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Transformational Leadership Programme 2019/2020

This program focuses on key skills and attributes of the Transformational Leadership Model, encouraging innovation and future success through employee empowerment and mentorship. Join workshops by industry experts to enhance leadership capabilities.

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Transformational Leadership Programme 2019/2020

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  1. 2019/2020 LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME 2019/2020 DESCRIPTION OFTHEPROGRAMME The programme has been designed around the key skills and attributesidentifiedbytheTransformationalLeadershipModel. This is a leadership style in which leaders encourage, inspire and motivateemployeestoinnovateandcreatechangethatwillhelpgrow andshapethefuturesuccessofthecompany. Transformationalleaderssetanexamplethroughastrongsense of corporate culture, employee ownership and independence in the workplace. They trust trained employees to take authority over decisions in their assigned jobs. Employees are encouraged to be creative, look to the future and find new solutions. They will provide employeesmentorshipandtrainingtobecomefuturetransformational leaders. Ifyouhaveanyqueriesregardingthebelowprogramme,pleaseemail hello@bpsbirmingham.co.uk.

  2. LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME 19/20 THETRANSFORMATIONAL LEADERSHIPMODEL IDEALISEDINFLUENCE Leadersbehaveinadmirablewayssothatfollowerstendtoidentifywiththem (e.g display conviction, role modelling, behaviours consistent with a vision, appealonanemotionallevel). WORKSHOP1•3rdOctober2019• “Good leadership in uncertain and ambiguous times” byNisha Panchal,Director, The Good Leader Ltd WORKSHOP2• 10thOctober2019• “Theleadershipidentitycheck” byDrKeithSchofield,Degree Apprenticeships Portfolio Lead and Teaching Fellow,AstonBusinessSchool WORKSHOP3•7thNovember2019•“Understandingpersonalityandcommunicationstyles” byJayLutwyche,HeadofDevelopment,ShakespeareMartineau

  3. LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME 19/20 “Good leadership in uncertain and ambiguous times” byNisha Panchal,Director, The Good Leader Ltd WORKSHOP1 She is experienced in working with professionals up to Partner and CEO level. She now works with professional services firms in the UK and in the Middle East and is delighted to be invited to deliver this workshop at Aston Business School in October 2019. The Good Leader is a consultancy service specialising in leadership, management and team development – supporting firms to develop best in class professionals. In a professional environment people are now seeking leaders they respect, who are innovative, appreciate natural strengths and know how to leverage those strengths to get the best from their people. The Good Leader works with firms to design programmes aligned to their values and culture; programmes that will future proof the talented individuals that the firm wishes to invest in. An experiential approach by The Good Leader brings the learning to life. By telling powerful stories, using case studies, videos on compelling thought leadership, games and activities, the learning is much easier to absorb and apply. 3rd October 2019 •Thursday•17.30-20.30•G8MainBuilding,AstonUniversity The days of “do as I say and not as I do” are now deemed unacceptable and inappropriate. Professionals are less willing to accept these behaviours and are ready to move on if there is no change in sight. We operate in environments with ever increasing demands from clients, evolving processes and systems, ambitious strategic visions, workloads with no let-up in sight and a very diverse landscape. This unique set of circumstances calls for a leadership style that is sophisticated, keen on collaboration, inclusive, emotionally intelligent and commands respect from colleagues and clients alike. In this workshop you can expect to discuss the necessary behaviours required and start developing skills to help navigate and thrive in a climate of ambiguity and complexity. • Pre-requisites • Prepareyourthoughts,questions,mythsandcommentsaboutthetopic; • Prepareaquestionfortheguestspeaker. Guest speaker:Tim Hall, Director, Hays WorkshopFormat About thespeaker Nisha Panchal Director, The Good Leader Ltd Nisha founded ‘The Good Leader’ in 2018 after almost 20 years in the learning and development field. After gaining the CIPD qualification, Nisha spent time working on her craft in a variety of professions in the UK as well as spending 6 years in the Middle East. She is a highly professional, skilled, thought-provoking and engaging facilitator and trainer as well as an accredited behavioural profiling practitioner. Her career highlights range from designing and facilitating leadership and management programmes for organisations such as TNT MEA and Gowling WLG UK, to supporting team development at the Law Society of England and Wales.

