuth) • viewpoint about the z-axis • in degree • default value: -37.5o • el(elevation) • the angle a line from the viewpoint makes with the x-y plane • in degree • default value: 30o • pause(n) • suspends execution for n seconds % Rotation of 3-D graphs % a = zeros(30, 30); a(:, 15) = 0.2 * ones(30, 1); a(7, :) = 0.1 * ones(1, 30); a(15, 15) = 1; el = 30; for az = -37.5:15:-37.5+360 mesh(a), view(az, el) pause(0.5) end

  16. 요약: Plotting and Graphics • Plotting and Graphics Basic commands: plot, loglog, semilogx, semilogy, polar

  17. 요약: Plotting and Graphics Some techniques

  18. 1) 앞에 설명된 MATLAB example 들을 실행해 보시오. 2) 다음 문제에 대해 그림을 그리시오. Mercury's Orbit about Earth parametric equations  Draw the trajectory after     revolutions Matlab 실험·실습과제4

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