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Arab-Israeli Conflict. Palestine/Israel Land Claims. Jews claim the land (3,000 years ago, Jewish kings ruled Jerusalem ) Palestinians (Christians and Muslims ) claim the land (has belonged to them since the Jews were driven out in A.D. 135)
Palestine/Israel Land Claims • Jews claim the land (3,000 years ago, Jewish kings ruled Jerusalem) • Palestinians (Christians and Muslims) claim the land (has belonged to them since the Jews were driven out in A.D. 135) • Arabs claim the land (the land has belonged to them since their conquest of the area in the 7th century)
Israel Becomes a State • Zionists (people who favor a Jewish national homeland in Palestine) began settling in Palestine around 1900 (Palestine was owned by the Ottoman Empire) • After World War I, Palestine became a mandate controlled by Great Britain • Two Sides: a. Palestinians – opposed a Jewish state in Palestine b. Zionists – supported a Jewish state in Palestine
Israel Becomes a State • Britain tried to get both sides to compromise – completely failed • 1947 – UN called for a partition of Palestine (Palestinian State and a Jewish State with Jerusalem serving as an international city – owned by neither side) • Palestinians and many Arab nations protested the UN’s decision • May 14, 1948 – Israel became a state
The Conflict Begins • May 15, 1948 – Egypt, Jordan, Iraq, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, and Syria (Arab neighbors) invaded Israel • Palestinian State – does not exist (Israel took control of the Gaza Strip during the 1948-1949 War and Jordan took the West Bank) – refugee problem for Palestinians
The Conflict Begins • Gamal Abdul Nasser • President of Egyptfrom 1954-1970 • Nationalized the Suez Canal which caused conflict with Israel, Great Britain and France • Established a relationshipwith the Soviet Union so that they would finance the construction of the Aswan Dam .
The Conflict Begins • 1967 (Six Day War) – Israel gained control of Jerusalem, the Sinai Peninsula, the Golan Heights, and the West Bank • Golda Meir • Prime Minister of Israel from 1956-1974 • After initial setbacks, led Israel to victory in Yom Kippur War • Sought U.S. support
The Conflict Begins • 1973 War (Yom Kippur War) – Arab forces recaptured some of the territory lost in 1967 • 1977 – Anwar Sadat (leader of Egypt) formally recognized Israel’s existence (only Arab country to do so) and offered peace in exchange for Israel’s release of land captured during the 1967 War
The Conflict Begins • Camp David Accords (1979) a. Hosted by President Jimmy Carter b. Led to the first signed peace agreement between Israel and an Arab country (Egypt) c. Decision – Egypt recognized Israel as a legitimate state and Israel returned the Sinai Peninsula to Egypt
The Palestinians Demand Independence • Israelis built homes in the West Bank and Gaza Strip (parts of the Palestinian State established by the UN) • Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) – led by Yaser Arafat (used violence against Israel to force the creation of a Palestinian State) • Declaration of Principles (1993) – Israeli Prime Minister (Yitzhak Rabin) agreed to grant the Palestinians self-rule in Gaza and the West Bank
The Palestinians Demand Independence • 1995 – Yitzhak Rabin was assassinated by a fellow Israeli who opposed the establishment of a Palestinian State