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Gifted Learners…Gifted Teachers. Developed in partnership by the National Association for Gifted Children (NACG) and the Association for the Gifted (TAG), a Division of the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) .
Gifted Learners…Gifted Teachers Developed in partnership by the National Association for Gifted Children (NACG) and the Association for the Gifted (TAG), a Division of the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC)
Much of the language in the definitions and descriptions of the NAGC/CEC Standards comes from the following publications: Using the National Gifted Education Standards for PreK-12 Professional Development (2008). Kitano, M., Montgomery, D., VanTassel-Baska, J., & Johnsen, S.K. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press. Using the National Gifted Education Standards for University Teacher Preparation Programs (2008). Johnsen, S.K., VanTassel-Baska, J., & Robinson, A. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.
Standard OneFOUNDATIONS • Educators of the gifted understand the theories, principles, laws, and policies that influence the field of gifted education.
In other words… • Educators know how gifted education has evolved and developed from a historical perspective to influence policies, concepts, issues, trends, models, and research. FOUNDATIONS Standard One
For example • Educators use current research to support policies and practices as well as to analyze myths or biases concerning gifted education. FOUNDATIONS Standard One
Standard TwoDEVELOPMENT and CHARACTERISTICS of LEARNERS • Educators of the gifted know and demonstrate understanding of the variations in characteristics and development between and among individuals with gifts and talents. Learners as individuals… learners with unique characteristics
In other words… • Educators recognize advanced developmental milestones, the effects of culture, environment, family and community support in the development of individuals’ gifts and talents in academic, creative, leadership and artistic domains. Development and Characteristics of Learners Standard Two
For example • Given a bio-history of a student, a teacher should be able to isolate any characteristics that indicate giftedness in any of the four domains and note whether and in what ways culture, family, community and environment may have supported or blocked the development of the student’s gifts and talents. Development and Characteristics of Learners Standard Two
Standard ThreeINDIVIDUAL LEARNING DIFFERENCES • Educators of the gifted understand the effects of gifts and talents on an individual’s learning.
In other words… • Educators understand the influences of diversity factors, academic and affective needs, idiosyncratic learning patterns, beliefs, traditions, and values on an individual’s inclination to learn and commit to being skillful and versatile in using this understanding to provide meaningful and challenging learning. Individual Learning Differences Standard Three
For example • Educators review profiles of gifted learners to identify potential issues around language, culture, and family background that must be addressed when planning instruction. Individual Learning Differences Standard Three
Standard FourINSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES • Educators of the gifted have a repertoire of evidence–based curriculum and instructional strategies to differentiate for and appropriately challenge individuals with gifts and talents.
In other words… Educators of the gifted demonstrate strategies that provide optimal learning opportunities for their students. Instructional Strategies Standard Four
For example: • Given a standard lesson or unit of study on grade level, a teacher of gifted should be able to modify the lesson or unit using appropriate strategies, adjusting content and pacing to differentiate for students who are gifted and talented. Instructional Strategies Standard Four
Standard FiveLEARNING ENVIRONMENT and SOCIAL INTERACTION • Educators of the gifted actively create and shape learning environments that support the unique characteristics and needs of gifted learners.
In other words… • Educators acknowledge an individual’s social and emotional development as well as interpersonal relationships when making decisions and planning the learning environment. Learning Environment and Social Interaction Standard Five
For example • Educators share ways of being proactive in guiding gifted learners to learn about and respect differences such as culture and language. Learning Environment and Social Interaction Standard Five
Standard SixLANGUAGE and COMMUNICATION • Educators of the gifted understand the role of language and communication in talent development and the various methods and forms of communication.
In other words… Educators are able to locate and use strategies and advanced oral and communication tools to increase the communication skills of individuals including English language learners and those with special needs. Language and Communication Standard Six
Example: • Provide educators of gifted with scenarios titled “What Would You Do?” Each scenario could highlight a different situation affecting communication, such as an ELL student, a bored student in an Honors English class, an LD student with dysgraphia, a highly verbal student who uses non-standard English. Language and Communication Standard Six
Standard SevenINSTRUCTIONAL PLANNING • Educators of the gifted systematically consider individual ability and needs, learning environment, culture, and language in developing long-range and shorter-range goals and objectives in the general and special curriculum.
In other words… • Educators use knowledge of curriculum and instruction and knowledge of needs and characteristics of gifted learners to align, design, develop, and select curricula. Instructional Planning Standard Seven
For example • Educators of the gifted use state academic standards in a content area to design differentiated learning plans given the diverse backgrounds of their gifted population. Instructional Planning Standard Seven
Standard EightASSESSMENT • Educators of the gifted use assessment to make decisions regarding identification and learning progress.
In other words… • Educators of the gifted need to know and understand the issues related to the identification of and the assessment of individuals with gifts and talents. Assessment Standard Eight
For example: • Educators could critique various identification systems used in different states or districts based on Standard 8. They could also discuss the assessments used in their gifted programs to monitor and evaluate the learning of their gifted students. Assessment Standard Eight
Standard NinePROFESSIONAL and ETHICAL PRACTICE • Educators of the gifted are guided by the profession’s ethical and professional practice standards.
In other words… • Educators of the gifted are reflective practitioners who strive for continuous improvement. Their ethical behaviors demonstrate respect and commitment to diversity, confidentiality, policies and laws. Professional and Ethical Practice Standard Nine
For example • Educators use the National Gifted Education Standards to assess their personal skills, identifying areas of strength and areas for growth. Professional and Ethical Practice Standard Nine
Standard TenCOLLABORATION • Educators of the gifted effectively communicate with families, other educators, and related service providers.
In other words… • Educators in their role as advocates promote the learning and well-being of the gifted across cultural settings and diverse learning experiences. Collaboration Standard Ten
For example: • Have educators of the gifted prepare a parent education program for the school or district on the characteristics and needs of the gifted including those from diverse backgrounds. Collaboration Standard Ten
Enablers and Barriers • In your group make a list of enablers and barriers for your district to use the ten standards in PreK–12 professional development. Prioritize the top three in each category. Select a spokesperson to share the group’s response.
The Need… • Few teachers adapt instruction for gifted learners. • A single introductory course is not adequate training for accommodating the needs of gifted students. • All teachers need knowledge and skills in gifted education since gifted students often attend general education classes.
Next Steps • What can you do? • How can you? • To whom? • What will you commit?
What help do you need? • Please complete Handout Two and leave it with me.
References • Bain, S., Bourgeois S., & Pappas, D. (2003). Linking theoretical models to actual practices: A survey of teachers in gifted education. Roeper Review, 25, 166–172. • Callahan, C., Cooper, C., & Glascock, R. (2003). Preparing teachers to develop and enhance talent: The position of national education organizations. (ERIC Document Services No. ED477882). • Gubbins, E.J., Westberg, K.L., Reis, S., Dinnocenti, S.T., Tieso, C.L., & Muller, L.M. (2002). Implementing a professional development model using gifted education strategies with all students (Research Monograph 02172). Storrs: University of Connecticut, National Research Center on the Gifted and Talented. • Robinson, A., & Kolloff, P.B. (2006). Preparing teachers to work with high-ability youth at the secondary level: Issues and implications for licensure. In F.A. Dixon & S. M. Moon (Eds.), The handbook of secondary gifted education (pp.581–610). Waco, TX: Prufrock Press. • VanTassel-Baska, J., & Stambaugh, T. (2006). Project Athena: A pathway to advanced literature development for children of poverty. Gifted Child Quarterly, 46, 30–44.