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EOC Survivor

Learn about key principles, branches, and rights in the US government. Understand presidential requirements, court jurisdictions, and historical cases.

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EOC Survivor

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  1. EOC Survivor Season 1 Chapters 1-8

  2. Question 1 What amendment prevents excessive bail and fines? (8th Amendment)

  3. Question 2 Name the 3 Constitutional requirements to be President. (35, 14 year residency, and a natural born citizen)

  4. Question 3 What federal courts have only appellate jurisdiction? (The Courts of Appeals)

  5. Question 4 What principle means rule by the people and is related to democracy? (Popular Sovereignty)

  6. Question 5 What amendment guarantees no double jeopardy? (5th Amendment)

  7. Question 6 Which branch can strike down any law or action? (The judicial branch uses judicial review)

  8. Question 7 Which branch makes laws? (The legislative branch or Congress)

  9. Question 8 What case established the “separate but equal” doctrine? (Plessy v. Ferguson)

  10. Question 9 How do federal judges and justices get their jobs? (Appointed by the President, approved by the Senate)

  11. Question 10 How many electoral votes does it take to become President? (270)

  12. Question 11 How many Supreme Court Justices are there? (9: 8 associate justices & 1 chief justice)

  13. Question 12 What philosopher wrote of natural right & protection of those rights? (John Locke)

  14. Question 13 What is the leader of the lower house of Congress called? (Speaker of the House)

  15. Question 14 What is a civil case? (Case that involves a dispute between two or more parties)

  16. Question 15 How are the seats in the House of Representatives determined? (By a census of the population every 10 years)

  17. Question 16 What branch has the power to declare war? (Congress or the Legislative Branch)

  18. Question 17 What is the difference between a duty, right, and responsibility? (Duties are required, rights are guaranteed, & responsibilities should be done.)

  19. Question 18 What branch carries out or enforces the law? (The executive branch or President)

  20. Question 19 What federal courts have original jurisdiction over most cases? (Federal District Courts)

  21. Question 20 Which house has the power to approve the President’s treaties & appointments? (The Senate)

  22. Question 21 What case established the right to an attorney? (Gideon v. Wainwright)

  23. Question 22 Who guards the President and his family for life? (The Secret Service)

  24. Question 23 What is the process of becoming a citizen known as? (Naturalization)

  25. Question 24 What does a grand jury do? (Determine if there is enough evidence for a trial)

  26. Question 25 Who chooses the party’s Vice Presidential candidate? (The party’s Presidential Candidate)

  27. Question 26 How does the government pay for services? (Through taxation)

  28. Question 27 What philosopher wrote of separation of powers & 3 branches? (Montesquieu)

  29. Question 28 Name 3 roles the President plays. (Chief Executive, Commander in Chief, Chief Diplomat, Economic Planner, Chief Legislator, Head of State)

  30. Question 29 What does the supremacy clause mean? (That all federal & state laws must follow the Constitution)

  31. Question 30 How many members total in Congress? (535)

  32. Question 31 Explain federalism. (Power is divided between the national & state levels)

  33. Question 32 What power over law-making does the President have? (Veto)

  34. Question 33 Explain the 3/5 Compromise. (It made slaves count as 3/5 a person for population & taxes)

  35. Question 34 What case overturned the “separate but equal” rule and helped end segregation? (Brown v. Topeka BOE)

  36. Question 35 What case established the reading of your rights? (Miranda v. Arizona)

  37. Question 36 What are the 5 freedoms found in the First Amendment? (Press, religion, speech, assembly, & petition)

  38. Question 37 Name 2 criminal rights guaranteed by the 6th Amendment. (Speedy, public trial, attorney, charges, & witnesses)

  39. Question 38 What case established judicial review? (Marbury v. Madison)

  40. Question 39 What fraction of the state legislatures must approve a constitutional amendment before it takes effect? (3/4)

  41. Question 40 Give 2 examples of expressed powers of Congress. (Coin money, regulate trade, raise taxes, make laws, etc.)

  42. Question 41 • Name a reason the colonists opposed the Stamp Act? (No taxation without representation, salutary neglect, double tax, singled out)

  43. Question 42 How many states had to ratify the Constitution before it took effect? (9)

  44. Question 43 • What is the method for electing the President called? (The Electoral College)

  45. Question 44 • What state’s plan was supported by the small states? (New Jersey plan)

  46. Question 45 • What is the only right denied to a naturalized citizen? (They cannot run for President)

  47. Question 46 • What are the three parts of the US Constitution? (The Preamble, the Articles, and the Amendments)

  48. Question 47 • Who wrote the propaganda pamphlet Common Sense? (Thomas Paine)

  49. Question 48 • What power over law-making does the President have? (Veto)

  50. Question 49 • What amendment gives the states “reserved powers”? (10th)

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