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实用文体的翻译. Translation of practical writings for Units 14-15. By PYSH. 广告文体翻译 旅游 文体 翻译 商务文献翻译 法律 文献 翻译 科技文体翻译 论述文体翻译 小说文体翻译 散文文体翻译 诗歌文体翻译. 广告文体翻译. 跨文化因素 不同的人文环境 不同的地域环境 熟悉目的语文化和审美心理 适当的文化转换以更好转达原文信息. 商标翻译必须熟悉目的语的文化和审美心理,避免文化障碍. Fangfang White Elephant Golden Cock

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  1. 实用文体的翻译 Translation of practical writings for Units 14-15 By PYSH

  2. 广告文体翻译 • 旅游文体翻译 • 商务文献翻译 • 法律文献翻译 • 科技文体翻译 • 论述文体翻译 • 小说文体翻译 • 散文文体翻译 • 诗歌文体翻译

  3. 广告文体翻译 • 跨文化因素 • 不同的人文环境 • 不同的地域环境 • 熟悉目的语文化和审美心理 • 适当的文化转换以更好转达原文信息

  4. 商标翻译必须熟悉目的语的文化和审美心理,避免文化障碍商标翻译必须熟悉目的语的文化和审美心理,避免文化障碍 Fangfang White Elephant Golden Cock White Feather Panda Lotus → teeth of snakes ... → sth. useless ...... → sth. mean …… → sth. inauspicious → sth. like pigs….. → sth. inauspicious 芳芳 白象 金鸡牌→Br. 白翎 熊猫牌→Ar. 荷花牌→J.

  5. 适当的文化转换 玉兔 藕粉 轻身减肥片↘ ↘ ↘ Jade Rabbit Lotus Root Starch Obesity-Reducing Tablets Moon Rabbit Lotus Root Powder Slimming Pills

  6. “美人”鲜花,倾诉衷肠(花店广告) • Flowers by BEAUTY speak from the heart. • 穿上“双星”鞋,潇洒走世界(鞋业广告) • Double Star takes you afar. • “成功之路,从‘头’开始。”(飘柔) • Start ahead. • Additions for the E-C rendition of trademarks but not introduced in detail: Among 128 most famous Chinese trade marks, there are 7 with only 1 character, 100 with two characters, 19 with 3 characters, and 2 with 4, indicating the succinct tendency in both naming & rendering them in China. Characterized by this, the trademarks contain few syllables with catchy (令人难忘的) sounds.

  7. 旅游文体翻译 • 景点名称的翻译 • 旅游资料的翻译 • 景点名联的翻译

  8. 景点名称组成 • 专名 • 景点地名的实体部分 • 通名 • 景点类别 • 自然:山,岩,峰,江,石 • 人文:宫,亭,楼,台,塔

  9. 音译为主,适当意译,照顾通译 • 香格里拉 • Shangri-la (Shangri-La) • 玉龙雪山 • The Yulong Snow Mountains • Jade DragonSnow Mountains • 滇池 • The Dianchi Lake • Lake Dianchi • 西双版纳 • Xishuangbanna • 老虎滩 • Tiger Beach • 星海湾 • Xinghai Bay • Star Sea Bay • 中和殿 • Hall of Central Harmony

  10. 翻译注意事项 • 切忌望文生义 • 查对有关资料 • 考证历史史实

  11. 稻香村 • Paddy Sweet Village • Cottage • 杜甫草堂 • Du Fu’s Straw Cottage • Thatched Hut of Du Fu • 寒山寺 • Bleak Mountain Temple • Cold • 三老石室 • Three Old Men Stone Chamber • Three Venerables (值得尊敬者)

  12. 虎刨(跑)泉 • Tiger Running Spring • Tiger-Dug Spring • 虎跳峡 • Tiger Leaping Gorge • 拙政园 • Garden of Humble Administration • Garden of a Hermit

  13. 旅游资料的翻译 • 释义法 • 增补法 • 类比法

  14. 释义法 • 端午节,人们都吃粽子。 • During the Dragon Boat Festival which falls on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month, it is a common practice for most Chinese families to eat Zongzi, a rice pudding wrapped up with reed leaves.

  15. 增补法 • 孔子(公元前551-前479)是春秋时期鲁国人,名丘,字仲尼。 • Confucius, who lived from 551 B.C. to 479 B.C., was born in the Kingdom of Lu in the Spring and Autumn Period in Chinese history (722-481 B.C.). His given name was Qiu and courtesy name Zhongni.

