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Homework #3 due now Bonus #2 posted Homework #4 is due 12/3/07 (only if needed) No class W 11/21

Homework #3 due now Bonus #2 posted Homework #4 is due 12/3/07 (only if needed) No class W 11/21. Genotype. Phenotype. Dominant. Recessive. Human blood types. AA or AO. BB or BO. AB. OO. If Frank has B blood type, his Dad has A blood type, And his Mom has B blood type…

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Homework #3 due now Bonus #2 posted Homework #4 is due 12/3/07 (only if needed) No class W 11/21

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  1. Homework #3 due now Bonus #2 posted Homework #4 is due 12/3/07 (only if needed) No class W 11/21

  2. Genotype Phenotype Dominant Recessive

  3. Human blood types AA or AO BB or BO AB OO

  4. If Frank has B blood type, his Dad has A blood type, And his Mom has B blood type… Should Frank be worried?

  5. Mom=B blood BB or BO Dad=A blood AA or AO possible genotypes

  6. Mom=B blood BB or BO Dad=A blood AA or AO possible genotypes all A / 50% A and 50% O all B / 50% B and 50% O Gametes

  7. Mom=B blood BB or BO Dad=A blood AA or AO possible genotypes all A / 50% A and 50% O all B / 50% B and 50% O Gametes Frank can be BO = B blood …no worries

  8. Grandparents AB and AB Mom=B blood BB or BO Dad=A blood AA possible genotypes all B / 50% B and 50% O Gametes all A Frank can be BO or BB = B blood …Uh-Oh

  9. Pedigree, tracing the genetic past Dom. Rec. Rec. Dom.

  10. We can also predict the future Fig 2.12

  11. Inheritance of blood types Mom = AB Dad = AB

  12. Inheritance of blood types Mom = AB Dad = AB A or B Gametes: A or B

  13. Inheritance of blood types Mom = AB Dad = AB A or B A or B Gametes: Dad A or B Chance of each phenotype for each offspring 25% AA 50% AB 25% BB AA A or B AB Mom AB BB

  14. Single genes controlling a single trait are unusual. Inheritance of most genes/traits is much more complex… Dom. Rec. Rec. Dom.

  15. Genotype Phenotype Genes code for proteins (or RNA). These gene products give rise to traits…

  16. Human blood types AA or AO BB or BO AB OO

  17. Genotype Phenotype Genes code for proteins (or RNA). These gene products give rise to traits… It is rarely this simple. Figs 1.15-17

  18. Incomplete dominance givers rise to blending.

  19. Human blood types AA or AO BB or BO AB (Codominance) OO

  20. Sex determination is normally inherited by whole chromosomes or by number of chromosomes.

  21. X/Y chromosomes in humans

  22. The X chromosome has many genes; the Y chromosome only has genes for maleness.

  23. Human sex chromosomes Fig 2.25

  24. X/Y chromosomes in humans should give rise to equal numbers of males and females

  25. 105 males : 100 females (live births) Why?

  26. 105 males : 100 females (live births) Why?

  27. Sex-linked traits are genes located on the X chromosome

  28. Color Blind Test

  29. Sex-linked traits: Genes on the X chromosome A= normal; a= colorblind colorblind normal No one affected, female carriers similar to Fig 2.27

  30. Sex-linked traits: Genes on the X chromosome A= normal; a= colorblind normal normal 50% of males affected, 0 % females affected similar to Fig 2.27

  31. Sex-linked traits: Genes on the X chromosome A= normal; a= colorblind colorblind normal 50% males affected, 50% females affected similar to Fig 2.27

  32. Sex-linked traits: Genes on the X chromosome A= normal ; a= colorblind No one affected, female carriers 50% of males affected, 0 % female affected 50% males affected, 50% females affected similar to Fig 2.27

  33. Homework #3 due now Bonus #2 posted Homework #4 is due 12/3/07 (only if needed) No class W 11/21

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