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Planets in our Solar System

Planets in our Solar System. Kuiper Belt. The region past Neptune's orbit it has millions of icy rocks called comets . Bigger objects in this belt are called Kuiper Belt objects . The belt is shaped like a plate. Asteroid. rocks or metal that orbits the sun

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Planets in our Solar System

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Planets in our Solar System

  2. Kuiper Belt • The region past Neptune's orbit it has millions of icy rocks called comets. • Bigger objects in this belt are called Kuiper Belt objects. • The belt is shaped like a plate.

  3. Asteroid • rocks or metal that orbits the sun • Most are in the asteroid belt between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter

  4. Comet • a body of ice and dust that travels in a long narrow orbit around the sun • In the night sky it looks like a star with a tail • The Halley's comet has been spotted every 76 years since 1758.

  5. Crater • A hollow area or pit in the ground • Caused by a meteorite

  6. Meteor • Also known as a shooting star • Rust or dust particles falling to Earth • They heat up and burn due to friction with air on the way down • most never reach the ground

  7. Orbit • The planets, moon, asteroids and comets orbit or move around the sun in a circular motion.

  8. Planet • Planets revolve around a star like our Sun • Earth is the 3rd planet in our Solar System

  9. Planetoid • Small, round bodies orbiting the sun (smaller than the 8 planets) • Dwarf planet Pluto is a Planetoid The asteroid Ida is an irregularly shaped and heavily cratered planetoid From Glencoe Physical Science

  10. Rotate • When a planet spins around his axis • It takes 24 hours for Earth to complete one rotation • Neptune completes one rotation in 16 Earth hours. Neptune Earth

  11. Satellite • An object that orbits celestial bodies is called a satellite • Anything that travels in a circle • Can also be man made Sputnik I was the first man-made satellite to orbit the Earth.

  12. Space • Vast emptiness that lies beyond Earth’s atmosphere • Where Earth, the Moon, the sun, the planets, and stars are all located • No air in space

  13. Telescope • an instrument used to observe objects in space • The Hubble Space Telescope is a telescope that revolves around Earth.

  14. Meteoroid • small pieces of rock drift away from the asteroid belt and move in different directions.

  15. Meteorite • When a meteoroid moving away from the asteroid belt hits Earth's surface, it is called a meteorite. • This causes a crater

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