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Medieval Europe Trivia Challenge

Test your knowledge of Medieval Europe with questions about kings, battles, languages, and more in this exciting trivia challenge!

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Medieval Europe Trivia Challenge

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  1. Jeopardy A B C D E Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Final Jeopardy

  2. $100 Question fromA 1st King of all of England? 1st King of the Franks? 1st Holy Roman Emperor?

  3. $100 Answer from A Alfred the Great Clovis Charlemagne

  4. $200 Question fromA The Franks stopped the Muslim Moors at this battle & stopped the further spread of Islam into Europe.

  5. $200 Answer fromA Charles “the hammer” Martel He stopped the spread of Islam further into Europe Europe stayed Christian

  6. $300 Question fromA Charlemagne’s scribes & Irish monks saved what?

  7. $300 Answer fromA Greco-Roman knowledge & literature Bibles

  8. $400 Question fromA English is made up primarily of what three languages?

  9. $400 Answer fromA German Latin French Germanic languages today

  10. $500 Question fromA Where did the following peoples come from? Franks Anglo-Saxons Vikings

  11. $500 Answer fromA Franks: modern Belgium Anglo-Saxons: northern Germany/southern Denmark Vikings- Scandinavia (Norway, Sweden & Denmark)

  12. $100 Question from B Knowledge of Roman architecture was lost, so the gothic style of architecture developed with buttresses to hold up walls, especially churches. Name the famous one in Paris.

  13. $100 Answer from B Notre Dame Flying buttress to hold up walls

  14. $200 Question fromB What happened after the Celtic tribes asked the Anglo-Saxons to come over to help them fight the Scots?

  15. $200 Answer from B They decided to stay. They became the English. They pushed the Celtic tribes into Wales, Cornwall (SW England), Scotland & Brittany (France).

  16. $300 Question from B When the Vikings invaded England, what was the only Anglo-Saxon kingdom to survive?

  17. $300 Answer from B Wessex under Alfred the Great (red areas are controlled by the Vikings). Danelaw from the Danes.

  18. $400 Question from B To get the approval from this person meant you had approval from God himself.

  19. $400 Answer from B • The Pope in Rome

  20. $500 Question from B The Vikings sailed to & founded colonies in Iceland, Greenland & Newfoundland. What happened to each of these colonies?

  21. $500 Answer from B • Iceland: Viking/Irish decedents, which we call Icelandic, still live there. • Greenland: global cooling in the 12th century caused them to die off. • Newfoundland, Canada: abandoned because of attacks by native tribes.

  22. $100 Question from C The group of Vikings founded this modern day country is Eastern Europe.

  23. $100 Answer from C “Rus” which became Russia

  24. $200 Question from C The Vikings & Anglo-Saxons told stories to pass their history down. What do we call these works?

  25. $200 Answer from C Epic poems (see the Saga of Eric the Red below. Olaf was the name of a warrior king who was called Olaf the White. He was the son of King Ingjald Helgason, Olafsson, Guðröðarsonar, Hálfdánarson Whitebone Upland king. Eric had a wife named Thjóðhildr and her two sons named Thorstein. They were both hopeful men. Thorstein was at home with his father was not in Greenland. Leif had sailed to Norway. He was there with King Olaf Tryggvason.

  26. $300 Question from C The Frankish king, in an effort to appease a group of Vikings, gave them a piece of France Called Normandy. What are these people famous for? (hint: 1066 AD)

  27. $300 Answer from C The Normans ended Anglo-Saxon rule when they invaded England in 1066 & won the Battle of Hastings. England hasn’t been conquered since.

  28. $400 Question from C The main reason why peasants never rose out of poverty in the middle ages.

  29. $400 Answer from C The King (government) would grant land to their “friends” i.e. Barons, Lords, Vassals, etc.

  30. $500 Question from C What’s the major reason why Feudalism became the dominant economic system of western Europe in the middle ages?

  31. $500 Answer from C People exchanged their freedom for food, shelter & protection from invasion.

  32. $100 Question from D There were several small kingdoms after Rome fell. What entity was the only unifying force during the middle ages?

  33. $100 Answer from D The Roman Catholic Church Green = Catholic Blue = Orthodox

  34. $200 Question from D Name two ways Christianity spread throughout Western Europe.

  35. $200 Answer from D • Missionaries sent by the Pope & Church to preach. • Christian slaves would convert their captors over time.

  36. $300 Question from D What two inventions were the dominant form of protection & warfare in the middle ages before the advent of gunpower?

  37. $300 Answer from D • The castle • The knight

  38. $400 Question from D Since people almost never left the town they were born in, what happened as a result?

  39. $400 Answer from D Trade died off & people became poorer Knowledge of past Roman achievements was lost People were superstitious about the woods in the countryside.

  40. $500 Question from D List the remaining Celtic areas that are left in Europe after the Great Migration that brought in the Germanic tribes to western Europe. (hint: there are 6).

  41. $500 Answer from D Scotland (a country) Isle of Man (an island controlled by the UK) Ireland (a country) Wales (a country) Cornwall (a region in the UK) Brittany (a region in northwestern France)

  42. $100 Question from E A mixing of Old German & Latin took place with some of the Franks, but not all of them. What happened as a result (hint: think Belgium)

  43. $100 Answer from E Northern Belgium speaks Flemish (Germanic) Southern Belgium speaks French (Romance)

  44. $200 Question from E What two people were often at odds over who held more power in the west?

  45. $200 Answer from E The Pope & the King

  46. $300 Question from E Why were there seven other Popes that lived in Avignon, France while there were Popes in Rome?

  47. $300 Answer from E The Avignon Papacy was caused by a dispute between the Pope & the King of France over who held the most power. Who followed who Purple: Avignon Pope Green: Roman Pope Blue: Orthodox Tan: Islam

  48. $400 Question from E Charlemagne’s Holy Roman Empire had many lasting effects on Europe. Name three.

  49. $400 Answer from E • He was the father of the French & German monarchies. • His scribes saved many Greco-Roman books. • Held the Muslim Moors back. • Invented miniscule, which became lower case letters. • Argued with the Pope at times over who had more power

  50. $500 Question from E The Islamic armies of Arabia conquered Egypt, the Holy Land, North Africa & Spain from the Eastern (Byzantine) Roman Empire. What was the Battle of Tours so important?

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