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B D ( * ) K GLW, ADS. Y. Horii (Nagoya) and K. Trabelsi (KEK). Referees: Z. Dolezal , N. Muramatsu , K. Sakai. Thanks to very active refereeing!. ϕ 3 from B D (*) K decays. _. Tree-level ϕ 3 determination from interference of B DK and B DK amplitudes.
BD(*)K GLW, ADS Y. Horii (Nagoya) and K. Trabelsi (KEK) Referees: Z. Dolezal, N. Muramatsu, K. Sakai Thanks to very active refereeing!
ϕ3 from BD(*)K decays _ • Tree-level ϕ3 determination from interference of BDK and BDK amplitudes. • Need D and D to decay to common final state. • Relative magnitude of suppressed amplitude is rB ~ 0.1. • Relative weak phaseis ϕ3, and relative strong phase is δB. _ ϕ3 ~ −arg(Vub) Color-suppressed Color-allowed
Definitions of A and R given in BN1201. rD and δD: well known.
BN1201 (presented at LP11, this talk) BN1201 (will be analyzed later) Y. Horii, K. Trabelsi et al., PRL (2011) BN1201 (presented at LP11, this talk) rD and δD: well known.
Key Points of the Method • Continuum suppression • 9 variables:LR(KSFW), Δz, cosθKD, cosθB, |qr|,cosθT, dDK, QBQK, and ΔQ.(For details, see BN1201.) • Transformed: NBNB’. • 2-D fit for ΔE and NB’. • No significant signal loss due to tight cut on NB’. • Simultaneous fit for Dπ/DK. • Better understanding of Dπ/DK feed across. qq MC Signal MC
Dπ (KID < 0.6) / Dπ (KID > 0.6) = (7.65 ± 0.14)%, consistent w/ (7.94 ± 0.31)% in MC xCalib.
Comparison of the Results • Since GGSZ observables are related to the same parameters (ϕ3, rB, δB),we obtain predictions on RCP± and ACP± from the GGSZ observables. • Our results are consistent with GGSZ predictions. 0.4 0.4 Belle, GLW 0.2 0.2 WA, GLW WA, GLW ACP− WA, GGSZ ACP+ 0 0 WA, GGSZ −0.2 −0.2 Belle, GLW −0.4 −0.4 0.7 0.7 0.8 0.8 0.9 0.9 1.0 1.0 1.1 1.1 1.2 1.2 1.3 1.3 RCP+ RCP− WA taken from HFAG 2011 summer.
First Evidence for BD*K ADS Mode • Signal seen with 3.5σsignificance for D*Dγ mode. • Ratio to favored mode: • Difference between RDπ0 and RDγ: indication of the effect of the interference term 2rB*rDcos(δB*+δD)cosϕ3 (opposite sign for RDπ0 and RDγ). continuum continuum Signal Signal D*π D*π DK/Dπ DK/Dπ BB BB
Asymmetries for BD*K ADS Mode • Asymmetry: • Indication of opposite signfor ADπ0 and ADγ:consistent with expectation.(Opposite strong phasebetween D*Dπ0 and D*Dγ.) • Combining RDπ0, RDγ, ADπ0, and ADγ: indication of negative cos(δB*+δD)cosϕ3 and positive sin(δB*+δD)sinϕ3. Consistent with BD(*)K Dalitz result.
Comparison of the Results • Since GGSZ observables are related to the same parameters (ϕ3, rB, δB),we obtain predictions on RADS and AADS from the GGSZ observables. • Our results are consistent with GGSZ predictions. 1 1 WA, ADS 0.5 0.5 WA, GGSZ WA, ADS AADS,Dπ0 AADS,Dγ WA, GGSZ 0 0 Belle, ADS(Error of AADS,Dπ0 is larger,because of smaller RADS,Dπ0.) −0.5 −0.5 Belle, ADS −1 −1 0 0 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.03 0.03 0.04 0.04 0.05 0.05 0.06 0.06 RADS,Dπ0 RADS,Dγ WA taken from HFAG 2011 summer.
Global fit for ϕ3 • Global ϕ3 fit using CKMfitter. • Includes all BD(*)K observables over the experiments. • Recent activities certainly improve the precision. • Now the precision is 10°! Significant contribution from Belle. New results for BDK ADS added. Belle (PRL), CDF (PLHC11), and LHCb (EPS11). New results by Belle for BD*K ADS (LP11) and BDK GLW (LP11).
Summary and Plan • BDK GLW • Large asymmetry (~30%) for DCP+. • Opposite signs for the asymmetries for CP+ and CP−. • BD*K ADS • First evidence (3.5σ) for D*Dγ. • Difference between D*Dγ and Dπ0: information of ϕ3. • Extraction of ϕ3 • Value obtained by CKMfitter is (68±10)°. • Significant contribution from recent results of Belle. • Will add DKSη(3π), KSω, and KSη’ in BDK GLW analysis, analyze BD*K GLW, and prepare paper draft.
Check for BD*π ADS: Validity of the Method continuum continuum D*π D*π D*K D*K DK/Dπ DK/Dπ BB BB
ϕ3 from BDK, DCP eigenstates (GLW) New from Belle, full data (772M BB) B-DCP+K- B+DCP+K+ B-DCP-K- B+DCP-K+ CP violation clearly established.
ϕ3 from BDK, Dsuppressed states (ADS) Y. Horii et al. (Belle),published in PRL 106, 231803 in June 2011 First evidence (4.1σ) obtained.Indication of negative asymmetry. LHCb also reported the evidence. Promising method for ϕ3 determination.
ϕ3 from BD*K, Dsuppressed states (ADS) New from Belle,full data (772M BB) 3.5σ Suppressed mode alsoappearing in BD*K, D*Dγ mode.