  16. 类比法 • 修建故宫耗时14年,整个工程于1420年结束。 • The construction of the Forbidden City took 14 years, and was finished in 1420, 72 years before Christopher Columbus discovered the New World/14 years before Shakespeare was born.

  17. 景点名联的翻译 • 以昆明大观楼长联为例 • 《大观楼长联》 • ——昆明孙髯翁

  18. 上联: • 五百里滇池,奔来眼底。披襟岸帻,喜茫茫空阔无边!看:东骧神骏,西翥灵仪,北走蜿蜒,南翔缟素。高人韵士,何妨选胜登临,趁蟹屿螺洲,梳裹就风鬟雾鬓;更萍天苇地,点缀些翠羽丹霞,莫辜负四围香稻,万倾碧沙,九夏芙蓉,三春杨柳。

  19. 上联英译: The 500-li Dianchi is rushing into sight and so exhilarated am I to unbutton my coat and headdress, enjoying the vast-stretching waters! Look around: Mt Jinma like a galloping horse in the east, Mt Biji resembling a flying phoenix in the west, Mt Hongshan rolling up and down like a dragon in the north and Mt Crane shrouded in the transient white clouds in the south. Ascending the height Your Majesty can enjoy a distant view of the isles made up of crab and snail shells and the sweeping willow branches in the misty breezes, endless marshes covered with weeds and reeds and with a few green-feathered birds perching, all underneath the sky’s rosy clouds. I would have felt very much regretted if I hadn’t seen the fragrant rice paddies and long sandy beaches all around, lotus flowers in full blossom in summer, and hanging willow branches greened with new spouts in spring.

  20. 下联: • 数千年往事,注到心头。把酒凌虚,叹滚滚英雄谁在?想:汉习楼船,唐标铁柱,宋挥玉斧,元跨革囊。伟烈丰功,费尽移山心力,尽珠帘画栋,卷不及暮雨朝云;便断碣残碑,都付与苍烟落照,只赢得几杵疏钟,半江渔火,两行秋雁,一枕清霜。

  21. 下联英译: • The thousand-year-long history is repeating itself in my mind and a little bit drunk am I looking up to sigh for those historical heroes, where are they? Think about: terraced warships teemed with Han soldiers, iron monu-ments built in memory of the Tang's victory, territories settled by the first Song emperor with a jade ax and the whole land conquered by the Yuan tribesmen coming on an expedition on sheepskin rafts. Gloriously martyred deeds with great efforts in vain and all grand palaces are gone forever with morning clouds and evening rains,leaving only broken stone tablets with a few lines of engraved scripts, all enveloped in the hazy sunset. There left behind are bronze bells heard occasionally and fishing boats with flickering lamps seen in the middle of the lake, wild geese leaving in a hurry in two files in autumn, and only frosted snow all over the terrains in winter.

  22. 商务文献翻译 • 专业性 • 实用性 • 规范性 • 行文简洁 • 语气庄重 • 套话

  23. 提醒卖方注意:我方定单拖欠至今尚未履行。 • We brought to the knowledge of the Seller that our order had been outstanding for considerable time. • 如能速报贵方产品最低价,我方将不胜感激。 • We shall be obliged if you will quote us your rock-bottom prices for your products at your earliest convenience. • 随函附寄我方价目表一式两份,烦请查收。 • Enclosed please find two copies of our price list.

  24. 法律文献翻译 • 严格规定某一方应当承担的义务和应当享受的权利,并严正申明若不履行义务时应受的处罚,所以极具规约性特征。 • 措辞严谨、组句严格 行文正式、逻辑缜密

  25. 修正和改良的技术,所有权属修正、改良一方,对方不得去申请专利或转让给第三方。修正和改良的技术,所有权属修正、改良一方,对方不得去申请专利或转让给第三方。 • The ownership for modification and improvement of the Contract Product shall belong to the Party having developed the aforesaid modification and improvement. The other Party shall not apply, for its own profit, for patent right or transfer the information of modification and improvement to third parties.