  4. LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME 19/20 “The leadership identitycheck” byDrKeithSchofield,Degree Apprenticeships Portfolio Lead and Teaching Fellow,AstonBusinessSchool WORKSHOP 2 10th October 2019 •Thursday•17.30-20.30•G8MainBuilding,AstonUniversity tocoordinateanddeliverassessmentcentreswithlargeorganisations undergoingrestructure. Thissessionwillexploretheideasaroundbrandandidentityconcerning leadership.It willfocusonsomeinfluentialleaders,pastandpresent,asa wayofunderstandingwhatitmeanstobealeader. Keith’s move into Higher Education came when he began lecturing Organisational Psychology at Ireland’s largest private college, Dublin BusinessSchool.Herehewasresponsibleforlecturingacrossbusinessand psychology undergraduate and postgraduate programmes, with module leader responsibilities for all organisational psychology modules. In 2014 he returned to the University of Huddersfield as a Senior Lecturer in Organisation Studies, he took on the role of MBA Director and taught across this as well as the undergraduate Business Management suite of programmeswithanumberofmoduleleadershipresponsibilities. • Pre-requisites • Prepareyourthoughts,questions,mythsandcommentsaboutthetopic; • Prepareaquestionfortheguestspeaker. About thespeaker Dr KeithSchofield Degree Apprenticeships Portfolio Lead & Teaching Fellow,AstonBusinessSchool Guest speaker:Joel Blake , Founder and Managing Director, Cultiv8 Solutions Dr Keith Schofield joined the Work and Organisational Psychology DepartmentinSeptember2017asaTeachingFellowinOrganisational BehaviourandHumanResourceManagement. WorkshopFormat A chartered psychologist, Keith’s research interests remain on understanding organisations from a psychological perspective. On completionofhisPhDinOrganisationalPsychologyfromtheUniversityof Huddersfield, Keith became responsible for managing a business incubation centre in Leeds. Funded through the European Regional Development Fund, this centre supported small and micro businesses across the Leeds City Region giving them access to business experts and mentors as well as a supportive, collaborative environment in which to growtheirbusiness.Additionally,Keithengagedinaconsultancycapacity

  5. “Understandingpersonality&communicationstyles” byJayLutwyche,HeadofDevelopment,ShakespeareMartineau WORKSHOP3 7th November 2019•Thursday•17.30-20.30•G8MainBuilding,AstonUniversity Asanemergingleader,understandingyourownpersonalitypreferences andstyleofcommunicationisavitalskill.Thissessionusesa well-established psychometric model to help you better understand your ownstyle–bothhowandwhyyoucommunicateinthewayyoudo,andthe impact this has on others. You’ll also gain a greater understanding of alternative communication styles and how you can use this to build strongerrelationshipswithcolleaguesandclientsalike. Thislively,practicalandenjoyablesessionwillbeledbyJayLutwyche, Learning&DevelopmentBusinessPartneratShakespeareMartineau. Pre-requisites • Prepareyourthoughts,questions,mythsandcommentsaboutthetopic; • Prepareaquestionfortheguestspeaker. WorkshopFormat About thespeaker JayLutwyche HeadofDevelopment,ShakespeareMartineau Jay leads and oversees all development-related activity within ShakespeareMartineau. He creates a vibrant and compelling culture supporting development, talent management and succession planning. Jay is responsible for the design and delivering an outstanding structured developmentprogrammethroughthefirm’sAcademy.MBTIandInsights Discovery accredited he has particular expertise in leadership and management,communicationandpresentationskills,andcoaching.

