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This presentation outlines the coordination and progress of project activities for the conservation of bats in the Greece-Bulgaria area, including desk and field studies. The activities include analysis and systematization of available data, identification of threats and habitat mapping, creation of a database and geoportal, assessment of species diversity and conservation status, development of guides and implementation of conservation measures. The expected results include a joint database, mapped habitats, improved bat conservation, and development of guides.
Coordination and progress of project activities – desk and field studies (external expertise) „ Implementation of specialized activities by project BatsConserve“, financed under a cross-border cooperation program INTERREG V-A „Greece-bulgaria 2014-2020”“ Mrs. ELENA GEORGIEVA/Consortium BatMap, LB Thessaloniki, 09.11.2018 *The contents of this presentation are sole responsibility of project partners and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union, the participating countries, the Managing Authority and the Joint Secretariat. Project co-funded by the European Union and National Funds of the participating countries.
ACTIVITIES to be CARRIED OUT under the contract • Activity № 1: Analysis and systematization of available data for bats in the project area. • Activity № 2: Upgrade available information for bats in the project area. • Activity № 3: Identification of potential threats and factors affecting the bat populations in the project area. • Activity № 4: Mapping of habitats of bat species and their distribution within the project area. Creating database. • Activity № 5: Creating a Geoportal. • Activity № 6: Assessment of species diversity, activity, bat habits and potential threats. • Activity № 7: Assessment of the conservation status. • Activity № 8: Development of 3 guides for conservation of bats. • Activity № 9: Putting houses for bats. • Activity№ 10: Development of publication. Project co-funded by the European Union and National Funds of the participating countries
expected results of the contract implementation The expected results of the Contract implementation are: • To be made a joint database of species composition and condition of the bats in the project area. • Mapped habitats of bat species in the project area. • Assessment of species diversity, activity, habitats of bat species and potential threats. • Assessment of the conservation status of bat species from the project area. • Implemented measures to improve the condition of the bat fauna. • Three types of guides for bats conservation to be developed: in agricultural land, forest areas and urban environment. • Increased share of territories occupied by habitats of bat species, with activities undertaken to improve their conservation status. Project co-funded by the European Union and National Funds of the participating countries
ACTIVITIES CARRIED OUT SO FAR,activity №1 Specific results/products from the implementation of Activity 1 - fully implemented activity • Selected and accepted by the SWU project area. • Our team chose spatial boundaries along the Mesta river, which along with the caves in the Momchilgrad - Komotini region cover a minimum 35 000 ha. • The chosen territorial scope of work is divided into separate polygons. They are 17 and have a total area of 35075 ha (11 in Bulgaria and 6 in Greece). • Systematized and analyzed available data on bats in the project area. • We identified and provided the sources of information relevant to the site and the scope of the study. • A Report containing an analysis of available data (including spatial) for bats in the project territory was prepared. Project co-funded by the European Union and National Funds of the participating countries
ACTIVITIES CARRIED OUT SO FAR,activity №1 Project co-funded by the European Union and National Funds of the participating countries
ACTIVITIES CARRIED OUT SO FAR,activity №1 Project co-funded by the European Union and National Funds of the participating countries
ACTIVITIES CARRIED OUT SO FAR,activity №1 Project co-funded by the European Union and National Funds of the participating countries
ACTIVITIES CARRIED OUT SO FAR, activity №2 Activity 2 (activity is currently running) includes implementation of three sub-activities: • Preparation of a Methodology for carrying out field studies of bats and their habitats (sub-activity is implemented) • Methodology for carrying out field studies of bats and their habitats has been preparedand accepted bySWU; • The Methodology includes: development of field data form, direct observation, catching with nets and ultrasonic identification, etc.. • The Methodology has been developed for all species of bats and their habitats potentially found within the scope of the project area. • It includes a comprehensive mapping approach for bats and covers spring and autumn migration, breeding season and wintering. Project co-funded by the European Union and National Funds of the participating countries
ACTIVITIES CARRIED OUT SO FAR, activity №2 • Preparation of field studies(sub-activity is implemented) • A Work Plan was prepared and approved by SWU. • The Work plan includes detailed planning of field visits for the entire survey period and for the entire survey area. • The field studies are planned equally on the project territory within the borders of Bulgaria and Greece. • A working team of experts was formed. • Training of the team of experts was carried out. Project co-funded by the European Union and National Funds of the participating countries
