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Levelling without levels…. SATS For this year children in year 2 and 6 will do the ‘old’ SATs. We have limited information about the new SATS for 2015:
SATS For this year children in year 2 and 6 will do the ‘old’ SATs. We have limited information about the new SATS for 2015: • The new year 6 assessments will focus on using and applying in maths. It will be a ‘secondary ready’ test – only assessing if they have reached, and can use and apply the end of year 6 expectations. • The new year 2 assessments for writing will be focusing on spelling, grammar and punctuation. This is more like a SpAG test.
Criteria for assessment • Children assessed against the end of year expectations for their current year group known as ‘milestones’ • Each assessment point determines pupils progress achieving the ‘milestone’ for their current year. • Those who have already solidly and completely met end of year expectations can begin working towards the next year. • Pupils who have not met the previous years objectives need to continue to work towards them but also experience own year group so they don’t drop further behind.
Tracking points Each year group split into 3 points Year 3 Milestone 2 (end y2) = 15 points Milestone 3 (end y3) = 18 points 16 points = y3 skills emerging– above y2 skills, beginning to show progress in y3 skills – may be some fully achieved 17 points = y3 skills developing– more confident with a wider range of year 3 skills, a number of skills fully achieved. 18 points = y3 skills secure – all y3 skills achieved confidently.
End of year assessments All children assessed against their current year ‘milestone’ as well as given their ‘point’. Not yet achieved their milestone ‘ Emerging’ Fully achieved their milestone ‘Expected’ Working towards the next milestone ‘Exceeding’ Example – y4 LA child – 19 points ‘year 4 emerging’ MA child – 21 points ‘year 4 expected’ HA child – 27 points ‘year 4 exceeding’ (equivalent to y6 expected’)
End of KS2 assessments ‘Secondary ready’ test. Can children use and apply the end of year 6 expectations? Milestone 5 = 24 points 25 points = emerging towards milestone 6 26 points = developing towards milestone 6 27 points = secure at milestone 6 ‘secondary ready’ 27 points current 4b – new 27 is more like 5c
Tracking points •Rather than levels and APS points we will now use tracking points. Although the numbers are similar the expectation is not ie. what you have to do for 18 APS points is not the same as 18 tracking points; you have to do more to get 18 tracking points. •The end of year is a called a milestone ie. milestone 3 is the end of year 3. •Each milestone matches to a tracking point – milestone 3 is 18 points. •Between milestones each year has 3 points which children progress through (in year 3 16,17 and 18) •We are in the process of allocating skills to each point ie. what 17 or 16 points entails. •Children who are higher or lower achievers may be working towards end of year milestones for a different year group. •We expect children to make 3 points progress a year. •At the end of year we will report children’s attainment compared to the expectation of their current year group. ie. An ‘average’ child in year 4 would be expected to achieve 21 points (meeting all of year 4 expectations). This would be reported as ‘expected for year 4’. A child in year 4 achieving 25 points (which is equivalent to the end of y5 expectation) is reported as ‘exceeding for year 4’ A child in year 4 achieving 19 points (which is still working towards the y4 expectation) is reported as ‘emerging for year 4’
Changing over to new assessment • Autumn 2 – all assessment against new expectations (except y2/6) • Autumn 1 – ‘baseline’ against new expectations • Allocate children new points based on their performance against end of year milestone expectations. • Some pupils may look like they have gone backwards as the expectations for each point have increased. • Parents will be informed to ensure they understand changes.
Current y6 / y2 • Teach new curriculum (expectations are higher). • Assess, track and report against old ‘levels’ and points ie. 27 points = 4b+ • Need to be aware of the differences in APS points (old) and Tracking points (new) especially in y6 • Use old ‘level descriptors’ but keep in mind their progress towards milestone. • At end of year (after SATS) will transfer to ‘new points’