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Explore the limitations and solutions of logic programming through Prolog with examples and tips on controlling backtracking and optimization. Learn how the "cut" feature can enhance Prolog efficiency.
Weakness of logic Programming • Horn clause cannot cover all logics • “every living thing is an animal or a plant • animal(X) V plant(X) living(X) • So we must have the following definition in Prolog animal(X):- living(X), not plant(X). plant(X):- living(X), not animal(X). Prolog can only have one element on this side Not will only satisfy if we can’t find that X is an animal.
Another weakness is the way that Prolog uses its rules from top to bottom. We already saw the problem • “not” means cannot find. It does not mean false.
exercises • Binary search Tree • nil • t(L,M,R) • isin(item, Tree) isin(X,t(L,X,R)). isin(X,t(L,M,R)):- X<M, isin(X,L). isin(X,t(L,M,R)):- X>M, isin(X,R). • add(X,Tree,ResultTree) add(X,nil,t(nil,X,nil)). add(X,t(L,X,R),t(L,X,R)). add(X,t(L,M,R),t(L1,M,R)):- X, <M add(X,L,L1). add(X,t(L,M,R),t(L,M,R1)):- X>M, add(X,R,R1).
Controlling backtracking • We can prevent backtracking, by using a feature called “cut”. • Normally, prolog backtrack to find all answers, but sometimes we only need the first solution. • Example f(X,0):-X <3. f(X,2):- 3=<X, X<6. f(X,4):- 6=<X.
f(X,0):-X <3. f(X,2):- 3=<X, X<6. f(X,4):- 6=<X. • If we try ?-f(1,Y), 2<Y. We will have Y = 0, and then 2<Y will be false So prolog will try to substitute another value for Y.
f(X,0):-X <3. f(X,2):- 3=<X, X<6. f(X,4):- 6=<X. This picture shows all the substitutions. f(1,Y), 2<Y. Rule 2 Y =2 Rule 3 Y =4 Rule 1 Y =0 f(1,0), 2<0. f(1,2), 2<Y. f(1,4), 2<4. fail 1 <3. 6=<1. 3=<1, 1<6. fail succeed fail • Notice that all the rules are mutually exclusive. • If rule 1 succeed, other rules will surely fail. • There is no point substituting rule 2 and 3 if rule 1 succeeds.
f(X,0):-X <3. f(X,2):- 3=<X, X<6. f(X,4):- 6=<X. f(X,0):-X <3, !. f(X,2):- 3=<X, X<6, !. f(X,4):- 6=<X. Rule 1 Y =0 f(1,0), 2<0. Fail, normally it will backtrack pass 1<3. But this time it’ll stop At ! 1 <3. succeed No further execution -> execution speed increases.
f(X,0):-X <3, !. f(X,2):- 3=<X, X<6, !. f(X,4):- 6=<X. • Let’s try another example ?-f(7,Y) Y = 4. (this is the answer) • First, try rule 1. • X <3 fails. So the program backtracks and uses rule 2. (we have not pass the “cut” so it’s ok to backtrack.) • Try rule 2 • 3=<7 but 7<6 fails. Therefore it backtracks to rule 3. • Try rule 3 • Succeeds.
f(X,0):-X <3, !. f(X,2):- 3=<X, X<6, !. f(X,4):- 6=<X. • We can optimize it further. • Notice that if X<3 fails, 3=<X in rule 2 will always succeed. • Therefore we do not need to test it. (same reasoning for 6=<X in rule 3). • So we can rewrite the rules to: f(X,0):-X <3, !. f(X,2):- X<6, !. f(X,4).
f(X,0):-X <3, !. f(X,2):- X<6, !. f(X,4). • Be careful now. If we do not have “cut”, we may get several solutions, some of which may be wrong. For example: ?-f(1,Y) Y=0 ; Y=2 ; Y=4 We order it to try other rules here. If we do not have “cut”, it will try other rules and succeed because we’ve deleted the conditional tests.
H:-B1, B2, …, Bm, !, …, Bn. • When finding answer up to “cut”, the system has already found solutions of B1 to Bm. • When the “cut” is executed, solutions B1 to Bm are considered fix. For example: C:-P,Q,R,!,S,T,U. C:-V. A:-B,C,D. ?-A. • When ! Is executed. P,Q,R will be fixed (no backtracking) and C:-V. will never get executed. • Backtracking is still possible in S,T,U but will never go back beyond the ! We put the question here.
