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Welcome! Q1 ‘09 Business Plan Review

Welcome! Q1 ‘09 Business Plan Review. Tuesday, March 31, 2009 2:00-3:00 PM central. Agenda. Objective: Participants can speak knowledgeably about the Health Story Project and its status. Agenda Review Ground Rules Introductions Background Business Plan Review Q&A. Ground Rules.

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Welcome! Q1 ‘09 Business Plan Review

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Welcome!Q1 ‘09 Business Plan Review Tuesday, March 31, 2009 2:00-3:00 PM central

  2. Agenda Objective: Participants can speak knowledgeably about the Health Story Project and its status Agenda Review Ground Rules Introductions Background Business Plan Review Q&A

  3. Ground Rules Introduce self when speaking Stay on topic; Use parking lot If your line is noisy, please mute If muted, “raise hand”

  4. Introductions Presenters Nick van Terheyden, MD CMO, M*Modal nvt@mmodal.com Joy Kuhl, CPF The Health Story Project joy@optimalaccords.com Liora Alschuler, Principal Alschuler Associates, LLC liora@alschulerassociates.com Attendees • Name • Organization

  5. Background

  6. Background: Why Health Story? Challenge … • 600 million clinical documents produced in U.S./year • Dictated and transcribed documents around 60% of clinical data • Getting valuable info from narrative documents into the EHR What if you could … • Continue to use narrative and dictation and • at the same time increase usage of the EMR and • make more records available for the health information exchange?

  7. CDA Templates

  8. Accessible Clinical Data

  9. CDA: A Document Exchange Specification This is a CDA and this and this and this and this and this and this 9

  10. CDA: Investing in Information CDA at the Mayo Clinic • Initiated in 1999 • Thousands of documents each week • Clinical documents: Most important capital asset CDA at New York Presbyterian (was Col-Pres) • “CDA Philosophy” • Clinical notes contain critical information in narrative • Best format for information mining and aggregation across applications • 1/3 of all discharges summaries

  11. Background: Why Health Story? CDA4CDT: rapid development initiative • “Clinical Document Architecture for Common Document Types” • Founders: AHDI/MTIA, AHIMA, M*Modal and Alschuler • Benefactors: 3M, A-Life Medical, Imagetek, Interfix, MedQuist, MDinTouch, Misys, Precyse, Quadramed, Spheris, Webmedx • Published HL7 draft standards: 1) consultation note, 2) history and physical, 3) operative note and 4) diagnostic imaging reports • Earned positive recognition in national press • Strong volunteer participation in standards development • Cited by AHIC as source for national standards

  12. Background: Why Health Story? Health Story: industry alliance • In 2008, participants agreed to: • Build on momentum and success of CDA4CDT • Continue development work and further adoption • Develop 5-year business plan to guide activities • SWOT analysis led to new brand • Speaks to common vision for comprehensive electronic clinical records • Planning led to refined mission • To develop and promote information standards that support the flow of information between narrative documents and EHRs

  13. Q1 ‘09Business Plan Review

  14. Business Plan Review 18-Month Goals Solidify operations and develop brand Build coalition Generate market demand Maintain momentum in product development Foster adoption

  15. Business Plan Review Solidify Operations & Develop Brand Business plan approved Logo produced Web site live with basic information New brand launched at RSNA Executive committee and activities operational Web site live with rich information

  16. Business Plan Review Build Coalition Membership materials and benefits in place Ongoing communication with members Promoter profiles online $46,500 secured ($200K goal) Minimum of 1 EHR vendor and 1 healthcare facility and/or RHIO recruited 95% member retention

  17. Business Plan Review Generate Market Demand Broad industry speaking engagements Strong press coverage Web site a useful tool Use case in development In dialogue with national stakeholders National relevance with AHIC, HITSP, CCHIT White paper developed

  18. Business Plan Review Maintain Momentum in Product Development Technical implementation guides • Consultation note • History and physical • Operative note • Diagnostic imaging report • Discharge summary (w/IHE) • Encounter note Training program designed and available 2009

  19. Business Plan Review Foster Adoption 10 facilities to require standards in RFPs 5 organizations to pilot by 2010 Status Members generating Health Story CDA GE Medical, Medquist, M*Modal Provider adoption HITSP requirement C84 Consult and History & Physical Note Component Add Diagnostic Imaging, Op Note On CCHIT roadmap

  20. Business Plan Review Our Vision: Comprehensive electronic clinical records that tell a patient’s complete health story. 5-Year Goals Establish brand awareness Maintain strong coalition Increase market demand Publish catalog of products Earn national endorsement Foster widespread adoption Declare success

  21. Next Steps and Q&A Health Story Project MeetingHIMSS ConferenceMcCormick Place, Chicago, IllinoisTuesday, April 7, 20098:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m.Meeting Room: N128invitation Health Story Project BreakfastMTIA 20th Annual ConferenceLouisville Downtown Marriott, Louisville, KentuckyThursday, April 23, 20097:15 a.m. - 8:15 p.m.presentation begins at 7:30 a.m.invitation

  22. Get Involved Join the project Participate in HL7 Structured Documents Work Group Participate in HL7 ballot comment periods Participate in other public comment periods (CCHIT, HITSP, etc.) Work standards into your development plans Encourage implementation

  23. Parking Lot

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