  26. 任何一方当事人不履行合同规定的任何义务都构成违约,并由此产生对违约要求补偿的损害请求权;如果属于重大违约,则对方有权认为合同已经终止,并就全部合同损失要求赔偿。任何一方当事人不履行合同规定的任何义务都构成违约,并由此产生对违约要求补偿的损害请求权;如果属于重大违约,则对方有权认为合同已经终止,并就全部合同损失要求赔偿。 • Breach(违约n. & vt.)of contracts is the failure by either party to implement any of the duties incumbent(职责所在的adj.)on him by the contract and gives rise to a claim(赔偿费n.)of damages in compensation for the breach, or if in a fundamental respect(如属重大违约), to a right to treat the contract as at an end and to recover damages for its total failure.

  27. 加入世贸组织,是中国社会主义市场经济发展的内在要求,也顺应了世界经济发展的客观趋势,必将为世界各国和地区同中国开展经济贸易合作提供前所未有的机遇。加入世贸组织,是中国社会主义市场经济发展的内在要求,也顺应了世界经济发展的客观趋势,必将为世界各国和地区同中国开展经济贸易合作提供前所未有的机遇。 • Joining the WTO is an inherent requirement of China‘s development of its socialist market economy which also complies with(遵照;顺应VP.)the objective trend of the world economic progress, and it will bring about unprecedented (空前的adj.)opportunities to the economic and trade cooperation between China and various countries and regions in the world.

  28. There remain in business English a certain number of archaism. Those archaisms are usually formed in the way of “here, there, where + prep.” For example: • hereafter 以下,今后 • hereinafter, hereinbelow 以下,下文中 • herein 于此,此中 • hereunder 在下面 • hereby 兹,特此 • hereat 因此 • hereof 关于这个,在本文中 • hereto 对于此,到此 • hereinabove, hereinbefore 在上文

  29. thereafter 此后,以后 • therein, wherein 在那方面,在那点上 • hereupon, thereon 在其上 • thereunder 在其下 • therefore 因此,关于 • therefrom 由此 • thereby, thereof, whereupon 因此,关于 • whereof 关于那个 • herewith, therewith, wherewith 以此,用此法 • whereto 对于那个 • whereby 靠那个 • thereinbefore 在上文中;前头 • thereinafter 在下文中

  30. 科技文体翻译 • 专业性、客观性 规范性、准确性 • 用词准确 • 表达客观 • 条理清楚 • 内容确切

  31. 我们经过研究并且设计了一套小型自行复叠制冷实验装置。经实验,得出了该循环方式不受制冷剂配比影响的结论。使该技术可以方便地在大中型系统例如金枪鱼速冻与冷藏系统中推广使用。我们经过研究并且设计了一套小型自行复叠制冷实验装置。经实验,得出了该循环方式不受制冷剂配比影响的结论。使该技术可以方便地在大中型系统例如金枪鱼速冻与冷藏系统中推广使用。 • In this application study, a small auto-cascade refrigeration system is designed and proved not to be interfered by the variable ingredient proportion of the refrigerants. Thus it can be applied to large refrigeration systems such as tuna refrigeration systems.

  32. 论述文体翻译 • 用词规范 • 结构复杂 • 句型变化样式较多 • 谋篇布局注重修辞 • 透彻理解原文 准确把握词义 慎重选择句式

  33. 小说文体翻译 • 独特的叙事手法 特定的审美效果 人物性格刻画 故事情节叙述 场景细节描写 • 传神:传达独特语言形式蕴涵的深层审美意义

  34. 贾母笑,“我才好了,你倒来招我。你妹妹远路才来,身子又弱,也才劝住了。快再休提前话。” 这熙凤听了,忙转悲为喜道, “正是呢!我一见了妹妹,一心都在她身上了,又是喜欢,又是伤心,竟忘记了老祖宗。该打!该打!” • “I’ve only just dried my tears. Do you want to start me off again” said the old lady playfully. “Your young cousin’s had a long journey and she’s delicate. We’ve just got her to stop crying. So don’t reopen that subject.”His-feng switched at once from grief to merriment. “Of course,” she said, “I was so carried away by joy and sorrow at sight of my little cousin, I forgot our Old Ancestress. I deserve to be caned.” • “I’ve only just recovered,” laughed Grandmother Jia. “Don’t you go trying to start me off again! Besides, your little cousin is not very strong, and we’ve only just man-aged to get her cheered up. So let’s have no more of this!”In obedience to the command Xi-feng at once exchanged her grief for merriment.“Yes, of course. It was just that seeing my little cousin here put everything else out of my mind. It made me want to laugh and cry all at the same time. I’ m afraid I quite forgot about you, Grannie dear. I deserve to be spanked, don’t I?”