C:-P,Q,R,!,S,T,U. C:-V. A:-B,C,D. ?-A. A B, C, D P,Q,R,!,S,T,U. Can backtrack if not reach ! Can backtrack to ! But not beyond that Let’s see another example next page.
max(X,Y,X):-X=>Y. max(X,Y,Y):-X<Y. • The rules are mutually exclusive. • So we can use “else if” for efficiency. max(X,Y,X):-X=>Y, !. max(X,Y,Y). • Be careful of the following situation: ?-max(3,1,1). yes. • It does not get matched with the first rule from the start. • But it then matches the second rule, because we already took out the conditional test. • So we fix it in the next page.
max(X,Y,X):-X=>Y, !. max(X,Y,Y). max(X,Y,Max):- X=>Y, !, Max =X. max(X,Y,Max):- Max =Y. ?-max(3,1,1). Program is able to enter the first rule because Max is not matched to any value. Once X=>Y in the first rule is satisfied, there is no backtracking. Let’s see an example on list next page.
member(X, [X|L]). member(X, [Y|L]):-member(X, L). • If there are many X in the list, this definition allow any X to be returned when we order it to backtrack. • If we want to make sure that only the first occurrence of X will be returned, we will have to use “cut”. member(X, [X|L]):-! member(X, [Y|L]):-member(X, L). ?-member(X, [a,b,c]). X=a; no Order it to find another solution (backtrack)
add(X, L, L):-member(X,L), !. add(X, L, [X|L]). ?-add(a,[b,c],L). L=[a,b,c] ?-add(X,[b,c],L). L=[b,c] X=b ?add(a,[b,c,X],L). L=[b,c,a] X=a • Add non-duplicate item into a list This is just one solution
Be careful. • If we define things using “cut”, we normally intend that every rule is tried, right from the first rule. So “cut” can serve its purpose. • Any query that allows rule skipping will destroy everything. ?add(a,[a],[a,a]). yes Does not match the first rule, but match the second rule. This makes things incorrect.
beat(tom, jim). beat(ann, tom). beat(pat, jim). • tennis match example • We want to categorize players into 3 types: • Winner: win every game • Fighter: player with mixed records • Sportman: lose every game
beat(tom, jim). beat(ann, tom). beat(pat, jim). • X is a fighter if • X is a winner if • We can use “if then else”: class(X,fighter):- beat(X,_), beat(_,X), !. class(X,winner):-beat(X,_), !. class(X,sportman):-beat(_,X). • We still need to be careful about rules getting skipped. For example: • ?-class(tom,sportman). • yes (but in fact tom is a fighter)
p(1). p(2):-!. p(3). ?-p(X). X=1; X=2; no ?-p(X),p(Y). X=1, Y=1; X=1, Y=2; X=2, Y=1; X=2, Y=2; no ?-p(X),!, p(Y). X=1, Y=1; X=1, Y=2; no
class(Number,positive):- Number>0. class(0,zero). class(Number,negative):-Number<0. class(0,zero):-!. class(Number,positive):- Number>0, !. class(Number,negative). Use cut
split([],[],[]). split([H|T],[H|Z],R):- H=>0,split(T,Z,R). split([H|T],R,[H|Z]):-H<0,split(T,R,Z). • Splitting a list to list of positive (including 0) and negative numbers. Use cut split([],[],[]). split([H|T],[H|Z],R):- H=>0,!, split(T,Z,R). split([H|T],R,[H|Z]):- split(T,R,Z). More difficult to understand Careful: ?-split([8,1,-3,0,-4,5],[1,0,5],[8,-3,-4]). Yes (it matches rule 3, skipping earlier rules.)
Make it better split([],[],[]). split([H|T],[H|Z],R):- H=>0,!, split(T,Z,R). split([H|T],R,[H|Z]):- H<0, split(T,R,Z). More committal split([],[],[]). split([H|T],[H|Z],R):- H=>0,!, split(T,Z,R). split([H|T],R,[H|Z]):- H<0, !, split(T,R,Z).
Unnecessary cut split([],[],[]):- ! split([H|T],[H|Z],R):- H=>0,!, split(T,Z,R). split([H|T],R,[H|Z]):- H<0, !, split(T,R,Z). Any match here will not match any thing else. H<0 is in the last clause, Whether or not H<0 fails, there are no choices laft.