  6. LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME 19/20 THE TRANSFORMATIONAL LEADERSHIPMODEL INSPIRATIONALMOTIVATION Leaders articulate a vision which is appealing and inspiring to followers (e.gprovidesmeaningfortheworktask,setshighstandards,communicates optimismabouttheachievabilityofthevisions). WORKSHOP4•5thDecember2019•“Leadershipandprofessionalethics” byDrLaurenTraczykowski,TeachingFellow,AstonLawSchool WORKSHOP5•16thJanuary2020•“Creating a pumped high performance culture – is it really useful?” bySimonHague,Director,Where’sMyLunch WORKSHOP6•6thFebruary2020•“Howtocoach” byDr AndyBass,Founder,BassCluskerConsultingAstonUniversityPhDandAstonBusinessSchoolvisitingfacultymember

  7. LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME 19/20 “Leadershipandprofessionalethics” byDrLaurenTraczykowski,TeachingFellow,AstonLawSchool WORKSHOP4 5thDecember2019•Thursday•17.30-20.30•G8MainBuilding,AstonUniversity inInternationalRelationsfromBostonUniversityinhernativeUS.Very broadly, Lauren’s research interests are within applied ethics and emergencysituations. This session will take you on a lightening tour of Normative Ethics, Utilitarianism, Deontology, Virtue Ethics and Feminist Ethics. Through activities and reflection you will be challenged to apply ethics and concepts in professional conduct to scenarios. AtAstonLaurenteachesBusinessEthicsandProfessionalConduct& EthicsandwillcontributetotheintegrationofethicsintotheLLB. • Pre-requisites • Prepareyourthoughts,questions,mythsandcommentsaboutthetopic; • Prepareaquestionfortheguestspeaker. About thespeaker Guestspeaker:Victoria Ball, Legal Director, DLA Piper Dr LaurenTraczykowski TeachingFellow,AstonLawSchool WorkshopFormat LaurenjoinedAstonLawSchoolasaTeachingFellowinApril2018.Shehas taughtintheLawSchoolasaSessionalTeachingFellowsince2013.Lauren completedherPhDinGlobalEthicsattheDepartmentofPhilosophyatthe University of Birmingham. Her thesis argued for the development of internationalmilitaryinterventionpoliciesintheeventofnaturaldisasters where a national government is unable or unwilling to assist its own people. Laurenhastaughtwithindifferentdepartmentsanduniversitiesaround BirminghamincludingtheUniversityofBirminghamMedicalSchool,Law SchoolandPoliticsDepartmentandwithintheTheologyDepartmentat NewmanUniversity. Prior to her studies, Lauren completed an MA in International Studies, Globalisation&GovernancefromtheUniversityofBirminghamandaBA

  8. LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME 19/20 “Creating a pumped high performance culture – is it really useful?” bySimonHague,Director,Where’sMyLunch,AstonBusinessSchoolMBA WORKSHOP5 16thJanuary 2020•Thursday•17.30-20.30•G8MainBuilding,AstonUniversity Simon’sworkhereisbothasfounder,energiserandexplorerwherehe assistsotherstothinkdifferentlyaboutwheretheyareandwhatthey wanttoachievepersonallyandorganisationally. SimonHaguewillfacilitateaninteractiveandengagingworkshopwhere youwillbeinvitedtoconsiderwhatbehaviourchangesneedtohappen withinyourbusinesstodeliver a sustainable performance improvement. Simonhasworkedwithincorporatesalesandoperationsmanagement,and nowrunshisexecutivecoachingbusiness–Wheresmylunch. Guest speaker:TBC • Pre-requisites • Prepareyourthoughts,questions,mythsandcommentsaboutthetopic; • Prepareaquestionfortheguestspeaker. WorkshopFormat About thespeaker SimonHague Director,Where’sMyLunch, Aston BusinessSchool MBA Wheresmylunchworkwithpeoplethatwanttomakeadifferenceeitherto their own personal impact, their company or their community. These are peoplethatwanttodevelopthroughincreasedself-awareness,focusand (re)alignmenttowhatisimportanttothempersonallyandinbusiness.

