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1. ••• 1 International CooperationObjective 10.3(b)NCP Information Day 29 November 2011
Ardiel Cabrera
European Commission
DG Information Society and Media
International Relations Unit
2. ••• 2 10.3: International partnership building & support to dialogues
Support to dialogues and cooperation with strategic partner countries and regions, to create cooperative research links between European organisations and partners in third countries. (Call 7)
Enable partnership building in low and middle income countries. (Call 9)
International cooperationHorizontal actions
3. ••• 3 10.3(b): Enable partnership building in low and middle income countries
The aim is to leapfrog from traditional promotion support action projects and launch a set of targeted research projects (STREP/SICAs) addressing at the same time technology and business model innovations. Specific technological targets could include for example low-cost technologies, technologies promoting or enabling use of ICT, intuitive user interfaces and local content provisioning.
Targeted countries: Low and middle income countries, including Africa
Budget: EUR 2 million
International cooperationHorizontal actions
4. 10.3(b): Enable partnership building in low and middle income countries
STREPs: Small or medium-scale focused, objective-driven, research projects.
SICAs: Specific International Cooperation Actions.
At least four independent legal entities, of which at least two must be established in different Member States or Associated countries, and at least two must be established in different International Cooperation Partner Countries in the target regions.
International cooperationHorizontal actions
5. 10.3(b): Enable partnership building in low and middle income countries
Expected impact:
Reinforcement of strategic partnerships with selected countries and regions in areas of mutual interest and added value in jointly addressing important issues.
Reinforced international dimension of the EU ICT research programme and higher level of international cooperation with low and middle income countries in ICT R&D with a focus on areas where the EU has a comparative advantage and where there are new leadership opportunities for Europe.
International cooperationHorizontal actions
6. 10.3(b): Enable partnership building in low and middle income countries
Activities under this objective should be covered in balanced partnership with relevant third country organisations.
Consortia are strongly encouraged to include, as appropriate,
leading research centres/universities,
relevant industry representation,
third country multipliers (e.g. national research authorities/agencies),
communication specialists and/or experienced market research organisations.
International cooperationHorizontal actions
7. ICT Call 9 (FP7-ICT-2011-9)
Objective ICT-2011.10.3(b)
Enable partnership building in low and middle income countries
STREP/SICA (Small and Medium-size focused research projects / Specific International Cooperation Action)
Budget: EUR 2 million
International cooperationHorizontal actions
Thank you
International cooperationHorizontal actions