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Mastering Paraphrasing, Summarizing, and Avoiding Plagiarism

Learn definitions of paraphrasing, summarizing, and plagiarism. Discover what constitutes plagiarism and how to avoid it. Practice paraphrasing using synonyms and online tools. Improve skills in summarizing and referencing effectively.

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Mastering Paraphrasing, Summarizing, and Avoiding Plagiarism

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  1. Paraphrasing & Summarizing And… Plagiarism…

  2. Paraphrasing – • Summarizing – • Plagiarizing – How would you define the following?

  3. Summarizing – to briefly state or outline the main point/ points • Paraphrasing – To reword or rephrase the original. To state something in your own words • Plagiarizing – copying word for word, or nearly word for word from someone else without referencing ParaphrasingSummarizingPlagiarizing

  4. As a guide below 15% would probably indicate that plagiarism has not occurred. • However, if the 15% of matching text is one continuous block this could still be considered plagiarism • A high percentage would probably be anything over 25% • Some use the rule: If five consecutive words are identical to someone else's writing (or your own past writings) then you are guilty of plagiarism What is considered plagiarism?This is –> https://eat.scm.tees.ac.uk/bb8content/resources/recipes/interpretTurnitin.pdf

  5. It is important to know how to summarize, paraphrase and reference! • We will first learn about & practice summarizing and paraphrasing and then talk about referencing and then put it all together. So..

  6. Paraphrasing Workshop

  7. Keeping your house cool or warm, driving cars, and factory fumes all pollute the atmosphere. This affects the world weather and makes it difficult for animals to find food and fresh water. Humans take away animals’ homes and their food by farming, when they cut down trees for wood, and when they look for oil. Examples of Paraphrasing a. When the weather changes, animals can’t find water & food easily. b. Pollution comes from cars, factories, heating & air conditioning. c. Cutting down trees and looking for oil damages animals’ homes & takes away their food.

  8. Task 1 Paraphrasing using synonyms

  9. Synonyms

  10. More than half of the teachers interviewed said that they helped students after regular class hours. • Although there is general consensus amongst researchers that high-stakes testing in South Korea is holding back the system, few agree on which future directions should be taken. • At present, there are 5 times more non-native English speakers than native speakers in the world. • Although a great deal of research has been done which has looked at effective language learners, research into effective language teaching is still in its infancy. Paraphrase with synonyms www.thesaurus.com MS Word – Right Click

  11. Task 1 Paraphrasing using online translation

  12. In recent years, various researchers have cautioned about teachers developing an overreliance on the use of technology in their lessons. • Language teachers play a key role in supporting their students in their language learning efforts by reflecting on and modelling what learners know and how languages can be learnt. • Although addressed by second language scholars only in the past decade and half, learner agency is increasingly regarded as a fundamental construct in language-learning processes and for language-learner identities. Paraphrase by translation https://papago.naver.com/ https://translate.google.com/

  13. Task 3 Putting it together

  14. (Tekummru-Kisa & Stein, 2015) • There is growing consensus in the field of education that it is critical for teachers to be aware of their own teaching action. • (Hattie, 2009) • The more aware teachers are of themselves and their practices, the more they may be able to enhance their students’ development. • (Hiver & Whitehead, 2018) • Metacognition is now recognized as an important aspect of teaching and teacher development. Thinking about thinkingParaphrase the following ->

  15. Summarizing

  16. Highlight the key points ( cut out unnecessary detail) • List the key points • State the key points Summarizing

  17. There are times when the night sky glows with bands of color. The bands may begin as cloud shapes and then spread into a great arc across the entire sky. They may fall in folds like a curtain drawn across the heavens. The lights usually grow brighter, then suddenly dim. During this time the sky glows with pale yellow, pink, green, violet, blue, and red. These lights are called the Aurora Borealis. Some people call them the Northern Lights. Scientists have been watching them for hundreds of years. They are not quite sure what causes them. In ancient times people were afraid of the Lights. They imagined that they saw fiery dragons in the sky. Some even concluded that the heavens were on fire. “The Northern Lights”

  18. The Aurora Borealis, or Northern Lights, are bands of color in the night sky. Ancient people thought that these lights were dragon on fire, and even modern scientists are not sure what they are. Summary

  19. Teachers’ views on the qualities of effective EFL teacher educators Rui Yuan and Yalin Hu (2017) This research explores the qualities of effective EFL language teacher educators from the perspectives of pre- and in-service teachers at a university in China. Drawing on data from focus group interviews with these teachers (from different teacher education programmes at the university), the findings of the study demonstrate the perceived qualities of effective language teacher educators, including, in the words of some of the participants, being ‘fountains of knowledge’, having ‘eyes on the stars and feet on the ground’, and ‘providing a personal touch’. This study offers an important frame of reference for EFL teacher educators to reflect on and improve their professional practice in order o meet their students’ complex and diverse learning needs. • Highlight the Key points • List the key points • State the key points

  20. Who ( what researchers? • Investigated what ( what topic?) • With who ( participants)? • Where ( location?) • How did they collect data? (data collection methods?) • What did they find? (findings?) • How does this relate to your topic? (connection?) • Are there any problems or holes you notice? (gaps?) Summarizing studies

  21. Teachers’ views on the qualities of effective EFL teacher educators Rui Yuan and Yalin Hu (2017) Yuan & Hu conducted a study which…. A study was done by Yuan & Hu… In their study they… • Highlight the Key points • List the key points • State the key points • Who ( what researchers? • Investigated what ( what topic?) • With who ( participants)? • Where ( location?) • How did they collect data? (data collection methods?) • What did they find? (findings?) • How does this relate to your topic? (connection?) • Are there any problems or holes you notice? (gaps?)

  22. Try to summarize the following abstract Task • Highlight the Key points • List the key points • State the key points

  23. Teacher leadership has been given increased recognition in general education as a means to empower teachers as professionals and improve educational outcomes. However, it has not received as much attention in English Language Teaching (ELT), and research that has been conducted in this area has tended to focus on ELT program management. This study chose to focus on examining learners’ perspectives of language teacher leadership with the aims of contributing to a more complete conceptualization of teacher leadership in ELT. Twenty Korean university students were interviewed to explore their opinions of what language teacher leadership entails in terms of teacher practices and characteristics. The findings revealed an ensemble of qualities under the categories of Passion, Rapport, Purpose, and Balance and Flexibility that learners believe to be essential to language teacher leadership.  The findings also indicate that learners' ideas about leadership in the language classroom go beyond classroom practices, are distinct from traditional views of leadership, and also differ from the way in which many language teachers see leadership in their classrooms.    Abstract

  24. The Open Accessible Summaries In Language Studies (OASIS)

  25. https://oasis-database.org/ The Open Accessible Summaries In Language Studies (OASIS)

  26. A useful template that outlines key information in research studies. • Helps you to stay focused on the key information • Useful to think about if you are planning on doing a thesis OASIS Template

  27. Final Paraphrasing & Summarizing Tasks Choose 1

  28. Option #1 • Refer to an academic abstract of your choice. • Try to summarize/ paraphrase the details of their study Option #2 • Refer to an academic article of your choice. • Fill in an OASIS template for the article Task Choices

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