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Delving into the Solar Interior: Exploring its Influence on the Solar System

Explore the mysteries of the solar interior and its impact on celestial bodies, including Earth. Discover granulation, mesogranulation, and supergranulation processes, global convection, and more fascinating phenomena. Uncover the crucial role of magnetic fields in shaping the Sun's character.

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Delving into the Solar Interior: Exploring its Influence on the Solar System

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  1. The Solar Interior

  2. Free stuff from NASA Goddard Space Flight Center • Courtesy Jack Ireland, L3 Communications, Lab of Astrophysics and Solar Physics, NASA GSFC, Greenbelt, MD

  3. Why study the solar interior • Sheer curiosity • Solar-stellar connection • Interior’s influence on exterior including Earth

  4. Convective Regimes • Granulation/mesogranulation/supergranulation in >0.97 R, radiative transfer, ionization • Global convection in >0.7 R • Granulation 1 Mm 1 km/s velocity doppler measurements • Mesogranulation 5Mm 60 m/s correlation tracking • Supergranulation 30 Mm 400 m/s correlation tracking, doppler, local helioseismology • Giant cells 100 Mm 50 m/s global and local helioseismology

  5. GONG observations ofdifferential rotation

  6. The Flows

  7. The Magnetic Sun “If the Sun did not have a magnetic field, it would be as uninteresting a star as most astronomers believe it to be.”

  8. >From Louis Strous <strous@lmsal.com> >23 Aug 1999 RE: Boring sun quote • As of 23 August 1999, twelve respondents agreed that the famous "solar magnetic field" quote should be attributed to R.B. Leighton, four suggested E. Parker, and one offered H. Zirin as responsible. • R. Noyes writes that R.B. Leighton, his thesis supervisor, made the comment in a colloquium he gave at Harvard around 1965. P. Sturrock reports that Leighton started his presentation with the quote at the US-Japan Solar Conference in Hawaii in February 1965. B. LaBonte adds that during conversations at CalTech in the early 70s Leighton denied having said it. B. Howard says that Leighton used the quote in the early 1960s and that Leighton did not attribute it to someone else. V. Gaizauskas reports that E. Parker said it as early as 1977 in a workshop at the University of Michigan. • It seems, then, that Leighton is the original source (despite his protestations to the contrary), that he made the comment at various occasions during the 60s, perhaps in slightly different forms, and that it has since been repeated by many. There does not appear to be a "master copy" we can refer to. • Versions of the quote have appeared in print, in at least the following places: • R. Moore & D. Rabin: Annual Reviews of Astronomy and Astrophysics 23, 239 (1985) J. Linsky: Solar Physics 121, 187 (1989) R. Rutten: "Radiative Transfer in Stellar Atmospheres", http://www.astro.uu.nl/~rutten/node18.html (1995-1999) The respondents give slightly different versions of the quote, using either "boring," "uninteresting," or "dull," and claiming this impression of the Sun for "most astronomers," "many astronomers," or "nighttime astronomers." Here's a sample of the versions: • 1. "If the Sun did not have a magnetic field, it would be as uninteresting a star as most astronomers believe it to be." (quoted by J.L. Linsky). • 2. "If the sun didn't have a magnetic field, then it would be as boring a star as most astronomers think it is." (reported by R. Noyes) • 3. "If it were not for its magnetic field, the Sun would be as dull a star as most astronomers think it is." (reported by P. Sturrock)

  9. Linsky lists another quote, which (R. Rutten reports) Linsky personally heard its author say: "Magnetic fields are to astrophysics what sex is to psychoanalysis." (H.C. van de Hulst)

  10. Joy’s law

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