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Gal.3:2 – the question. Repeats Gal.3:5

(19 th ) Paul asked the Galatians; “did you receive the Spirit by observing the law or by believing what you heard?” what is the answer? And today is that still true?.

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Gal.3:2 – the question. Repeats Gal.3:5

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  1. (19th) Paul asked the Galatians; “did you receive the Spirit by observing the law or by believing what you heard?” what is the answer? And today is that still true?

  2. (19th) Paul asked the Galatians; “did you receive the Spirit by observing the law or by believing what you heard?” what is the answer? And today is that still true? Gal.3:2 – the question. Repeats Gal.3:5 Gal.3:3-4, Extensive argument that receiving the Spirit is through faith, not an observance of the law. 3:26-29, 4:6-7

  3. (20th) What does Paul say is the only thing that counts?

  4. (20th) What does Paul say is the only thing that counts? Gal.5:6; 6:15 “For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision counts for anything, but only faith working through love.” “For neither circumcision counts for anything, nor uncircumcision, but a new creation.”

  5. (21st) The council that met at Jerusalem was to decide what troubling question? Was the answer well received?

  6. (21st) The council that met at Jerusalem was to decide what troubling question? Was the answer well received? Acts 15:1-2 The question – the need to be circumcised in order to be saved. Acts 15:6 - the gathering Acts 15:7-11- Peter’s address Acts 15:12 – Paul n Barnabas 15:13-21 – James gives decision “No!”

  7. (22nd) From what you have read, what is some of the content of the “message” that was being preached?

  8. (22nd) From what you have read, what is some of the content of the “message” that was being preached? 17:3 – the Christ had to suffer and rise from the dead. Jesus is the Christ 17:7 Jesus was King (accusations) 17:18 good news Jesus and resurrection. 17:24-34 concepts of a creator God, man as His offspring, idols are not gods and fact of resurrection.

  9. 18:6 Jesus is Christ 18:8 baptism. 1Thes.1:2-4 the evidence of Gospel content – work produced by faith, labor prompted by love, endurance inspired by hope in the Lord Jesus Christ.

  10. (23rd) If you were to make a list of things Paul had told them and was reviewing, what would be on the list?

  11. (23rd) If you were to make a list of things Paul had told them and was reviewing, what would be on the list? • 2;3-4 - trials, persecution • 4:1 - live in order to please God • 4:3 – be sanctified, avoid sexual immorality • 4:4-5learn to control body, not in passionate lust

  12. 4:6 – remember God punishes those who abuse neighbors in that way. • 4:7 – called to be holy • 4:8 – God is the giver of the Holy Spirit • 4:9-10Love each other • 4:11 – lead quiet lives • 4:11 – mind own business • 4:11-12 – work wit your hands • 4:13-18End Times info

  13. (24th) In Ephesus Paul found some believers, about a dozen, to whom he asked a question, what question and why ask it?

  14. (24th) In Ephesus Paul found some believers, about a dozen, to whom he asked a question, what question and why ask it? Acts 19:2 - the question (1) the setting 19:2b - the answer “what Spirit” 19:3 - 2nd question “what baptism?” 19:3b – answer “John’s” 19:4-7 the solution – baptize in Jesus name, lay hands on – receive Spirit

  15. (25th) So what does Paul say about the “Spirit”?

  16. (25th) So what does Paul say about the “Spirit”? 1Cor.1:6-7 –message confirmed – no lack of Spiritual gift 1Cor.2:5 – Spirits power 1Cor.2:10-16 – the Spirit teaches, reveals, is from God, Spiritual truths, words and discernment 1Cor.3:16 – God’s temple, Spirit lives in

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