  9. LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME 19/20 “How tocoach” byAndyBass,Founder,BassCluskerConsultingAstonUniversityPhDandAstonBusinessSchoolvisitingfacultymember WORKSHOP6 6thFebruary2020•Thursday•17.30-20.30•G8MainBuilding,AstonUniversity Andy’s work has been published on Forbes.com and in Career Development International, Legal Week, and Managing Partner magazine as well as in leading journals on systems thinking and organizational change. He is author of the book The Performance Papers: Incisive BriefingsforBusyLeaders,publishedbyBookshaker.Anactivememberof the Birmingham (UK) business community, Andrew is mentor for start-up acceleratorEntrepreneurialSpark(supportedinBirminghambyNatWest), a former member of the West Midlands Regional Advisory Board of the leadershipeducationcharityCommonPurpose,aformerBoardDirectorof the business lobbying and networking group Birmingham Forward, and formeradvisortotheBirminghamFutureMentoringScheme. Strong coaching skills are invaluable for leaders who want to create winning teams. This session will equip you with the key skills. It will be extremelypractical,withlotsofexercises.Ifyoucan'tcoachyet,youwillbe abletobytheendofthissession(andifyoualreadycan,youwillbecome evenbetter). • Pre-requisites • Prepareyourthoughts,questions,mythsandcommentsaboutthetopic; • Prepareaquestionfortheguestspeaker. About thespeaker AndyBass Founder,BassCluskerConsultingAstonUniversityPhD andAstonBusinessSchoolvisitingfacultymember Guestspeaker:Kathryn Small, Business Development Director, Higgs and Sons WorkshopFormat AndrewisthefounderandprincipalofBassCluskerConsulting,andhelps leaders to bring their strategic goals to fruition more quickly and completely, wherever possible using resources they already have. He has worked across a wide range of industries and sectors including professional services, technology, media, health, financial services, packaging, automotive and education. Some of the organizations he has workedwithinclude Aon Risk Solutions, KPMG, DLA Piper, L’Oréal, all three emergency services, AAH Pharmaceuticals, the NHS, and International Automotive ComponentsGroup. WhilebasedintheUK,Andytravelsextensively,andhasworkedonprojectsintheUS,France,Germany,TheNetherlands, Finland,Mexico,RussiaandChina.

  10. LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME 19/20 THE TRANSFORMATIONAL LEADERSHIPMODEL INTELLECTUALSTIMULATION Leadersstimulateandencouragecreativityintheirfollowers (e.gchallengeassumptions,takerisks,askfollowersfortheir ideasandtodeveloptheminpractice). WORKSHOP7•12thMarch2020•“Managingunder-performance” byKathyDaniels,AssociateDean:LearningandTeaching(Postgraduateprogrammes),AstonBusinessSchool WORKSHOP8•14thMay2020•“Empowering aleadershipmindset” byStuart Bailey, Principal Consultant,CuriumSolutions