ACTIVITIES CARRIED OUT SO FAR, activity №2 • Conducting field studies and gathering necessary information (is currently running) • Field studies started at the end of September 2018 and will end in April 2019. • The minimum number of field days is 55. At the moment, over half of them are fulfilled. • Field studies are carried out in full compliance with the approved Field Research Methodology and Work Plan. • For the period of field studies, we prepare monthly reports for the fieldwork. • Currently, First Monthly Report for the period until the end of October is prepared. • Established species: Hypsugosavi; Myotis blythii; Myotis daubentoniid; Myotis myotis; Myotis capaccinii; Myotis sp.; Miniopterusschreibersii; Nyctalussp.;Pipistrelluskuhlii; Pipistrelluspipistrellus; Pipistrellus sp.;Plecotusaustriacus; Rhinolophus ferrumequinum; Rhinolophus hipposideros; Rhinolophus blasii; Rhinolophus euryale; Rhinolophus sp.;Tadaridateniotis; Vespertiliomurinus Project co-funded by the European Union and National Funds of the participating countries
ACTIVITIES CARRIED OUT SO FAR, activity №2 Specific results/products from the implementation of Activity 2 • Upgrade available information for bats in the project area. • Methodology for conducting field studies of bats and their habitats (prepared and approved). • Work plan (prepared and approved). • Report, with database containing the results of the conducted field studies (to be prepared – up to 8 months after the signing of the Contract). Project co-funded by the European Union and National Funds of the participating countries
ACTIVITIES CARRIED OUT SO FAR, activity №2 Project co-funded by the European Union and National Funds of the participating countries
ACTIVITIES CARRIED OUT SO FAR, activity №2 Project co-funded by the European Union and National Funds of the participating countries
ACTIVITIES CARRIED OUT SO FAR, activity №2 Project co-funded by the European Union and National Funds of the participating countries
ACTIVITIES CARRIED OUT SO FAR, activity №3 Activity 3 (activity is currently running) involves the implementation of two sub-activities: • Identify the types of threats and develop criteria for their classification and evaluation (sub-activity is implemented) • A list of potential bat threats and a threat assessment methodology have been prepared. They are accepted by the SWU. • The types of bats' threats were identified and analyzed. • Criteria for their classification and assessment were developed. • Mapping of the bats in the project area (sub-activity is currently being implemented). Project co-funded by the European Union and National Funds of the participating countries
ACTIVITIES CARRIED OUT SO FAR, activity №3 Specific results/products from the implementation of Activity 3 • Identified potential threats and factors affecting bats populations in the project area(completed). • Confirmed on-site threats and factors affecting bats' populations in the project area(is currently running). • List of potential threat to bat species and threat assessment methodology (completed). • Criteria developed for classification and assessment of potential threats and factors affecting bats populations in the project area (completed). • A Report containing information (including spatial) on the identified potential threats and factors affecting bats populations in the project area (is forthcoming). Project co-funded by the European Union and National Funds of the participating countries
ACTIVITIES CARRIED OUT SO FAR, activity №4 Specific results/products from the implementation of Activity 4, activity is currently running • Collecting and structuring up-to-date information for bats, their habitats and threats within the project area, as well as the results obtained from Project Partner № 2: Aristotle University, Thessaloniki (is currently running). • Developed a joint database with up-to-date information for bats, their habitats and threats within the project area, incl. the results obtained from Project Partner № 2: Aristotle University, Thessaloniki (is currently running). • Prepared distribution maps, habitats of bat species and threats, accompanied by relevant descriptive documents and evidence (is forthcoming). Project co-funded by the European Union and National Funds of the participating countries
ACTIVITIES TO BE CARRIED OUT by the end of the CONTRACT • Activity № 2, № 3and № 4: (ongoing activities) to be finished. • Activity № 5: Creating a Geoportal(forthcomingactivity). • Activity № 6: Assessment of species diversity, activity, bat habits and potential threats(forthcomingactivity). • Activity № 7: Assessment of the conservation status(forthcomingactivity). • Activity № 8: Development of guides for conservation of bats(forthcomingactivity). • Activity № 9: Putting houses for bats(forthcomingactivity). • Activity№ 10: Development of publication(forthcomingactivity). Deadline for the implementation of the Contract: 31 August 2019. Project co-funded by the European Union and National Funds of the participating countries
Problems faced Project co-funded by the European Union and National Funds of the participating countries
THANKYOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION! Project co-funded by the European Union and National Funds of the participating countries