Multiple choice with cut squint([],[]). sqluint([X|T],[Y|L]):- integer(X), !, Y is X*X, squint(T,L). sqluint([X|T],[X|L]):-squint(T,L). The third clause is not used when the goal backtracks. But it still does not stand independently.
Partial maps evens([],[]). evens([X|T],[X|L]):- 0 is X mod 2, evens(T,L). evens([X|T],L):- 1 is X mod 2, evens(T,L). • evens([],[]). • evens([X|T],[X|L]):- 0 is X mod 2, !, evens(T,L). • evens([X|T],L):- 1 is X mod 2, evens(T,L).
setify([],[]). setify([X|T],L):- member(X,T), setify(T,L). setify([X|T],[X|L]):- setify(T,L). setify([],[]). setify([X|T],L):- member(X,T), !, setify(T,L). setify([X|T],[X|L]):- setify(T,L).
tree insert(I,[], n(I,[],[])). insert(I, n(N,L,R) , n(N,L1,R)):- I<N, !, insert(I, L, L1). insert(I, n(N,L,R) , n(N,L,R1)):- I>N, !, insert(I, R, R1). insert(I, n(I,L,R) , n(I,L,R)).
Negation as failure “Mary likes all animals but snake.” likes(mary,X):-snake(X),!,fail. likes(mary,X):-animal(X). Or likes(mary,X):-snake(X),!,fail ; animal(X).
different(X,X):- !, fail. different(X,Y). Or different(X,Y):- X=Y, !, fail. ; true.
The “not” predicate not(P):-P,!,fail ; true. Some prolog allows not p(X) or \+(p(X))
member(X,[X|_]). member(X,[_|T]):-member(X,T). notmem(X,L):- \+(member(X,L)). notmem1(X,[]). notmem1(X,[Y|T]):-X\==Y, notmem1(X,T).
likes(mary,X):- animal(X), not snake(X). • Same examples with the use of “not” It means ->otherwise likes(mary,X):- animal(X), (snake(X), !, fail ; true). different(X,Y):- not X=Y. class(X,fighter):- beat(X,_), beat(_,X). class(X,winner):-beat(X,_), not beat(_,X). class(X,sportman):-beat(_,X), not beat(X,_).
Conclusion about “cut” • Pros • Avoid unnecessary execution. • Use like if-then-else • Cons • The rule must be tried in order, no skipping. P:-a,b P:-c. P:- a,!,b. P:-c. P:-c. P:-a,!,b. Logic is P <-> (a ^ b) V c Changing order has no effect. Logic is P <-> (a ^ b) V ((not a) ^ c) Different meaning Logic is P <-> c V (a ^ b)
goodteam(manunited). expensive(manunited). goodteam(liverpool). reasonable(T):- not expensive(T). ?-goodteam(X), reasonable(X). X=liverpool. ?- reasonable(X) , goodteam(X). no Has assigned value Has no assigned value. The “not” clause does not assign a value for you. See next page.
Only need to find a single value of X. ?- expensive(X). Means ?-not expensive(X). Means not It is forall, so prolog cannot instantiate a single value. So it gives “no” in the previous page.
Flight • timetable(Place1, Place2, ListOfFlights) • Flight = DepTime / ArrTime / FlightNo / ListOfDays • timetable(london, edinburgh, [9:40 / 10:50 / ba4733 / alldays, 19:40 / 20:50 / ba4833 / [mo,tu,we,th,fr,su]]). List of days or alldays
route(P1, P2, Day, Route) • flight(P1, P2, Day, Num, DepTime, ArrTime) • deptime(Route, Time) • transfer(T1, T2) List of From / To / FlightNo / DepTime
route(P1, P2, Day, Route):- flight(P1,P2,Day,Fnum,DepTime,_). route(P1, P2, Day, [(P1/P3/F1/Dep1)|RestRoute]):- route(P3,P2,Day,RestRoute), flight(P1,P3,Day,F1,Dep1,Arr1), deptime(RestRoute,Dep2), transfer(Arr1, Dep2). flight(P1, P2, Day, Fnum, DepTime, ArrTime):- timetable(P1,P2, FlightList). member(DepTime / ArrTime / Fnum / Daylist, FlightList), flyday(Day,Daylist). deptime([P1 / P2 / Fnum / Dep | _ ], Dep). transfer(H1:M1, H2:M2):- 60*(H2-H1) + M2 – M1 >= 40.
Logic circuit B A A C B inv(0,1). inv(1,0). and(1,1,1). and(1,0,0). and(0,1,0). and(0,0,0).