  11. LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME 19/20 “Managingunder-performance” byKathyDaniels,AssociateDean:LearningandTeaching(Postgraduateprogrammes),AstonBusinessSchool WORKSHOP7 12thMarch2020•Thursday•17.30-20.30•G8MainBuilding,AstonUniversity Under-performing employees are frustrating for all employers, but what canyoudo?Whencanyoudismiss?Whendoyouhavetogiveadisciplinary warning,andwhathappensifthereisnoimprovement?Whatifthe under-performance is linked to a health issue? We will explore the law relatingtoalltheseissues,andtranslatethatintopracticalactionsthatyou cantaketoaddressunder-performanceinanorganisation. Kathywritesandspeaksextensively,primarilyaboutemploymentlawfor organisationssuchasCIPD,AgoraBusinessPublicationsandCroners.She isalso aLayMemberoftheEmploymentTribunals,sittinginBirmingham. Pre-requisites • Prepareyourthoughts,questions,mythsandcommentsaboutthetopic; • Prepareaquestionfortheguestspeaker. Guestspeaker:Gemma Saunders, Head of Human Resources and Operations, Mackenzie Taylor Benefit Consultants About thespeaker KathyDaniels AssociateDean:LearningandTeaching(Postgraduateprogrammes), Aston BusinessSchool WorkshopFormat KathyfirstjoinedAstonBusinessSchoolinSeptember1999,asaSessional Lecturer. She continued in this role until September 2012 when she was appointed as a Teaching Fellow, working on a part-time basis. Kathy was promotedtoSeniorTeachingFellowin2014. In2018KathytookuptheroleofAssociateDean:LearningandTeaching, with responsibility for the postgraduate programmes in Aston Business School. Prior to joining Aston,Kathy worked as Head of HR in a large manufacturingorganisation.ShethenlefttosetupherownHR consultancy business,Kathy Daniels Consulting Limited, whichshestillruns.

  12. LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME 19/20 “Empowering aleadershipmindset” byStuart Bailey,Principle Consultant,CuriumSolutions WORKSHOP8 • 14thMay2020•Thursday•17.30-20.30•G8MainBuilding,AstonUniversity • This event will provide you with the knowledge, skills, strategy and mindset to be more resourceful and resilient even when under pressure. We invite you to work harder on yourself and your development in this fast paced, powerful and meaningful session. We will help you uncover a deeper understanding of your ‘emotional triggers’ during those leadership moments, providing techniques and strategies to be more in control of your emotions and to remain at your best, more of the time. We will also introduce you to the Participation Zone, showing you how to manage your own state and to be more confident and composed through short, memorable skill drills you can practice in less than 10 minutes. • Pre-requisites • Prepareyourthoughts,questions,mythsandcommentsaboutthetopic; • Prepareaquestionfortheguestspeaker. • About thespeaker • Stuart Bailey • Principle Consultant, Curium Solutions • Stuart is a Principal Consultant at Curium Solutions. He joined Curium after spending nearly 20 years at one of the UK’s largest energy suppliers, where he led their North West contact centre, ran cultural change programmes across their 6,000-strong customer service teams, and defined and shaped the strategy for quality coaching and operational effectiveness. As part of Curium’s Performance Solutions business, Stuart is responsible for the design and development of the client experience, aligning key products and services into a simple and effective approach that places people first and aims to bring about cultural change. Stuart supports the delivery teams in making workshops and events become an exceptional experience. Stuart is a TetraMap Master Facilitator and has a real energy and enthusiasm for people development. CuriumSolutionswasnamedBusinessoftheYear2018bytheGreater BirminghamChambersofCommerce. Guestspeaker:Roger Mendonca, Chief Operating Officer, West Midlands Growth Company WorkshopFormat

  13. LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME 19/20 INDIVIDUALISEDCONSIDERATION Leadersattendtoeachfollowerindividually(e.gactas amentororcoach,listentotheirconcernsandneeds). THE TRANSFORMATIONAL LEADERSHIPMODEL WORKSHOP9•11th June2020•“Peoplejustdon’tget it…. Whytheobviousisn’t.” byTerryHodgetts,DirectoroftheCorporate Client Solutions,AstonUniversity WORKSHOP10•2nd July2020•“Howtonetworkeffectivelyasaleader” byVictoria Masso,Managing Director,Behavioural Hackers