  35. 林黛玉听了这话,如轰雷掣电,细细思之,竟比自己肺腑中掏出来的还觉恳切,竟有万句言语,满心要说,只是半个字也不能吐,却怔怔的望着他。林黛玉听了这话,如轰雷掣电,细细思之,竟比自己肺腑中掏出来的还觉恳切,竟有万句言语,满心要说,只是半个字也不能吐,却怔怔的望着他。 • These words struck Daiyu like a thunderbolt. As she turned them over in her mind, they seemed closer to her innermost thoughts than if wrung from her own heart. There were a thousand things she longed to say, yet she could not utter a word. She just stared at him in silence.(杨宪益、戴乃迭 译) • Dai-yu was thunderstruck. He had read her mind---had seen inside her more clearly than if she had plucked out her entrails and held them out for his inspection. And now there were a thousand things that she wanted to tell him; yet though she was dying to speak, she was unable toutter a single syllable and stood there like a simpleton, gazing at him in silence.(David Hawkes译)

  36. 散文文体翻译 • “散而不乱”: • “形散”,语言的多样性 • “神不乱”,吸引读者于色彩纷呈的语言中追寻作者审美的轨迹 • 以多样化的语言之“形”传达散于语言之中的“神”

  37. 层层的叶子中间,零星地点缀着些白花,有袅娜地开着的,有羞涩地打着朵儿的;正如一粒粒的明珠,又如碧天里的星星,又如刚出浴的美人。微风过处,送来缕缕清香,仿佛远处高楼上渺茫的歌声似的。这时候叶子与花也有一丝的颤动,像闪电般,霎时传过荷塘的那边去了。叶子本是肩并肩密密地挨着,这便宛然有了一道凝碧的波痕。叶子底下是脉脉的流水,遮住了,不能见一些颜色;而叶子却更见风致了。层层的叶子中间,零星地点缀着些白花,有袅娜地开着的,有羞涩地打着朵儿的;正如一粒粒的明珠,又如碧天里的星星,又如刚出浴的美人。微风过处,送来缕缕清香,仿佛远处高楼上渺茫的歌声似的。这时候叶子与花也有一丝的颤动,像闪电般,霎时传过荷塘的那边去了。叶子本是肩并肩密密地挨着,这便宛然有了一道凝碧的波痕。叶子底下是脉脉的流水,遮住了,不能见一些颜色;而叶子却更见风致了。

  38. The leaves were dotted in between the layers with white flowers, some blooming gracefully; others, as if bashfully, still in bud. They were like bright pearls and stars in an azure sky. Their subtle fragrance was wafted by the passing breeze, in whiffs airy as the notes of a song coming faintly from some distant tower. There was a tremor on leaf and flower, which, with the suddenness of lightning, soon drifted to the far end of the pond. The leaves, jostling and overlapping, produced, as it were, a wave of deep green. Under the leaves, softly hidden from view, water was rippling even its color was not discernible so that the leaves looked more enchanting.(王椒升 译)

  39. Here and there, layers of leaves are dotted with white lotus blossoms, some in demure bloom, others in shy bud, like scattering pearls, or twinkling stars, or beauties just out of the bath. A breeze stirs, sending over breaths of fragrance, like faint singing drifting from a distant building. At this moment, a tiny thrill shoots through the leaves and flowers, like a streak of lightning, straight across the forest of lotuses. The leaves, which have been standing shoulder to shoulder, are caught trembling in an emerald heave of the pond. Underneath, the exquisite water is covered from view, and none can tell its color; yet the leaves on top project themselves all the more attractively.(朱纯深 译)

  40. 诗歌文体翻译 • 丰富的音韵美与节奏美 • 注重节奏、格律、押韵等方面的音乐性 • 两种翻译观: • 尽力再现或表现音韵美 • 传达原诗的意境而不必过分囿于原诗的韵律

  41. 春怨金昌绪 打起黄莺儿, 莫教枝上啼。 啼时惊妾梦, 不得到辽西。

  42. Oh, drive the golden orioles From off our garden tree! Their warbling broke the dream wherein My lover smiled at me

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