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Brian Mitchell Cannabis

Brian Christopher Mitchell is a serial entrepreneur and investor. Over the last two decades Brian has built and scaled numerous companies and has employed hundreds of people in various markets across the United States

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Brian Mitchell Cannabis

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  1. June27,2023 BrianChristopher Mitchell,CEOofNorthStarEquities,Advocates Creative FinancingforReal Estate Success AmidHigh InterestRates NewportBeach,California -Brian Christopher Mitchell,theesteemed Founder&CEOofNorthStarEquities, shares hisinsights ontheimportance ofcreative financing inachievingsuccessfulrealestatedealsamidstthe current high interest rate environment. As a prominent player in Real Estate Investment and Early Stage Venture Capital,NorthStarEquities is committed topioneering innovative approachesto navigate the challenges presentedbyinterestratefluctuations. Mitchellrecognizesthesignificanceofcreativefinancingin unlockingopportunitiesin realestatetransactions.He states,"In aneraofhighinterest rates, creativefinancingbecomes a crucialelementinensuringtheviabilityand profitability ofrealestate deals.Itinvolvesfindingalternativefundingsources, leveragingstrategicpartnerships, andemploying innovative financial structures tooptimizereturns." NorthStarEquities,with its extensiveexpertise inRealEstateInvestmentandEarlyStageVentureCapital,is well- positioned to explorecreativefinancingstrategies.Mitchellhighlightsthecompany's commitmentto innovative approaches:"AtNorthStarEquities,we embracecreative financing asakey driver forsuccess.Westriveto identify and leverage emerging trends, forge strategic alliances, and explore flexible financing options to navigate theevolving landscapeandmaximizevalueforour investors." Mitchell emphasizes the importance of adaptability and agility in the face of high interest rates. He states, "Successfulrealestatedeals require a proactive andnimble approach.Bystayingaheadofmarkettrends,being open to unconventional financing methods, and leveraging our network and industry expertise, we can identify opportunities thatdeliversustainable returns eveninachallenginginterestrateenvironment." About Brian Christopher Mitchell (www.brianchristophermitchell.com)is an accomplished entrepreneur, investor, and the FounderofNorthStarEquities.Withan impressivecareer spanningtwo decades,Brianhas excelled inscaling companies andcreating jobopportunitiesacross diverse sectors intheUnited States. Asthe FounderandCEOof NorthStarEquities,Inc.(www.northstarequities.co),BrianMitchellleadsasingle family office that specializes in real estate and early-stage investments in aerospace, defense, construction, and technology.His strategicguidance hasplayeda pivotalroleinestablishingNorthStarEquities as a prominent presenceintheinvestmentlandscape,leveraginglucrativegrowthopportunities. BrianMitchell'scontributionsextend beyondNorthStarEquities.He is widely recognized as theco-founder and former CEOof ShryneGroup,Inc.,thedriving forcebehindthe immensely popularcannabis brand,Stiiizy. Through hisvisionary leadership,Brianhas redefined industrystandards andachieved unprecedented success. Inadditiontohis professionalachievements,Brian Mitchellis a devoted father andanactivemember of the Newport Beach community. He treasures quality time spent with his children, actively coach’s sports, and seeks outthrilling adventures.His passionforgolfing,skiing,and water sportsinvigorateshiszestfor life. Brian Christopher Mitchell embodies a unique blend of entrepreneurial prowess, investment acumen, and unwavering dedication to both family and personal growth. His commitment to excellence and innovative thinking continues tomakeasignificantimpactinthebusiness landscapeandbeyond. Tolearn more aboutBrianChristopher Mitchellandtheinspiring journeyof NorthStarEquities,please visit www.brianchristophermitchell.comandwww.northstarequities.co.

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