  14. LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME 19/20 WORKSHOP9 “Peoplejustdon’tgetit….Whytheobviousisn’t.” byTerryHodgetts,DirectorofCorporate Client Solutions, AstonUniversity • 11th June 2020•Thursday•17.30-20.30•G8MainBuilding,AstonUniversity • Aswegothroughourprofessionallivesweconstantlyfacethechallengeof gettingotherstogoalongwithourplans,buyintoourstrategies,orshare ourperspectives.Unfortunately,alltoooftenwefindotherpeopleseethe world a different way to us. What causes this? Why is everybody else so difficult? • In this workshop we will explore some of the lessons from research into businessandsocialpsychologytoexplainhowotherpeople’sperspectives cangetinthewayofourplans,andprovidetoolstohelpunderstandthose perspectivesandworkwiththem,ratherthanbefrustratedbythem. • Pre-requisites • Prepareyourthoughts,questions,mythsandcommentsaboutthetopic; • Prepareaquestionfortheguestspeaker. • About thespeaker • TerryHodgetts • DirectoroftheCentreforExecutiveEducation,AstonBusinessSchool • Terry’s a former participant in and purchaser of executive development programmes.He’sthereforewellplacedtounderstandclients’needswhen programmesarebeingconceivedanddesigned. • Terry’sexperienceensuresthatwhenconsultingwithclientsandliaising withfacultymembersandtheCEDteam,everyprogrammedeliversthe maximumbenefitandimpact. Hisinterestslieinbridgingthegapbetweenstrategyandpeople,helping organisations find ways to engage their workforce to achieve strategic goals. Whilehisbackgroundisasapractitioner,Terryunderpinshispractical experiencewithextensivequalificationsandknowledgeintheareasof businessandstrategy,andorganisationalandsocialpsychology. Assuch,he’sabletobringbothanacademicallyrigorousandapractical ‘realworld’perspectivetohisdesign,teachingandconsultingwork. Guestspeaker:TBC WorkshopFormat

  15. LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME 19/20 “Howtonetworkeffectivelyasaleader” byVictoria Masso,Managing Director, Behaviour Hackers WORKSHOP10 2nd July 2020 •Thursday•17.30-20.30•G8MainBuilding,AstonUniversity Victoria created Behaviour Hackers to help the current leaders have the skills to adapt and thrive in the current ecosystem, where technology is making organisations be less hierarchical, more networked, more nimble and technology enabled. We do this by providing training to support their role in organisations..Always motivated by her commitment to the digital technology sector being accessible and rewarding to all, she participate in several initiatives such as being a Women in Tech Ambassador for Silicon canal, a Member of TEDx, Aston University advisory board. She has been invited to participate in several events such as InnoEnergy’s Power up pitch competition, Silicon Canal Awards, YILF forum Busan, International Women’s Day, Tech Future female leaders, among others.  Leadershipiskeytothesuccessofeveryorganisation.Strongleadersknow howtodevelopandusetheirnetworkseffectively.Thissessionwillprovide tools to help you develop your internal and external network to develop your leadershipcapability. Pre-requisites • Prepareyourthoughts,questions,mythsandcommentsaboutthetopic; • Prepareaquestionfortheguestspeaker. Guest speaker:TBC About thespeaker Victoria Masso Managing Director, Behaviour Hackers WorkshopFormat Victoria is an MSc in international business, entrepreneur and certified body language trainer by the Science of People, a human behaviour research laboratory based in the USA. Her goal is to help develop and support the digital sector, improving people’s skills to drive innovation and be prepared to adapt to this fast-paced era. She was awarded ‘Exceptional Talent’ Status by the UK Government and Tech Nation. Victoria uses her engineering, research and behavioural analysis background to turn research into practical trainings. She helps build the bridge between technology and human interactions for the past 5+ years, having a track record of working with organisations such as IBM, the International Telecommunications Union, various Universities, TEDx, entrepreneurs and initiatives for women and BAME in leadership and technology.

  16. LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME 19/20 END OF THEPROGRAMME CELEBRATIONDINNER Toreflectandcelebratethelearnt,adinnerishosted. MoreinformationandRSVPtofollowclosertothedate. July2020

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