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August 13 Licentious: adj: lascivious; libertine, lewd. August 14 Humanities: n: branches of knowledge concerned with human beings and their culture. August 15 free verse: n: poetry without a regular pattern of meter and rhyme, relying on other elements for its structure.
August 14Humanities: n: branches of knowledge concerned with human beings and their culture
August 15free verse: n: poetry without a regular pattern of meter and rhyme, relying on other elements for its structure
August 17 homicide: n: the killing of one person by another; a person who kills another; murder
August 20virile: adj: having certain characteristics associated with men; manly
August 22tone: n: an author’s attitude toward the audience or subject
August 23autocrat: n: a ruler who has absolute and unlimited power; a despot
August 24Automaton: n: a person who behaves in a mechanical, routine manner: a robot
August 27autonomy: n: the condition of being self-governing; independence
August 28egoism: n: valuing everything according to one’s personal interest; conceit
August 29genealogy: n: a record of descent from one’s ancestors: the study of family records; lineage
August 30genocide: n: the planned annihilation of a racial, political, or cultural group
September 4remonstrate: v: to speak in protest or disapproval
September 5heterogeneous: adj: having parts that are unrelated or completely different: incongruous
Sept. 7oxymoron: n: a self-contradictory combination of words
Sept 10indigenous: adj: occurring in or characterizing an area; Native
Sept 12progenitor: n: a direct ancestor: an originator of a line of descent
Sept. 16matrix: n: the surroundings within which something begins or develops
Sept. 17matriculate: v: to register as a student at a college or university
Sept. 18apostrophe: n: a rhetorical device in which an absent or imaginary person/abstraction is directly addressed as though present
Sept 26pedant: n: a person who pays excessive attention to learning rules rahter that to understanding
September 27entity: n: something that has a real or independent existence
September 30parody: n: the imitation of a serious piece of literature meant to ridicule the work: its style or the author
Oct. 2postmortem: n: an examination to determine the cause of death: an autopsy
Oct. 15personification: n: a figure of speech that gives nonhuman ideas, abstractions, or objects human qualities